The Daily Mail's 'Nick Clegg' o'matic

vaca peluda

Pissed Aunt Sally
The Daily Mail's 'Nick Clegg' o'matic and Michael Howard Sings The Smiths

Nick Clegg is a bloody good politician and the fact Daily Fail do not like him just highlights that they would much rather invest in researching where the body of Hitler is. How can they piss on Nick Clegg's political fish-fryer when they have mighty mouth and secret BNP supporter and giant Tory buffoon, Richard Littlejohn, working for them.

Click on the link below to see what the Daily Mail's and Daily Telegraph's headline is going to be right up until the 6th of May.
After all, the Daily Mail are only shit-headed enough to include a headline, 'Nick Clegg will give your pension cancer.'

ADDED - Just want to add this, not sure if anybody else knows it. It's called 'Michael Howard sings The Smiths' As patronising as ever -
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My mam reads the daily mail, I've tried to ween her away with heroin and E's but she still persists.

I hear yer love! :thumb:
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