Moz Letterman

Yes, that's not what I'm saying. If he's on TV to an audience who may not already be fans, which song gives a better impression, one that might seem whiny and smug to people who don't get him, or one that's more hopeful and mature sounding.

Personally I like All You Need is Me better, but that's ok.
I disagree. Why do everyone think he's bringing Kristeen along just to support her carreer without realising what she adds to his performance (sorry, appereance) and image? It's not a damn charity!

ok, if you think that wailing like a banshee for a few counts materially contributes to the performance.
thankyou for this,
bet he'll be horrified when he sees that he had one side of his collar in and one out.. *bless*

what a T****** letterman is for handing round bits of corpse when he knew Moz was coming on... oh well KARMA will catch up with him. ;)

Kristeesn bit suits it very well, but she looked a bit out of place after that. like a spare part. and that dress.. :eek: you gotta admire her nuttiness whatever your view on her musical abilities.
thankyou for this,
bet he'll be horrified when he sees that he had one side of his collar in and one out.. *bless*

what a T****** letterman is for handing round bits of corpse when he knew Moz was coming on... oh well KARMA will catch up with him. ;)

Kristeesn bit suits it very well, but she looked a bit out of place after that. like a spare part. and that dress.. :eek: you gotta admire her nuttiness whatever your view on her musical abilities.

[email protected]

email them and let them know you are angry.

I can't stand meat eaters who feel threatened by vegetarians. I've seen it all too often.
ok, if you think that wailing like a banshee for a few counts materially contributes to the performance.

Yeps, I do think a wailing soprano solo adds more drama and flavour to this intro than a usual guitar solo would. It feels richer and really matches the feeling the accordion creates.

This is just how I perceive it. Anyhow, charity for other artists doesn't seem very moz-like, does it? For some reason, I hope not!!

I read about Klaus Nomi doing background vocals for Bowie once upon a time. I havent' heard it, but I wonder if it sounded similar to KY's solo?
Yeps, I do think a wailing soprano solo adds more drama and flavour to this intro than a usual guitar solo would. It feels richer and really matches the feeling the accordion creates.

This is just how I perceive it. Anyhow, charity for other artists doesn't seem very moz-like, does it? For some reason, I hope not!!

i think that he believes everyone should know who kristeen is and is doing his bit to help. i don't think he thinks of it as "charity" because to me, "charity" is if he believed that she didn't really have a chance but decided to humor her.

i think what he could have done was give her more to do other than wail on occasion.
I thought performance was professional, but lacking in enjoyment.
kristeen Young can certainly add something to a song, but this song is so dire
there is little that could redeem it.
I've listened a few times and tried to like it. Ah well, I'm sure there will be better songs in the future.
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