Richard Attenborough dies - Morrissey statement at

Link posted by an anonymous person (original post):

Richard Attenborough dies -
26 August 2014

"I was thrilled beyond words to have met Richard Attenborough, who, of course, played Pinkie in Brighton Rock (1947), a central theme of my song Now my heart is full. When I met Sir Richard he was delightful, and I asked him if Brighton Rock seemed like a hundred years ago. He replied 'Oh, much more than that ...'.
I also had the extraordinary pleasure of meeting the recently deceased Lauren Bacall ... so beautiful, so cautious ... and so sad that her death was overshadowed by that of Robin Williams. It was Lauren, not Robin, who changed motion picture history. Yet modern media has an odd way of forgetting the more senior servers of the arts. Dora Bryan, whom I knew personally in the late 80s, and who also died in recent weeks, had pitifully slim attention from the British news media, yet her talents were a treasured staple of British life throughout the 1950s, 1960s and beyond. Dora had agreed to introduce the Smiths onstage at the London Palladium in 1986, but at the last minute her agent asked for a fee which we, the Smiths, just couldn't afford.
However, in our X-factory society, it seems that anyone who has NOT appeared on Big Brother just isn't worth remembering by the British media ... alas."


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Just log in, dumbass. FFS.
I'm not sure what this has to do with David Attenborough.

Morrissey ended his statement talking about the sad state of media.
Why would you do that? It's his show, he's allowed to talk. And being rude is a good way to get him to storm off of the stage and ruin the show for everyone else. Don't go to his shows if you don't want to hear him speak.

Why would I do that? I think it was pretty obvious, I wanted him to shut up and sing...

As far as him running off the stage? These days, all it takes is for someone to sneeze in his general direction for an entire tour to be cancelled. You should be more worried for my well being considering that he is supposedly asking his security team to "take care of" people in the audience he doesn't like.
Yes.....and Yes.

Back to Robin Williams, a few years back he made a movie..."World's Greatest Dad". I thought it was terrific but I don't know anyone that saw it. I guess it was a big flop.

It was labeled a comedy but it wasn't. There was so much truth in it and I think that somebody like Morrissey would really like it.

When Morrissey speaks on TTY he evidently just speaks his mind and I don't take any of it too seriously. Just like Henry Rollin"s rant about Robin Williams....I just knew that was coming from a place of fear and vulnerability and anger. Now he's apologized and hopefully we'll all learn something from this.

Where's Morrissey's apology? Gas the prat's career. He's a pseud.
I'd rather read Morrissey throw all my favorite artists and musicians under the bus than read one sentence of you pretending to write like Morrissey or convey his thoughts. #creepy #passthevomitbucket #fantasyland

Morrissey's throw himself under the bus...."write down everyword I say".
BrummieBoy, you are the biggest pathetic c*** ever!

Your life must be completely empty and worthless to find the time to follow an artist you don't like day to day activity.

For every singer I like there are 100 I don't, so using your logic I would troll the 100 artist I don't like to let their fans know I don't like those artist. Makes no freakin sense.

Go back to eating Oreo cookies, watching child porn, reading comic books and sucking your dad off. But, please for heavens sake stop posting at this site!
I wish he'd understand that he's endorsing the morals of the 60-85 demographic who don't have buying power and chastising the generation's cultural icons who do. You know that feeling when one of your fave musicians says they like another musician you like and you get all warm and fuzzy about it and want to continue to align with them since you have common interests? Morrissey doesn't play that angle and he could so easily. Some things he should keep to himself, if he really hates all movie stars today he should keep that to himself becuase it isn't going to help album sales. Do we love him becuase he's outspoken? Yes. Do we often go 'Ohhhh mozzer. There you go again." Yes. But when he's wondering where the sales are he should turn to the retirement communuty he's aligned himself with and ask why they haven't asked their great grandkids to download his mp3 for them.

