MORRISSEY CENTRAL- World Love is All of Our Business

That's gay

Yeah, awesome isn’t it?
“World Love is All of Our Business”

Could this be the title of his new album?

Just wondering...
World love is all of our business?
And please vote for a party that wishes to slash tax for the rich, spend billions of pounds more on the military. stop giving aid to any poor nations on the planet, and immediately halt any attempts to end the climate crisis. The very definition of 'love'!
In the Middle East those two gents would be hurled screaming from a tall building.

Just a thought.

But a funny one.
Someone's trying out a new graphics pad

I don't know what is more concerning, the fact that it took you 43 minutes to comment upon a post on Solo - 42 minutes longer than usual - or that you are looking at a Morrissey site - that's a site dedicated to Morrissey...the man you hate - at 5.30am. On a Sunday.

You are a colossal twat.
In London I'd throw those two gents as they hurled screaming from a tall building - no need to tavel to the middle east for hatred when they can experience it right here, courtesy of yours truly. It's a constant thought I have. It's not funny.

In the Middle East those two gents would be hurled screaming from a tall building.

Just a thought.

But a funny one.

Stop trying to be the extreme rightwing posterboy. You sound like a twat and the homophobia makes you look ridiculous.

Especially on the Morrissey fansite.
I'm fairly certain the audio tape didn't lie and c***y-balls ended up with a fair bit of egg on his face.

Besides the parts that were edited out by the interviewer, no, the tape didn’t lie, and neither did Morrissey when he said .....

‘rape is disgusting, any physical attack is repugnant‘

‘I hate rape. I hate attacks. I hate sexual situations that are forced on someone.’

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