Mark Simpson writes about Moz on his site

and he always did.

v. nice quote: "... Morrissey’s curlies cannot be ignored.

It’s funny how Morrissey manages to repeatedly surprise people with his consistent, insistent coquettishness. "

rest not too interesting.
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I enjoyed this and thought it was funny. Even if it was tongue in cheek, it was clever.

"Even today, it’s still an absolute and legal requirement of all tickets sales that Moz strips off his sweat-soaked shirt at least once every show and throw it into the crowd, who instantly rend it to tiny fragrant shreds, which they then appear to eat. If Morrissey doesn’t get his tits out for the lads and lasses you’re fully entitled for a full refund, I believe."

and I like this one too...

"And, centre of shot, perhaps his most enduring relationship of all: the one he has with his hair."
As always, great commentary by Mark Simpson. I also liked his Prop. 8 post too! :guitar:
He starts the week being a farmer, and finishes it being a pub landlord?
So versatile!

:eek: Just when does he find the time to paint views of Westport :love:, you might wonder, lost in admiration...
Very funny reading indeed, amusing.
Thanks for sharing!
Cheers Moz
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