Love Music Hate Racism by Fiona Dodwell - Tremr

Moz´s big mistake was ´coming out´ in favour of For Britain. It´s a bit like the whole thing with his sexuality. Say enough to make it obvious but at the same time retain the mystery. His anti-Brexit and anti-mass immigration views are one thing, but stating ´let´s all vote for For Britain´is quite another. He´s an artist for f***´s sake. Art should stay above such base concerns as party politics - Oscar Wilde wrote about the soul of man under socialism but he never told anyone who to vote for - he would never have been so vulgar. Moz should have known that giving public support to a specific political party would only serve to compromise himself - and unltimately compromise his art (as it has now done with shows being cancelled).

I don't think he really cares. The masses are brain dead in Britian. You take one sentence someone says, accuse them of something , use the word racist as if you really know what it means, and talk about the one thing he said for a month. As far as I'm considered , this little episode is just a way to weed out the rats. Morrissey will always be loved.

As for Uncle Skinny, the video on the game show he was on says it all. You are a really creepy dude Skinny. I would walk on the other side of the side walk if I saw you coming.
Would you rather I just kept if factual and called you a boring racist shitbag?

Whatever you prefer, the vodka comments were obviously not serious, it's boring to be on the attack about your racism all the time.

I may be boring,in your opinion.
That's cool.
Good to see you admitting that your joke was just that too.

But calling me a racist with ,again,not a shred of evidence, is really ridiculous.
Please explain how you came to this conclusion.
Would you rather I just kept if factual and called you a boring racist shitbag?

This is just hate speak.Labelling someone who said you were wrong about Morrissey's drinking habits a RACIST.
The more you use such a term in a nonsensical way the less it means anymore.
Terrible the way people are zooming in on the racist things people are saying and calling them racists and not mentioning that fact that they also said some things that weren't racist.

If Eric Clapton is a racist how come there's nothing racist in the lyrics of Layla?
I may be boring,in your opinion.
That's cool.
Good to see you admitting that your joke was just that too.

But calling me a racist with ,again,not a shred of evidence, is really ridiculous.
Please explain how you came to this conclusion.

When you walk in a room does everyone age by ten years? My God.
This is just hate speak.Labelling someone who said you were wrong about Morrissey's drinking habits a RACIST.
The more you use such a term in a nonsensical way the less it means anymore.

Obviously you have no sense of humour but as you talk in exactly the same way as Morrissey - I'm sure it isn't an accident with some of the creepy wierdos that hang on to him. I was referring to you as if you were him.

Obviously calling Morrissey a racist isn't nonsensical. Well it is if you're a racist because modern racists, Urbanus aside, don't like to be called racist.
When you walk in a room does everyone age by ten years? My God.

I wouldn't have thought so.

Once again,no evidence for saying I am racist.None whatsoever.

Can you not see that bandying around terms like racist when unfounded merely weakens the meaning of the word?

But,no,you can only insult,call names but never back up your argument.
Terrible the way people are zooming in on the racist things people are saying and calling them racists and not mentioning that fact that they also said some things that weren't racist.

If Eric Clapton is a racist how come there's nothing racist in the lyrics of Layla?

Absolutely. I mean, what’s wrong with racists these days? In my day it was racism for breakfast, followed by a racist shower. The racist car driven to my racist job. A bit of racist lunch, with a racist kip to follow. Back to my racist job for the afternoon, with a bit of racism with my racist colleagues. Listen to Racist Drive time on my drive to my racist home. A quick pint or two with the racists down the Old Racist Pub. The on the way home I’d pick up a good old English curry.
Obviously you have no sense of humour but as you talk in exactly the same way as Morrissey - I'm sure it isn't an accident with some of the creepy wierdos that hang on to him. I was referring to you as if you were him.

Obviously calling Morrissey a racist isn't nonsensical. Well it is if you're a racist because modern racists, Urbanus aside, don't like to be called racist.
Oh,you thought I was Morrissey!
I'm not. Thanks for the compliment,however back handed,likening my "talk" to someone with a wonderful command of the English language.
That's nice.
Obviously you have no sense of humour but as you talk in exactly the same way as Morrissey - I'm sure it isn't an accident with some of the creepy wierdos that hang on to him. I was referring to you as if you were him.