I'm under the impression he doesn't hate today's stars, he's just stuck in a "And the good ol' days..." shaking his fist rant which has a time and a place, preferably not directed at your target audience with loads of iTunes credit just waiting to blow it on something.

I love his singing voice, some of his lyrics and his contribution to the wonderful musical landscapes of WPINOYB. Does that give him a pass to be a hateful troll prat? No. He's not 'outspoken' in any way beyond any other nutter who stands up at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park to rant. There's no meta-narrative or context to his ravings, no political action or solidarity to back it up.

It's just like Tom Wolfe described the modern art world decades ago: "Radical Chic". He's just a curator of cultural obscurities with a delusional persecution complex that tells him the reason why he never became as famous as MJ/Robin Williams/Madonna is because there's a 'conspiracy' in the music business to stop his 'radical Outsider Agenda'. Just one problem: he hasn't got one! He's an utterly conventional Face Time Attention Whore Fame Hag who will bend and spread for any Corporate Rock Whore record label or concert promoter who can score a profit from selling the Morrissey Myth one last time.

He's a Capitalist Entrepreneur who doesn't want to risk his own Capital on promotional videos or tours and still imagines there's a monolithic recording industry to rail against. The stupid fcuk turns up for promo video duties with Pamela Anderson then doesn't even monitor the Final Cut? And he's supposed to be a Serious Artist? My arse! She is. He isn't.

In his latest career suicide-note on TTY, he bemoans X-Fcuktor, even after being pilloried for the risible "Kid's A Looker" yet fails to understand that he won the NME X-Factor show in 1983 when Paul Morley and others gave him the winning prize with Green Gartside the runner up. It was a print media show as technology didn't allow the NME to audition obscure bands from Manchester. Many at the time raised questions as to his temperament and ethics but because he seemed to be articulating a progressive agenda through his appropriation of Wilde/Genet/Cocteau/Warhol, he was given the benefit of the doubt. All along, many, including myself, have continued to exercise forbearance throughout his many, many hissy fit tantrums and Diva dramas, not to mention his offensive derogatory remarks about David Banda, Otoya, Chinese Vegans and on and on. He was told in no uncertain terms that he had one last chance to come up with the goods. And he did! WPINOYB could and should have been a new beginning, but the poisonous troll in the cave of his heart/mind just couldn't resist being a smart-arse and now he'll pay the price.

Gas his career
Torch this fraud torch singer
Get off of the! stay!
Long may we mock you!!!
Morrissey: The Consumer Monkey was an insult to simians.
He's a hopeless little troll who got lucky.
Now, it's payback time....

"I know so much more than I'm willing to say....."

At first I was pissed as I thought I'd have to give up listening to WPINOYB, but now, I just listen whilst I have "Dead Poet's Society" on loop on my 50 inch BrummieBoy telly. It's priceless, even if I'd have preferred it to be the soundtrack to a renaissance after his supposed near-death health issues. Probably more diva drama nonsense hyped for publicity. He probably only had a bad cold anyway, given his ludicrous tantrum over Kristeen Young imagined hex on his endless American tour.

And as a document of a life poisoned by bitter failed dreams of Fame, Fortune and Socio-Political Relevance, WPINOYB is a simply stunning soundtrack to FAILURE!

Robin William's life wasn't a failure, even if he lost his battle. At least he had the good grace to try oblique strategies to try and beat the demon Black Dog rather than fake it for decades like Corporate Rock Whore Morrissey. It's time for a Morrissey Dignitas Kickstarter.

It's all good! He's now the funniest comedian on the planet, albeit that's not what he intends. Robin Williams must be LOL'ing in Heaven as he watches the troll-fest career car-smash. "Dissing me, Moz? Yo! How's that one working out for ya? Nanu! Nanu!"

