"Morrissey 25: Live" reviews by Alan Jenkins (TLS), Dickie Felton

Right. You speak on behalf of the WORLD because you are an AUTHORITY on what the WORLD does and does not care about. Full of yourself much?

How you interpret Morrissey's statements and criticism he receives is YOUR opinion. What gives you the right to dismiss other people's theories? Because you are the AUTHORITY on all things in the WORLD? Get over yourself, douche.


Mate you're a grown adult. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and i'm looking forward to seeing it, but the film hasn't showed the world anything. The world, by and large, doesn't care.

Also, if Morrissey makes a ridiculous statement about the hospitalisation of a pregnant woman or UKIP or whatever, any criticism he receives is certainly not an attack on you, or me.
okay where do i start? I love meat, I almost got the hotdog combo before the film before I thought better of it, you don't weigh 16 stone eating lentils you know. I certainly don't buy everything moz releases, he has released some rubbish in his time, I just think the percentage of poor material is small compared to all the great stuff he's released. As previously posted I have never had a moz gig cancelled on me, and that's 20+ gigs and counting. And no I don't take any notice of what the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost post. But I will admit you and your cohorts do keep this forum interesting, if it was all bland and boring platitudes to moz I wouldn't keep coming back here.

That's why this site is so rare. It's not just a 'fan' site, though those poor creatures are left unmolested on the 'fink thread' and others. It's also a site for The Audience. And for Free Speech, unless or until DavidT decides he's had enough of that crap and changes his politics/philosophy or some Corporation that 'rebel' Morrissey signs with offers him a huge amount of cash to erase the server back-ups leaving only a few fragments stored elsewhere. Then, in that blissful Year Zero, Chairman Mao/Moz can go back to the tranquility of reverential praise from a compliant, corporately subverted payola media: just like in the 80s/early 90s, before Madstockgate, when any and all criticisms of Moz's imperious nonsense were precluded from the 'comments' section of physical newspapers.

Even if this site proprietor takes the silver coins, it won't change a thing, unless Morrissey sues everyone here into silence, like some demented High Court Judge / House of Lords-Fraud, or joins forces with the NSA/GCHQ and succeeds in "shutting down the Interwebz". Good luck with that one, Caesar Obama and Chairman Moz. What could possibly go wrong?

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