"England Is Mine" trailer

I caught myself questioning the reason why "Rusholme Ruffians" was being played during the :55 minute mark into the trailer.

Given the time period this film is set in, I think that is almost definitely going to turn out to be '(Marie's the Name) His Latest Flame', not 'Rusholme Ruffians' which nicked the same riff.
Crikey! Moz's eventual missive about this dross is going to be totally Epic!
Watching the trailer, I think it's quite possible the movie will make many people listen to The Smiths and Morrissey
Looks quite watchable. Since there never can be an absolutely precise biopic, the only thing I really ever demanded were some witty dialogues - which I don't think will be missing for... it's about Morrissey. But still, I am a little bit put off - I probably shouldn't be - by the notion that everybody encouraged him all the time, held "Go out there and show them"-Speeches or cared too much about his mental health. The case was more likely the other way around, I think it was rather he who really had the will and hope to go down in musical history than anybody around him. I also don't think Linder was that happy, selfless and hopeful at the time. See, I expected nothing and am slightly disappointed still, so I must be the problem.

Well I do think he did have some encouragement from his friends like Linder James and Duffy. It's hard to imagine being in a young band playing there first shows and not at some point make an encouraging remark to your band mates
I think they need to add that woman saying his full name one more time to really make this trailer cool.

I'll reserve judgment until I can actually see it, but it did look like an attempt to turn him into the ultimate folk hero or something. I enjoyed watching the personal transformation from the late 70's Morrissey to the more recognizable early 80's Morrissey.

The end scene with Johnny just about sells the entire thing.
I just hope they include a scene where Moz sees the ghost in his house. They could turn the whole film into The Conjuring 3. The tagline: 'I am the ghost of troubled Joe'
High hopes for this, and still not dashed...

Just a real pity they weren't allowed to use Smiths music in the film (or am I misinformed?)
As far as I know it pretty much wraps with Johnny knockin' on the door.

But come to think of it, 2-3 Smiths songs on the soundtrack timed with the formative events behind them could've worked.

High hopes for this, and still not dashed...

Just a real pity they weren't allowed to use Smiths music in the film (or am I misinformed?)
If that is so, it's better than money.
Money is printed paper and coins. We have that here in the civilised world whereas you only have bananas and coconuts and we don't want no bananas today.

When will you start to love me for my oh so funny jokes?

Why do they make films when they cannot play the music. It will sound like those Nirvana documentaries with weird music sounding a bit the same grinding on in the background.
It looks ok.
The art house / world cinema style trailer is exactly what I'd of predicted - I think by basically including the ending in the trailer they join a huge list of other films that are totally summed up in a few minutes, but I remain optimistic.
I suspect that once seen there will be little reason to engage with it further. That said, the 'official' response will be entertaining. Lyn Boorer managed an ambiguous 'wow' today, but time will tell.
england is mine movie

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