With every good wish and LOLs!
Yours, in Jubilo
"Robin Williams is now a Secular Saint"

ps: Young people HATE Morrissey now and think he's the WORST BOOMER FRAUD EVER. They might listen to HSIN or FOTGTD if it pop's up on "Dad's Ipod Stuff" but if the evidence of my kids and their super-hipster cohort is widely shared in their generational peer group, he's a figure of both ridicule and contempt. But they shed tears for Robin Williams......
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Too late BrummieBoy....the cat's outta the bag.

You've revealed yourself. Of course it could be that you just had a bad day,...... but I kinda doubt it.

Well, there's always Taylor Swift. I'm sure she's not bankrupt when it comes to art.

This cat's got 9 lives. Try again. epicFAIL! Taylor Swift is Joni Mitchell+Jane Austen+Audrey Hepburn. Morrissey is a fat faker pseud. End of .
BrummieBoy, you are the biggest pathetic c*** ever!

Your life must be completely empty and worthless to find the time to follow an artist you don't like day to day activity.

For every singer I like there are 100 I don't, so using your logic I would troll the 100 artist I don't like to let their fans know I don't like those artist. Makes no freakin sense.

Go back to eating Oreo cookies, watching child porn, reading comic books and sucking your dad off. But, please for heavens sake stop posting at this site!

Can I have a link to your MySpace profile? I've been posting at this site since 2007. I'm hardly likely to stop when bitchez like you are slurping my dick. I won't be following you to the Off-Topic thread. Now f*** off unless you've something to say about Morrissey's TTY meltdown which has, effectively, destroyed his career. It only took him one & a half sentences, that's really rather remarkable as an epitaph, career-suicide note. Much better achievement than biggest ever singles chart listing for Taylor Swift, hey? !

"...and so sad that her death was overshadowed by that of Robin Williams. It was Lauren, not Robin, who changed motion picture history."

Taxi to Dignitas clinic in Switzerland for Morrissey The Consumer Music Troll Pseud!
BrummieBoy: I'm not going to read that long rant, assuming it's all accurate then what are you doing here?

If in your opinion Morrissey sucks, that's fine, I'm not arguing that you don't have the right to think he sucks. But then why do you bother coming to this site? Go to the sites of artist you enjoy and have some pleasant conversation with like minded fans.

However you posting your hatred here makes zero difference in anyone's life especially that of Morrissey's. If you think he is going to read your post and get enlighten by it an change his ways is crazy.

The decisions he makes good or bad, they are his to make. No one has a gun yo your head to follow or listen to him. Move on, nobody cares what you have to say. Seems like you need everyone to know you are clever, there is something phycological wrong in that. Why do you need people to validate you?

You obvious have a lot to say and are very opinionated, so find a group where you can share your thoughts with others who are interested. This site is not for that. This is a fan site.
BrummieBoy: I'm not going to read that long rant, assuming it's all accurate then what are you doing here?

If in your opinion Morrissey sucks, that's fine, I'm not arguing that you don't have the right to think he sucks. But then why do you bother coming to this site? Go to the sites of artist you enjoy and have some pleasant conversation with like minded fans.

However you posting your hatred here makes zero difference in anyone's life especially that of Morrissey's. If you think he is going to read your post and get enlighten by it an change his ways is crazy.

The decisions he makes good or bad, they are his to make. No one has a gun yo your head to follow or listen to him. Move on, nobody cares what you have to say. Seems like you need everyone to know you are clever, there is something phycological wrong in that. Why do you need people to validate you?

You obvious have a lot to say and are very opinionated, so find a group where you can share your thoughts with others who are interested. This site is not for that. This is a fan site.

Hiya babs!
Shazza here...BB's gone. He's busy. Can't pass this on as it's been answered many, many times.
Soz about dat!
Tara a bit!

Sharon McCormick
The Secretary to "BrummieBoy"
Hello everybody.

There's a lot here for me to get through. My inbox has been inundated with messages over the past few weeks, mostly from attention-seeking troublemakers looking to make a name for themselves. It won't work – the majority of those messages had such offensive and barely literate titles that they were deleted without being opened. To the people who made disparaging comments about Sookie the Secretary: fc-uk you. Reveal yourselves. Come off 'Anonymous' and say it again, I challenge you.

