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  • It's really unbelieveble how exhausted you get from being around children all the time. They're both angels and I like them both so much but you just get exahusted.
    Yesterday when I took Poppy to the supermarket there was an old lady there and Poppy just looked at her and screamed "Mister angry-paaaaants!!!!".
    Noo, he doesn't think that. Here, do you want your dummy? Do you want to cuddle? Where is duckie, where's your duckie? It works on Immie and Poppy so I thought it might work on you to.
    It's really good hours and I don't have to do any cleaning etc. which most au pairs have to. I said that it's really no problem for me to make the kids beds, put on some laundry etc.

    How old are you? To be a nanny you generally need a certificate that you're physically and mentally healthy BUT it's in the end all up to the family who they want to hire. So I don't think anything is impossible.

    If you want to come to London you're really, really welcome to stay here with me/us, I mean it. I could even take you to a little trip to good old sweden if you would like to!
    I have 3 days every week completely off (friday, saturday and sunday) and monday, tuesday, wednesday I work 6 hours and thursday I work 3 hours....I know, it's a bit laid back : )
    I have my own bedroom and bathroom in the house. The dad is in the military so it's a military house, it used to be an american base here so it's actually an american house. It feels typical american, it's really modern and clean.
    Right now the mum is at home so I'm getting to know the kids and the parents and so on. I'll not start for real for another week since that's when the mum starts working. I've just read a night time story to the oldest girl, she's so sweet, they both are!
    How sad, it's a bad copy of fiskar. I got my period today and I think I'm getting a cold, and I'm nervous, and I can't sleep.....
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