Dwayne Rufus

OH maaaan! Amerikkka.. it's number ONE! Yeah.. man, all you loosers (sic) can't take the fact that AMERIKKKA is the greatest country on earth. Oh maan, "I'll see you in far off places" is a great sawwwng as it's all about Bin Laden - he's a terrrrrrst. He's against amerRRIKKKKAaa. He's the only terrrrrrst in the whole World and a "baddie".. he wasn't so bad before 2001 but now he's EVIL... DUDE.. WE GOTTA FIGHT TERRRRRISM. The World revolves around Amerrriikkka, because we're number ONE and people hate us because they're JEALOUS. There's no other reason.. they wish THEY were amerikkkan too.. loosers (sic). AMERIKKKAN SOCIETY, AS THE LAND OF THE FREE, CAN'T AFFORD TO ALLOW TERRRRRRISM TO WIN.. AS AMERRIKKKANS WE MUST DEFEND FREEDOM. Islam is wroooooong.. Christianity ROCKS! Yeah.. ameriKKKaaa. We just gorra control our borders too. I mean, our way of LIFE as amerRRIKKKans is threatened! Let's come together - Morrissey has shown he UNDERSTANDS what it is to be an amerrrRIKKKKAn (facing all that jealousy) in the 21st century, and also the importance of the CHRISTIAN God (HELLLOOOOO. "DEAR GOD PLEASE HELP ME?" it SHOWS which God is number one!).

U - S - A! U - S - A!
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