No, Sookie wasn't "named after a character on 'True Blood'", is logic not your strong point? She was born in 1991, so how could her parents have named her after some character in a television show which began in the '00s? If you were asking whether 'Sookie' is her real name or not: that's none of your business. For all intents and purposes she's 'Sookie' to you and that's all you need to know. It may or may not be her real name, that's irrelevant, but if we were going to change her name the last place we'd look for inspiration would be the cast of some teenybopper vampire drama. I like watching Jack Benny and Abbott & Costello; I've never seen 'True Blood', 'American Horror Story' or any of those programs, and neither has Sookie. She already spoke about which TV shows she enjoys watching in her introductory post earlier this month, so let that put an end to all the speculation. If you're going to private message us then at least keep it sensible and succinct.

It gets tedious wading through the incomprehensible logorrhoea in an attempt to find something resembling the English language as we usually know it to be written.

To the charlatan who claimed that "Brummie, Mozambiguous, MIDNIGHT and Benny are the same person" (you know who you are); we find your observations *fascinating*. Please, regale us with more of your insightful 'hunches' *grasps chin in awe and wonderment*. Srsly! I'm really interested! *rolls eyes*

If Brummie, Mozambiguous, MIDNIGHT and Benny are one person, I suppose that means Shazza, Sookie, Rebecca McCormick, and BB's Project Team all came from the mind of the same individual as well? Including the Project Team, that's well over one dozen different personalities that you're attributing to a single man/woman/ indefinable/inbetweenie.

Don't you realize how crazy that sounds? It's madness! Shazza McCormick got banged up for less, it seems you may be ready to join her. A 'psychogenic fugue' if ever I saw one. Keep your opinions to yourself 'going forward' or your new 'habitus' will be in 'eternal ignore' - or as I like to call it - the 'Index Personas Prohibitorum'. This was alluded to in a previous post, but I thought I’d allow the fear and tension to build before revealing the details: it's similar to the Index Librorum Prohibitorum but with even less chance for appeal. Once you're placed on it you're not heard from again, so tread carefully. That goes for everybody on this website who tests my patience.

BrummieBoy may be the Father-Guardian-Angel, but Mozambiguous is Judge-Jury-Executioner. Just say a word to set me off and it'll be the Bloody Assizes all over again. Who'll be "the first of the gang to do time"? A word of advice to you all: keep your heads down and your opinions to yourselves and it won't have to concern you. When you make it onto the 'Index' it's tougher to escape than if you were locked in the Tower of London during its barbaric heyday.

Don't believe me? Sookie, tell 'em! (Please believe him! You have to! He means it! It reminds me of the time on Eastenders when..)
Okay, that's enough. Mary Anne (With the Shaky Hand), tell them! (Pleasenfkgfngnfkgfdkdgndnjkkndfjngnjgdjkfghnhjhdfb)
Je$u$ Chr!$t, lady! Keep your hands steady, will you? I'm making a phone call later today to get you an appointment for Monday morning with an orthopaedic specialist!

As far as I'm aware, BrummieBoy and I are not the same entity (although I do sometimes have blackouts which cause me to be unaware of what has gone on for the preceding 8-10 hours... however that doesn't mean I've been moonlighting as 'BrummieBoy' during my ‘dark hours’. But of course… "je est un autre", etc.) Reading BrummieBoy for the first time was certainly a revelation, similar to how I imagine many 'Young Americans' felt in the 50s-70s upon discovering Ginsberg/Kerouac/Selby. "I saw in him the side of me which sometimes makes me jump with fright."

You could consider me his hype-man [the Ed McMahon to his Johnny Carson, the Flava Flav to his Chuck D and so on], an admirer, understudy or future heir. Take your pick. As for MIDNITE and Benny, I simply appreciate their contributions. MIDNITE has a lot of empathy and passion, while Benny has a quick wit and vigorous intellect. Why should I explain anything to a Broadmoor-bound-big nose anyway? Or to anybody else for that matter.

