a REAL Smiths fan for David Cameron

Re: Protest picture girl

She's very well-spoken. Good find.
Re: Protest picture girl

Johny Marr twittered about the English forest sales, and other trends suggesting a disenfranchising of citizens are being decried in sections of the press: attitudes to immigrants - http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkin...campaign=Feed:+opendemocracy+(openDemocracy)# ; privatisation of the health services - http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkin...campaign=Feed:+opendemocracy+(openDemocracy)# ; and loss of values of state investment e.g. "..Conservatives are no longer advocates of ‘the Conservative Nation’, which once informed and inhabited their politics. Nor are they in one sense strictly unionists, in that they understand and grasp the union state nature of the UK. They have instead become arch-unitary state believers. In this they have become, perhaps unwittingly, constitutional vandals and ahistorical in how they understand the history, make-up and nature of the UK..." - http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkin...campaign=Feed:+opendemocracy+(openDemocracy)#

Could it be time for a new song about a guillotine?! :guitar:
north east student
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