Kilt Uncle

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  • Children like this just shot a man in a nice place called Eastwall. He took pity on them, fixed their bikes etc, then one day they knocked out the street light outside his house, knocked on his door at night with hoods up, when he was chasing them out they went up an alley then shot him.:(

    Dunno, soon. Nice place. Not too soon, but in a monthh maybe
    She's not, not really. :( She's nice on the face of it, but she's nasty if you're a consumptive little commie like me. :(:p All teachers dislike absentees, really, but most understand that their job is to make sure you understand what they're teaching.

    I hope for what's left of your sanity it is all over soon and you get your life back on track. :p:)
    :eek: I was certain I replied to the last message, then I realised I didn't!:rollseyes:

    Yeah, finished it!:)

    Oh, well, thinking is always ones downfall
    Well, I told her I wasn't there, and then she went at me that it was my responsibility to catch up on the work I'd missed. :mad: Well, why should I even go to school to be taught if I can be an autodidact? Stupid, stupid, stupid teacher doesn't know how to keep her job. :mad:

    Ahhh, that's a shame. :( I'd want it to be over and done with.
    It goes quite badly. :( I got an E in Religious Studies, so I have to retake the test tomorrow. That solves nothing, because she didn't give me time to find a classmate to give me the notes from the lessons I missed. :mad: Stupid teacher.

    How are you? Have you moved yet? :)
    Yes, at home. speaking of which - what's happening at your end? Although if you're sick & tired of thinking about it, don't worry.
    What's your favourite song?
    I like the small wee hours as well. They feel magical- even more so when you are walkign in the adark of a city centre.
    WEll four packets of quavers then:).
    :( boo
    Ha ha your Mum's right it's never like that in morning:p.
    Yeah but she had to leave school ecuase of it:(.
    Quavers? dear how dare you not say Quavers:p.
    Any luck with your situation?
    My mum was shotuing at me to get off:p.
    It was a few years back but it was an other company and it was shows just up the road for me:(.
    :p we all want chips:p.
    It was pretty crap. Sorry i had to run off quick last night:(.
    A girl i know from school had her neck crushed by one of those rides!
    Oh my God that is pricey!
    Thanks for checking in darling! :)

    Funeral isn't till next Monday...Christmas is a popular time for one to pop ones clogs it seems! :(

    All good here...the children are in full-on advent calender opening/school Christmas play/general seasonal mayhem mode...which is a timely distraction!

    Hope all is well darling?

    Take care!

    Love Alma xxx
    I Said Hey If I Put KY Jelly On Your Eyeball.......:) I'd Swap A Secret W/ You If I Thought You Had A Good One To Trade...
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