I shouldn’t! In fact, a thought has just occurred to me… anyone who wishes to cross swords with Mozambiguous in future can address their challenge/complaint to Sookie, who’ll pass it on to Mary-Anne. If Mary-Anne deems it worthy of a reply she’ll send it back up along the line to Head Mistress Sookie who’ll then notify me that some twit on Morrissey-solo has a death wish. The only thing which might spare your life/online reputations is that Sookie is notoriously forgetful, and Mary-Anne doesn’t speak a word of English, so the chances of anyone here receiving a prompt reply are very slim indeed! Bless yourselves and thank the Heavens for your good luck. Insha’Allah, you might live to fight another day. Just pick on someone your own size...

I’m a towering giant, and so handsome that like Omar Borkan al-Gala I’m banned from entering certain countries because my mere presence is likely to corrupt and scandalize the natives. I’m running out of countries to live in now, next I’ll be looking for shelter on Rockall. For anyone thinking of sparring with Mozambigious: you’re no match for me, not in your wildest dreams, back slowly away….. I’ll just toy with you for a while before banishing you to the everlasting Jahannam of ‘'Index Personas Prohibitorum’, so it’s not worth the hassle and humiliation.

I’ll brief Sookie on the new set-up later today, but right now she’s busy in the other room with Mary-Anne doing the Ice Bucket Challenge.

As for the latest Morrissey *facepalm* moment: LOLOLOLOLOLOL! What more can you say? A new nadir. Is it time to go back into hiding yet, or will he save that for when the tour abruptly gets cancelled? Maybe it won’t even begin! There’s no room on Rockall with me though, he can sink or swim on his own… I won’t be tossing any lifejackets. We note there’s a new fatwa on him from BB, but the Baby Banda fatwa should never have been rescinded. Personally, I haven’t forgiven him since the first time he said “only seals perform”. Not only is it a trite statement, but it implies that a seal’s daily activities are somehow beneath him. So he’s above doing something a seal would do, is he? I thought he was supposed to be some sort of animal rights activist, or he likes to pretend to be one anyway, so what kind of message is that sending? Humans are better than seals? Then he tries to nullify those atrocious comments with the anti-seal clubbing rhetoric from last year. But he made his true feelings crystal clear with “only seals perform”.

If I see him bobbing up and down in the water around Rockall I’ll get Sookie to hold his head underneath, to teach the fcuker a lesson. For Robin, and the seals. And the rest of us! LOLOLOLOL!

R.I.P to Robin, Richard, Lauren Bacall, James Garner, Dora Bryan, Morrissey’s career……

Judiciously yours,
Judge Jeffries
(one of the 'lovelies' me fly.....)
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Hello everybody.

There's a lot here for me to get through. My inbox has been inundated with messages over the past few weeks, mostly from attention-seeking troublemakers looking to make a name for themselves. It won't work – the majority of those messages had such offensive and barely literate titles that they were deleted without being opened. To the people who made disparaging comments about Sookie the Secretary: fc-uk you. Reveal yourselves. Come off 'Anonymous' and say it again, I challenge you...

It gets tedious wading through the incomprehensible logorrhoea in an attempt to find something resembling the English language as we usually know it to be written.

To the charlatan who claimed that "Brummie, Mozambiguous, MIDNIGHT and Benny are the same person" (you know who you are); we find your observations *fascinating*. Please, regale us with more of your insightful 'hunches' *grasps chin in awe and wonderment*. Srsly! I'm really interested! *rolls eyes*

If Brummie, Mozambiguous, MIDNIGHT and Benny are one person, I suppose that means Shazza, Sookie, Rebecca McCormick, and BB's Project Team all came from the mind of the same individual as well? Including the Project Team, that's well over one dozen different personalities that you're attributing to a *single man/woman/ indefinable/inbetweenie.

