Morrissey: The Prime Minister Britain Actually Needs by Charlie Nash - Gateway Pundit

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Morrissey: The Prime Minister Britain Actually Needs - Gateway Pundit
Guest Post By Breitbart’s Charlie Nash


The British General Election is on Thursday, and the people are faced with a disappointing range of candidates. With the success of Brexit and Nigel Farage’s departure, UKIP are as good as dead, and Tim Farron’s Liberal Democrats have marketed themselves as a more anti-Brexit clone of the Labour party, leaving us with two main party candidates to choose from:

The Conservative Party’s Theresa May, an unelected Prime Minister who publicly wants to bring about government control over the internet, and who pretends to be for Brexit, despite having treated the general populace like children during her campaign against it.

The Labour Party’s Jeremy Corbyn, a man who wants to outlaw internships, nationalize everything, and could probably be likened to a more communist version of Bernie Sanders were this not an insult to Sanders’ name.

But what if there were an appealing third party candidate? Someone who would address Islam, ensure that Britain gets the best Brexit deal possible, and effectively become the United Kingdom’s answer to Donald Trump?

What if Steven Patrick Morrissey, the former frontman for The Smiths, decided to run for Prime Minister?
'What if Steven Patrick Morrissey, the former frontman for The Smiths, decided to run for Prime Minister?'

Sorry Charlie, but at the moment he's recording a record, which is more important for the state of this world really.
I remember having thought how good mayor he would have been. Certainly he could be a better PM than Theresa U-turn May. First of all, he has principles.

When you grow up in a working class environment you actually learn to love your country, because you know it is your only safety net.
'What if Steven Patrick Morrissey, the former frontman for The Smiths, decided to run for Prime Minister?'

Sorry Charlie, but at the moment he's recording a record, which is more important for the state of this world really.
Perfectly put.
Reminds me of Moz's answer to Joolz Holland in the 2004 train-wreck interview when asked who should be PM, and Moz pointed at himself. 3min section of the video below.
I remember having thought how good mayor he would have been. Certainly he could be a better PM than Theresa U-turn May. First of all, he has principles.

When you grow up in a working class environment you actually learn to love your country, because you know it is your only safety net.
But..... in an interview on the BBC One Show Moz showed his lack of empathy with white collar workers :)
Reminds me of Moz's answer to Joolz Holland in the 2004 train-wreck interview when asked who should be PM, and Moz pointed at himself. 3min section of the video below.

:lbf::plove this ! if one looked up in the Wiktionary the meaning of 'perfection' you would surely find a photo of M ! well, there should be !
Morrissey loves his country so much that he became a tax exile who lives in LA / Lausanne.

Really? you're going to judge someones 'patriotism' based on them paying taxes or not? interesting.

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Morrissey loves his country so much that he became a tax exile who lives in LA / Lausanne.

So? I never saw anybody attacking Bowie for the same "crime" and he lived in Switzerland and the US for a long time. Some famous people get a harder treatment because of that than others. Apart from that who do you think pays the taxes of his parents?
So? I never saw anybody attacking Bowie for the same "crime" and he lived in Switzerland and the US for a long time. Some famous people get a harder treatment because of that than others. Apart from that who do you think pays the taxes of his parents?

But Bowie only paid taxes on Mars. ;)
Reminds me of Moz's answer to Joolz Holland in the 2004 train-wreck interview when asked who should be PM, and Moz pointed at himself. 3min section of the video below.

Omg it doesn't matter when and how many times you've seen it , his charm and wit is adorable :love:

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