hey kids! there is an Austin presale going on!


New Member
i just happened to go to www.gettix.net, clicked on the Moz icon and it let me buy tickets with the greatesthits password!
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it says (for rams head) you can only buy 2 or 4 at a time..
and wow are they ever overpriced. WOW.
Yeah, I saw that too, but $135 for GA at the Backyard? That's just karazy! The Backyard is the gateway to hell. I'm sure of it. I think I'll wait to buy tickets at Waterloo.
oops! i meant:


sorry, they are two different websites.

mine were a grand total of $42.
I just got 2 tickets for the Austin show and only paid like $84. What is up with the $135? The whole show in general admission.
I just got 2 tickets for the Austin show and only paid like $84. What is up with the $135? The whole show in general admission.

that's my bad. i originally put gettix.com which apparently is another website that sells tickets for a ridiculous price.
YES!!! i just got mine thank you so much for posting this thread I was gonna wait til Saturday!!!!
Thanks. I now have my ticket for Austin. It was a bit cheaper then the ticketmaster price I paid for the Houston Moz show.
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