Don't you realize how crazy that sounds? It's madness! Shazza McCormick got banged up for less, it seems you may be ready to join her. A 'psychogenic fugue' if ever I saw one. Keep your opinions to yourself 'going forward' or your new 'habitus' will be in 'eternal ignore' - or as I like to call it - the 'Index Personas Prohibitorum'. This was alluded to in a previous post, but I thought I’d allow the fear and tension to build before revealing the details: it's similar to the Index Librorum Prohibitorum but with even less chance for appeal. Once you're placed on it you're not heard from again, so tread carefully. That goes for everybody on this website who tests my patience.

BrummieBoy may be the Father-Guardian-Angel, but Mozambiguous is Judge-Jury-Executioner. Just say a word to set me off and it'll be the Bloody Assizes all over again. Who'll be "the first of the gang to do time"? A word of advice to you all: keep your heads down and your opinions to yourselves and it won't have to concern you. When you make it onto the 'Index' it's tougher to escape than if you were locked in the Tower of London during its barbaric heyday.
Don't believe me? Sookie, tell 'em! (Please believe him! You have to! He means it! It reminds me of the time on Eastenders when..)

Okay, that's enough. Mary Anne (With the Shaky Hand), tell them! (Pleasenfkgfngnfkgfdkdgndnjkkndfjngnjgdjkfghnhjhdfb)
Je$u$ Chr!$t, lady! Keep your hands steady, will you? I'm making a phone call later today to get you an appointment for Monday morning with an orthopaedic specialist!

As far as I'm aware, BrummieBoy and I are not the same entity (although I do sometimes have blackouts which cause me to be unaware of what has gone on for the preceding 8-10 hours... however that doesn't mean I've been moonlighting as 'BrummieBoy' during my ‘dark hours’. But of course… "je est un autre", etc.) Reading BrummieBoy for the first time was certainly a revelation, similar to how I imagine many 'Young Americans' felt in the 50s-70s upon discovering Ginsberg/Kerouac/Selby. "I saw in him the side of me which sometimes makes me jump with fright."

You could consider me his hype-man [the Ed McMahon to his Johnny Carson, the Flava Flav to his Chuck D and so on], an admirer, understudy or future heir. Take your pick. As for MIDNITE and Benny, I simply appreciate their contributions. MIDNITE has a lot of empathy and passion, while Benny has a quick wit and vigorous intellect. Why should I explain anything to a Broadmoor-bound-big nose anyway? Or to anybody else for that matter....

I’m a towering giant, and so handsome that like Omar Borkan al-Gala I’m banned from entering certain countries because my mere presence is likely to corrupt and scandalize the natives. I’m running out of countries to live in now, next I’ll be looking for shelter on Rockall. For anyone thinking of sparring with Mozambigious: you’re no match for me, not in your wildest dreams, back slowly away….. I’ll just toy with you for a while before banishing you to the everlasting Jahannam of ‘'Index Personas Prohibitorum’, so it’s not worth the hassle and humiliation.

I’ll brief Sookie on the new set-up later today, but right now she’s busy in the other room with Mary-Anne doing the Ice Bucket Challenge.

As for the latest Morrissey *facepalm* moment: LOLOLOLOLOLOL! What more can you say? A new nadir. Is it time to go back into hiding yet, or will he save that for when the tour abruptly gets cancelled? Maybe it won’t even begin! There’s no room on Rockall with me though, he can sink or swim on his own… I won’t be tossing any lifejackets. We note there’s a new fatwa on him from BB, but the Baby Banda fatwa should never have been rescinded. Personally, I haven’t forgiven him since the first time he said “only seals perform”. Not only is it a trite statement, but it implies that a seal’s daily activities are somehow beneath him. So he’s above doing something a seal would do, is he? I thought he was supposed to be some sort of animal rights activist, or he likes to pretend to be one anyway, so what kind of message is that sending? Humans are better than seals? Then he tries to nullify those atrocious comments with the anti-seal clubbing rhetoric from last year. But he made his true feelings crystal clear with “only seals perform”.