Obviously calling Morrissey a racist isn't nonsensical. Well it is if you're a racist because modern racists, Urbanus aside, don't like to be called racist.

"Modern racists" what left wing Pollo commie blog you got that off?:crazy:
For Charlie it’s all a bit of fun, calling people racist for no reason at all. Then say they lack a sense of humour when they deny.

But UncleFinance is actually serious about this, which makes him potentially a very dangerous man.
Obviously you have no sense of humour but as you talk in exactly the same way as Morrissey - I'm sure it isn't an accident with some of the creepy wierdos that hang on to him. I was referring to you as if you were him.

Obviously calling Morrissey a racist isn't nonsensical. Well it is if you're a racist because modern racists, Urbanus aside, don't like to be called racist.
I agree Dave Haslam is a creepy weirdo, to say something with concern over terrorist attacks does not make you racist, not in my opinion, the whole problem stems from bombings, driving vans into crowds etc, which are carried out by ISIS in the name of Islam, how can anyone condone such atrocities? You also mention "Humour" in the above, this is not humour, not the killing of innocent people. You should take these things more seriously, and calm down the smug attitude you have, maybe when a relative of yours is killed in such an act you may well do. Your not God.
Well, last weekend someone on here knew someone who worked for the promotors of the Manchester shows, and they said that apparently only 38% of tickets had been sold for each night, roughly. Almost all of the shows still had standing tickets left, but I know that in Edinburgh they weren’t even opening the upper balcony either; there were also still seats available on the first level balcony in addition to standing. For Sweden, you could zoom in and choose your own seat. and literally about 10% of the seats in that massive amphitheater were taken-there we’re still loads available in the even the very front sections. A friend in Germany told me that when she bought her tickets a few weeks ago, they said that the standing in the arena wasn’t even half sold out yet. People on here said that it looked nice like even Reading and Portsmouth has pretty poor sales. It looked like the only show that sold well was Denmark. Make of all that what you will.

That's pretty damning if true (and probably is).
The World Cup is on as well. Come on Sweden
I agree Dave Haslam is a creepy weirdo, to say something with concern over terrorist attacks does not make you racist, not in my opinion, the whole problem stems from bombings, driving vans into crowds etc, which are carried out by ISIS in the name of Islam, how can anyone condone such atrocities? You also mention "Humour" in the above, this is not humour, not the killing of innocent people. You should take these things more seriously, and calm down the smug attitude you have, maybe when a relative of yours is killed in such an act you may well do. Your not God.

I hope Dave Haslam is going to sort all our problems out, but I just don't see how going to Deansgate Locks, taking a load of Cocaine, MDMA, Ecstacy, mixed with alcohol is gonna do anything for anyone, these substances mash your brain, and let's face it that's what will be happening there.
I agree Dave Haslam is a creepy weirdo, to say something with concern over terrorist attacks does not make you racist, not in my opinion, the whole problem stems from bombings, driving vans into crowds etc, which are carried out by ISIS in the name of Islam, how can anyone condone such atrocities? You also mention "Humour" in the above, this is not humour, not the killing of innocent people. You should take these things more seriously, and calm down the smug attitude you have, maybe when a relative of yours is killed in such an act you may well do. Your not God.

Chezz became GOD by reading third rate commie Islamic propaganda books.:crazy:
Relatives are mostly Islamic if you catch my drift.:rock:
Sensible words. Will hopefully spark something in Has-been’s empty cranium.
I can't believe there are many Smiths or Morrissey fans who aren't disappointed by his views when it comes to race. His support of Tommy Robinson, his support of Ann Marie Waters, his support of For Britain are all things which are the opposite of my moral standpoint. This is not about free speech it is about the undisputed content of what Morrissey said and what his beliefs clearly are. He is now lauded by people from For Britain, an undeniably right wing movement. Having seen the Smiths in the '80's and then seen him probably another 13 times I have turned a blind eye to his utterance for the last time. From my standpoint his views on race, which are now pretty consistently right wing, are no longer acceptable to me. That doesn't mean I would deny him the right to express them but does mean that I will no longer be paying to see him, listen to him etc. I truly believe he has sullied his legacy and I truly believe my opinion is echoed in many, many Smiths and Morrissey fans.
fiona dodwell
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