ticket prices



the reason why mozzer's tix cost so damn much is because of the multitude of AIDS tests he takes..hey moz don't be a dave and pass on the buck ya monkey-face!

by the way, whoever drew those pictures..thats frickin funny, he does look like that...wheeeze!
Joey, been burned, eh? Instead of thinking about buying Moz tickets, you should save your money to buy youself that crack that you're on.
> Joey, been burned, eh? Instead of thinking about buying Moz
> tickets, you should save your money to buy youself that crack
> that you're on.
why don't you stick your head in the @#!!!ing sand and wait for Sunday to come you punk!
Re: Greasetea's poop

> the reason why mozzer's tix cost so damn much is because of the
> multitude of AIDS tests he takes..hey moz don't be a dave and
> pass on the buck ya monkey-face!

You wouldn't have liked the concerts anyway. You could have gone to the venues to fight in the parking lots/streets though. That's more your style.
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