If I see him bobbing up and down in the water around Rockall then I’ll get Sookie to hold his head underneath, to teach the fcuker a lesson. For Robin, and the seals. And the rest of us! LOLOLOLOL!

R.I.P to Robin, Richard, Lauren Bacall, James Garner, Dora Bryan, Morrissey’s career……

Judiciously yours,
Judge Jeffries
(one of the 'lovelies' me fly.....)
[edited to fit 10k word limit]

As far as I know, I have no 'Hidden Alters' that I'm unaware of, so I'm reasonably sure i'm NOT Mozambiguous, though I do suffer from Amnesia so it's possible, milord. "all of the rumours..." I'm also fairly confident that I'm NOT Morrissey and that I've never met Morrissey and he's never met me. Though, reading "Autohagiography" it's clear he, like me, has a rather selective recall of places, events, faces, darkened underpasses, etc. You'd have to ask him and he prolly can't remember neither. It goes with the Unreliable Narrator schtick that everyone should have figured out once Salinger did it to perfection. "Oh, Phoney!"....

I *might* be MIDNITE but I can't be Benny The Butcher as I'm Virtually Vegan/Seagan so that wouldn't make sense, would it? I agree that Seals should not be dissed as they have extensive military training and could probably find where Morrissey is hiding out and feed him to the fishes like wot they did with Osama. The Moderators can confirm that my I.P address is different to the others as it's really that simple these days, isn't it? If I'm in Ireland and I want anyone monitoring me to know it, I reveal it. If I'm in Billund or Gothenburg....perhaps not! Repeat: I am NOT Morrissey and his is NOT me and he never, ever came to Brum, didn't see the Sexy Pissers at Bogart's and Barbarellas and we never met. That's that. But I have a funny feeling that Mozambiguous *might* be Morrissey. Or Judge Jeffries in this world or the next... Only the Moderators can track his IP address and tell if it's on some canal boat in Gas Street Basin near to where Cliff Richard's gaff used to be/still is..oops! Cuz Moderators Rule! LOOOL!

Now, Sharon, no more interruptions other than crude or subtle sexual overtures. You were right to bring this one to my attention but unless it's Frank or Casper at the front door, I need peace to think, to write, to dream...and to plan my trip around Europe to mock and scoff at Lord Morrisseye, Ye Olde Punk Rocke Boomer Pseud Fraud "posing as Suicidalist"....

PS/NB: I'm NOT going to answer any emails about personal data. I've made it very, very clear that anything and everything that was or is sent to me about the real life identities/foibles/scandals of anyone on this site is unsolicited and unwelcome. However, I have a legal obligation to retain it. Under lock and key in a military bunker on Dartmoor. Srsly. And I can confirm that I have never received ANY requrest for information about anyone from Team Morrissey or any of their lawyers. If I ever did, I'd tell them to fcuk off. On one level, the Interweb is lulz, but on another level it's where the real WPINOYB battle is being fought. This site is important, far more important that the ridiculous diva Morrissey's epicFAIL careerist attempt to become a global icon/star/legend/whatever. He isn't. Never was. Never will be. But someone out there is/was/always will be....even if he/she/they haven't made themselves known to Herd Culture just yet.

Did you really think you'd get away with dissing BrummieBoy once you'd fled Moseley, bitch? Ask John Lydon what happens to uppity eejits from London with a big mouth who try it on with Sabbath Legionnaires. Same treatment for Madchester shambolic pseuds like you.

We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forgive.
Morrissey: Expect us!
Nanu! Nanu!

With every good wish, and with a purple, papal flourish!

[The Pope Of Pop & Country'n'Irish White Trash Cracker-Trailer Park-tastic Rockabilly Punk Rock]
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