Hang Up Your Fantasies Morrissey-Solo Girls



..sorry to say this Girls, but this is Moz's true fantasy. She even sings to him every night--

I crack the whip
and you skip
but you deserve it
you deserve it, deserve it, deserve it

Looks like you're stuck with us boys here............................

PMSL hahahahahahaha. I have to admit that as a Brit I don't know who she is but I get the general idea (is it that woman they're always taking the piss out of on South Park? Kathie Lee Gifford - that's it. Thank god for google )

> Looks like you're stuck with us boys here............................

Now THAT is soooo depressing. Hmmm who should I choose? What dya reckon girls?

that aint kathy lee gifford. she's a blonde. i have no idea who that is, but she sure is scary looking.
> that aint kathy lee gifford. she's a blonde. i have no idea who that is,
> but she sure is scary looking.
Aren't you the one from California and aren't you anti-Bush? Don't you think someone as informed on an infinate number of subjects as yourself should know who could potentially be house Minority leader?
Unless, of course you were too busy having fantasies about my man, Mr. Improper.
That must be it.
1) i dont have a TV

2) most people dont know what their representatives look like - it's a sad fact

3) the election just happened

4) i honestly dont give a f*** as i am very annoyed at this election (has to do with a certain father of mine not forwarding my absentee ballot to me)

5) go f*** yourself!

> Aren't you the one from California and aren't you anti-Bush? Don't you
> think someone as informed on an infinate number of subjects as yourself
> should know who could potentially be house Minority leader?
> Unless, of course you were too busy having fantasies about my man, Mr.
> Improper.
> That must be it.
> 1) i dont have a TV
Do you read a newspaper? Do you have access to the internet?

> 2) most people dont know what their representatives look like - it's a sad
> fact
So does that mean you shouldn't either?

> 3) the election just happened
So what?

> 4) i honestly dont give a f*** as i am very annoyed at this election (has
> to do with a certain father of mine not forwarding my absentee ballot to
> me)
Why didn't you contact the elections board yourself and have an absentee ballot sent yourself?

> 5) go f*** yourself!
> Do you read a newspaper? Do you have access to the internet?

i dont get a newspaper at uni. while living at home, i got two and a news magazine. yes, i have access to the internet. before the election, i even *gasp* looked up information about the various candidates. are you aware that not all of them have pictures online? or the sites i looked at didnt always have pics anyway. in any case, when i found out the republicans had the house majority, i lost interest. this country continues to go down the f***ing toilet.

> So does that mean you shouldn't either?

no, it doesn't, but don't get all high and mighty.

> So what?

it doesn't justify my not being able to recognise her picture, but by the same token, most people wouldnt be able to. are you british? because i just read a survey that said something like 80% of all brits couldnt name more than 2 world leaders. guess which two they did know? yes, that's right, bush and blair. so don't act like i'm some kind of evil, ignorant person.

> Why didn't you contact the elections board yourself and have an absentee
> ballot sent yourself?

uh, because i thought it was in the f***ing mail! i live at uni but my uni is only 20 minutes or so from my house. i dont want to change my official mailing address because 1) i think im going to transfer and 2) i dont want my mail to continue coming here during winter and summer vacations and it's a pain in the ass to keep changing it. now, i would have got an absentee ballot sent to uni if i hadnt told my dad to forward on to me the one i had them sent to my house.

now please, do as i say, and go f*** yourself.
Mindy, I have nothing against you, but it's getting boring that every thread on a variety of subjects turns into a slanging match between you and someone else. It's becoming really tedious. I know you're just defending yourself but please, can't you start another little argument thread or something?

Hope you don't take this wrong, I'm not having a go, I'm just getting frustrated at reading the same old rows between the same old people.

yes, i tire of it too. i like your suggestion. someone should start a slagging mindy thread (as though they havent done that before) which i can then ignore. i'll start one now.

> Mindy, I have nothing against you, but it's getting boring that every
> thread on a variety of subjects turns into a slanging match between you
> and someone else. It's becoming really tedious. I know you're just
> defending yourself but please, can't you start another little argument
> thread or something?

> Hope you don't take this wrong, I'm not having a go, I'm just getting
> frustrated at reading the same old rows between the same old people.

> GD
No no,f*** you you rimjob giving liar. Dont ever talk to my woman like that or it's back to getting bitch slapped again.
> No no,f*** you you rimjob giving liar. Dont ever talk to my woman like
> that or it's back to getting bitch slapped again.
Thank you Mr. Improper. I love you more and more everyday. I look at your pic you sent me and you are absolutley yummy.
Until we can be together.
when i found out the republicans had
> the house majority, i lost interest. this country continues to go down the
> f***ing toilet.
The Republicans had House Majority for the past several years. IF you "Lost Interest" and don't vote you really can't complain. Your excuse about not receiving your mail is lame.

> no, it doesn't, but don't get all high and mighty.

> it doesn't justify my not being able to recognise her picture, but by the
> same token, most people wouldnt be able to. are you british? because i
> just read a survey that said something like 80% of all brits couldnt name
> more than 2 world leaders. guess which two they did know? yes, that's
> right, bush and blair. so don't act like i'm some kind of evil, ignorant
> person.
No, I am not British and I am unclear as to why my nationality is at issue. What is the relevance of Brits not knowing World leaders to your own situation. While your at it can you provide a link to this 80% poll.
On a personal note, I find it quite sad you can name all Morrissey's B sides and his facial expressions in Suedehead but cannot be bothered knowing your Government Officials.
1) i know they had the house majority for several years. why else did bill clinton get next to nothing done while in office? surely he can't have been receiving THAT many blowjobs.

2) my not receiving my mail is a perfectly valid excuse. by the time i realised my dad hadn't sent it, it was a bit late to request a new one.

3) fine, you arent british, but i have seen worse statistics about americans.

4) it's quite sad that instead of getting a life you criticise me for not knowing one member of congress by her picture. it doesnt mean i dont know who she is just because i dont know her face. moron. i suppose i should go memorise the name and face of every member of congress just so i can prove to nimrods like you that i am not stupid. oh wait, no, because i don't care that much. i am moving out of this country first chance i get anyway.

5) even if i didnt vote, i still have a right to complain. i used to complain before i turned 18. did i not have a right then because i didnt vote? i wasn't allowed to vote then and i wasn't able to vote this time either through no fault of my own. so go f*** yourself or your man, mr. improper.

6) morrissey has done more for me than this godforsaken country, so why shouldnt i memorise his face and b-sides (although, truth be told, i don't even have all the b-sides yet, so again, you can go screw yourself)?

7) i will no longer be replying to your messages as they are useless flamebait, completely irrelevant to anything and everything.

> when i found out the republicans had
> The Republicans had House Majority for the past several years. IF you
> "Lost Interest" and don't vote you really can't complain. Your
> excuse about not receiving your mail is lame.
> No, I am not British and I am unclear as to why my nationality is at
> issue. What is the relevance of Brits not knowing World leaders to your
> own situation. While your at it can you provide a link to this 80% poll.
> On a personal note, I find it quite sad you can name all Morrissey's B
> sides and his facial expressions in Suedehead but cannot be bothered
> knowing your Government Officials.
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