The Official Replying to chica Thread

You Are A Poplar Tree


People tend to look up to you, and it's a bit lonely at the top.
Inside, you are not always self confident, but you show great courage.
Mature and organized, you are reliable in any situation.
You tend to have an artistic or philosophical outlook on life.
You are very choosy in love and take partnership seriously.

P.S. I love pancakes. Good thing there's non-dairy Reddi-wip. ;)
edit 33:Bien sûr! I shall banish the cat. Will you bring Kickstand with you, or the two of you can part for a while??? (ooooh, jealous! :p)

Who ?
You Are A Rowan Tree


You are full of charm and cheer. You light up a room.
And while you crave attention, you do it without ego.
You are an interesting mix of contradictions - and very unpredictable.
You are both dependent and independent, calm and restless.
You are passionate, emotional, gregarious, and (at times) unforgiving.

Ok, that is the least accurate desciption of me I have ever read.
Hey chica, you're awfully quiet! Shouldn't you get a boost now from all the posts you held up so long?
Hm, can I say f***f***f***f***f***fu


on any thread?
you're so cute when you're frustrated.

yes you can :)
Thank you

(it's a virtual f***, you know, but they say the real thing relieves stress too)
Hmmm.... I have researched that theory and can confirm it is true.:D
Thank you hatfull, could you tell us if it always works or it depends on quality?
I may have to do some more research to check.... I'll report back soon!
Well, I think I might have a kind of date at the weekend, so it's one step closer to more research...:D
I hope you will look into it thoroughly... And possibly tell us about particularly stress-relieving techniques!

Is it someone you met last night???
Well, let's see what happens first... no, I didn't meet him last night, I've known him a while in a round about way. Not a big deal though (honest!)
ssssssshhhhhhhhh, I'm hijacking!!!!

I tried to google you a picture of a good looking man to go here, but when I googled "hot man," "gorgeous man," and even "beautiful man" all I saw was a bunch of beefy stupid looking losers. :rolleyes: :p
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