Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

Definitely not rocking the Ozzy look !View attachment 45650
I reckon when Morrissey was going to high school at Hollywood High if he was a Greaser or a Letterman. Reckon he was a Letterman because he ran track, but he turned in to a Greaser when he graduated
inn n n nn n n n it.
What horror movies dealing with demons and exorcism fail to understand, cause they never really studied it, is that there is no fear involved. There is surprisingly not anything to be scared of. Demons can only communicate through people and that goes for those people that passed away as well.
When we talk about poltergeist phenomenon that comes from souls or demons with such energy they can reach back into the real world and move things. But I believe that is a two way communication cause without any people there they are not able to gather the energy needed.
Most people who've never experienced anything of this believe they would freak out but another side of us takes over and we soon realise we are in control because we are the ones who are alive.
Thinking: the only curse of Oak Island is having to sit through an entire episode.
People into useless things that are trendy like yoga who have to travel the world just to do their yoga. It is amazing how useless cultures was able to sell these myths and hoaxes around the world.
Take acupuncture that was all the craze like 10 years ago but I have not heard about it ever since. The only thing it does is make people warm and dizzy and some even throw up.
Zumba dancing came and went and people paid and looked like fools in the process. I think the orientals with their weird things should study vitamins and minerals cause a goats arse won't heal your lips no matter how much rice and paedo porn you idiots consume.
Subspecies is just Moz being kind.
Even though he’s a nut job racist I still feel sad for poor ole Urbie :straightface: wtf is wrong with me :confused:

:lbf: I used to feel like that about Morrissey...Nothing is wrong with you. It will pass.

I must confess I find Urb's constant efforts to irritate cute though. Unlike Morrissey, he really puts his heart into it. You do get that "aww, who's that wee lost puppy trying to bite at people's ankles there?" feeling.
A bit.
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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