Re: Chill - Confessions of Troll Girl.

> So, by your logic then, the non-obessed Moz fan, the person who hardly
> ever comes to Moz-Solo, and who spends no money traveling halfway around
> the world to a gig in Manchester, has the right to abuse others for not
> being real fans??

Just because someone has the free time to spend 24 hours a day on Morrissey-solo and the spare cash to fly to Manchester does not make them a person than Chill. So what if she posts on other websites.
fao: chill

Some of you call BG a cloud over the land. But you make the weather and then you stand in the rain and say "Shoot it’s raining!"
Re: fao: chill

> Some of you call BG a cloud over the land. But you make the weather and
> then you stand in the rain and say "Shoot it’s raining!"

who is bg?
Re: Chill - Confessions of Troll Girl.

I know that. It's just if your read the posts he can be very endearing, charming, generous, witty, friendly, nice, & helpful. As much of an arse as he can be, he is also very loving, David. Chill is not. She either demeans people, intimidates them, or is at the very best neutral. She cannot laugh, smile, or take an exchange lightly. She takes this site deadly serious and she treads upon this Earth with a heavy foot. Chill has no love to give, none. Zero. And she even flaunts it.. Whatever BG's faults, whatever his health problems, I'd rather go through life being able to love and feel something other than hate or conceit. You see David, there is something wrong with Chill. She considers this kind of talk the mushy gushy stuff of rubbish, for these emotions make her ill. There are realists among us, there are jaded people about, but Mindy's attitudes of anger & negativity & rage go far beyond what society deems acceptable. Go look at the posts and you will see the full rainbow of emotions from BG. You will see only those emotions mentioned from Mindy. Though she has wasted much of his time (as he has hers), I believe BG went after Chill, not to troll her, but to change her, to improve her, to show her that her way of treating people is not good, and that there is a better more positive, more optimistic way to view life. And from his posts, he suggests that he did this, because he was once more angry, more jaded, and more negative than she was. And then, as he admitted, at 28 years old or so, he realized that those emotions get you nowhere in life - you just end up hurting yourself and alientating those who love you. In trying to help Chill, he became a little like her, like his old self. He regressed. Guilt by association. BG saw so much potential in Chill, he has said. So BG took to Chill, IMHO, because he thought he could change her for the better.

And of course he was wrong about that.
Re: Chill - Confessions of Troll Girl.

It is clear that Chill has nothing to contribute to this discussion board.
I take Effexor 300mg also and mostly I'd say it works out fine for me. I tried cutting the dosage though and found I started to get anxiety attacks so I had to go back up to 300mg again. I've tried others but Effexor has been the most consistent for me.
Anti-depressents work best in conjunction with some psychotherapy. The drugs work to help you stay on an even level and the thearpy helps you to look at your issues and work through them. That is if you get a good therapist!
Good luck to all the people on here using medication. I hope a day arrives when you'll cope without them.
I think you missed the point Mindy. But what would you expect from a USC student?

BG probably couldn't care less if people post under multiple IDs so long as they are not trying to make themselves look like him. That is what he took issue with, not the fact that Marcus and Nick were obviously the same person.

Enroll in remedial reading comprehension courses immediately.
> I take Effexor 300mg also and mostly I'd say it works out fine for me. I
> tried cutting the dosage though and found I started to get anxiety attacks
> so I had to go back up to 300mg again. I've tried others but Effexor has
> been the most consistent for me.
> Anti-depressents work best in conjunction with some psychotherapy. The
> drugs work to help you stay on an even level and the thearpy helps you to
> look at your issues and work through them. That is if you get a good
> therapist!
> Good luck to all the people on here using medication. I hope a day arrives
> when you'll cope without them.

Shirtlifter- thanks for your comments- I totally agree- psychotherapy is the best combination when taking anti depressants. I used to get the anxiety attacks as well when I tried to cut down but now I just stay on the 300mg.level. I am fortunate that I have a really good psychiatrist (except that he chain smokes throughout the session lol ) I concur with you, I also wish everyone good luck on anyone on here using anti anxiety meds or anti depressants. I really wish I could live normally without them, and I'm working on it. But, as they say, "Better Life Through Chemistry" Kali
Honor your agreement and do not respond to his posts, Chill.
BG is a piece of shit.

> BG probably couldn't care less if people post under multiple IDs so long
> as they are not trying to make themselves look like him. That is what he
> took issue with, not the fact that Marcus and Nick were obviously the same
> person.

Oh, you mean kind of like when you used to try to convince people that you were me and posted death threats against yourself? You are such a f***ing hypocrite.

> Enroll in remedial reading comprehension courses immediately.

I'm not going to read all of your little rants in this thread and I will only reply to this one, but you've got a lot of nerve telling me to keep up my end of the bargain when you can't seem to stop f***ing talking about me here. I think you're the one that needs the remedial reading classes since you obviously missed that part in our "peace treaty." By the way, I didn't know clown college had a PhD program.
Re: Are you talking to me?

> I'm really confused.

> Um, I'm sorry if I offended you in some way.

> This is kind of the reason I've been a lurker on this board for so long.
> It just seems like complete chaos and I was a bit intimidated to start
> posting.

> And uh, I guess for good reason.

> Can you please clear things up for me?

Ignore them, they most likely have mistaken you for someone else.

And besides, we need nice and polite people like yerself on here. So please stay. (A fellow medicating Morrissey-fan.)
Re: Chill is a piece of shit.

> you've got a lot of nerve telling me to keep
> up my end of the bargain when you can't seem to stop f***ing talking about me

You replied to him first funnel cakes.

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