What do you think of the group/man The Darkness????

  • Thread starter Mr.Improper PIMP to the Red Wings Organization
  • Start date

Mr.Improper PIMP to the Red Wings Organization

I think they/he/it rocks....Their new cd is pretty good. The guy wears that sort of david lee roth jump suit,that guy's cool.
Haha, Mr. Improper. I went to their L.A. show a few weeks ago. They do indeed rock. So for once, I will give you a compliment. I'm glad you're not too cool to like The Darkness.
That dude/group rocks........ I like them.They sound like 80's cinderella...."shake me all night".
Their website is www.thedarknessrocks.com. At least we know they're modest!
sorry but they suck... big time!

as any other group that sounds like a queen/guns n roses/van halen hybrid
Re: sorry but they suck... big time!

The last part of your name is correct....You are an anus. But dont take my word for it,just ask yourself,you called it,I just reconfirmed it.
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