The first Image of Morrissey I ever saw...

For me it was his voice (with TS) for quite a while until I saw the Coma video. He was just like I had imagined him. But the next time I saw him (I didn't watch much TV) was the Ignore me vid. And I remember thinking "Who the hell does he think he is?" and looking at my arm with all its hair standing up. And smiling. Like something had clicked.
Also, my nutsy aunt, who prefers me to call her cousin, went to a fortune teller when I was 10 and told her about me that someone with an M was going to be a tremendous influence in my life. My cousin thought it was my mum, Maria. Ok.
To the best of my recollection...

I first saw Morrissey in the video for I Have Forgiven Jesus, and was very intrigued by him, and became rather addicted to the song, and video.
I also remember seeing a performance of Everyday Is Like Sunday, which really kick started my wish to find out more about him, and his music.
The first still picture, as far as i remember, was the cover of Suedehead, The Best Of..., which i found to be a beautiful picture.
The first image that made me see him in a physically attractive way would have been the cover of Your Arsenal. :o
And i have seen many more lovely images in the time since, largely thanks to the frink thread. :D
It is a spectacularly embarassing video. Doesn't help that I first saw it on Beavis & Butt-head. They were speechless when the saw the band-aid on his nipple, and it was a priceless moment that I'll cherish forever. :D
beavis and butthead and their opions and that moz "november" video around 07.50 -09.48 its there

i was never was a fan of these guys.. does anybody remember daria the spin off? she was great..but its rarely re-runed
Comtesse, I don't think that was the image. Although I have described that photo in my post, it doesn't seem to be the one in my mind. I'm still thinking cardigan and shoes, maybe I'm getting old.
It is a spectacularly embarassing video. Doesn't help that I first saw it on Beavis & Butt-head. They were speechless when the saw the band-aid on his nipple, and it was a priceless moment that I'll cherish forever. :D

Well, the band-aid made me speechless too :D I always thought that something had happened to his nip, like it had got sore or something.... Ow!
As a young teen, I remember in the same week in 1984 hearing What Difference Does it Make? on the "Rock Over London" show on KITS in San Francisco, and picking up the latest Star Hits or was it Smash Hits and seeing a photograph with Moz with wild shirt that looked as though it was really a pajama top.
Then my love affair began!
My first image of Moz was this:


...and another I can't find easily right now (brightly colored striped shirt, he has his chin resting in his hands). I was 13, I had bought the 1988 year end issue of Smash Hits because it featured the singer I idolized at the time, who was having a very big year (not telling who...). There were a couple of pages on Moz, and just reading about him, even in easily digestible list form, I was intrigued. I had never even heard any of his music, but I knew I'd like him if I heard him. In the next couple of years, I saw a couple of videos (Interesting Drug), heard bits of his songs here and there, I even caught him on The Tonight Show (Carson). Finally....I got Your Arsenal, and that sealed the deal, it was love forever :p
The first time I saw and heard Morrissey was the summer of 2005 when dad was playing a very strange (at least it was to me at the time) CD whilst we were having a BBQ. Panic was the track playing, I remember thinking the lyrics were ludicrus, lol.
So I picked up the case, looked at the tracklist to see what the song was called and was met with...

the first photo i really saw what he looked like was when I picked up the book Morrissey: Shot at the book store and thumbed through it. i came across the one where he was standing in front of the band in a series of shots where he was signing the cross.

i remember thinking he looked oddly intense...
When I was a kid, maybe 12, living just north of Manchester, in or around 1984, I saw a photo in my weekly pop music magazine - I can't even remember the name of that mag (have I grown that old?).

Anyway, the photo was of a band and I noticed they were so plain compared to all the other bands. I didn't know this band, but I could tell the frontman with his tall quiff, or maybe he was in the center of the shot. Thing is, I have never seen this photo again, anywhere on the net. Maybe I have just missed it, but I've looked through lots of collections.

The setting seemed to be in a large delapidated warehouse or mill, and Morrissey was in one of the window frames I think. The more I think about it, the less sure I can be about a description. Maybe there was a set of photos, because I can see Morrissey standing and sitting, or maybe I was just dreaming. I dearly want to see that photo again. Can anyone help me here?

it was so long ago, it could have been this picture:

I must have seen him in the 80s, but I can't consciously remember, though I vaguely recall thinking The Smiths were irritating for some reason. I was very young.. My first clear memory of him is in 1992 when he was filmed backstage at Madstock and ironically said something like 'into the lion's den, I think', before bravely marching out to face a wall of booing and flying bottles. I immediately decided that this was the single Greatest Human Being Who Had Ever Lived, and bought 'Your Arsenal'. And so it began..
I vaguely remember it being the front cover of Viva Hate in Woolworths in 1989, (yes I know Viva Hate was released the previous year!)

It was around the time I discovered his full name scrawled on a chair at school - "Steven Patrick Morrissey".

It all seems more interesting in the days before the internet!
Several friends of mine have made mention of a picture from a record signing several years where an overanxious male fan attempted to stick his hand down Moz's troussers..Does anyone know if this actually exists..I can only imagine the expression on Moz's face.
well...I first heard/saw the HSIN vid on MTV in the mid-80's, so it was that tiny clip that (cue Roberta Flack music) was "the first time ever I saw your face" ~ LOL :)

I vaguely recall the first picture I saw of him was from some music mag (Rolling Stone? Spin? Star?) that my co-worker brought in, but I can't remember what it was. My co-worker also gave me copies of Meat is Murder and Strangeways -on cassette tape!- around 1988-89. I'm forever indebted to him for beginning my Moz obsession.

I bought Viva Hate when it came out -with his dark mysterious smug mug on it- but it wasn't till I got Bona Drag did his pic become so ingrained in my brain as my 'first' real, tangible picture of the man I was now officially obsessed with. This record means so much to me.


p.s. I'm really showing my age in this post (yet again!) esp when I read when other people 'discovered' him/his pics... Yikers.
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