New York Doll


Beastly Little Parasite
Has anyone out there seen this really touching documentary about the Dolls Arthur 'killer' Kane? It traces the origins of the band, then charts what happened to Kane after the breakup of the Dolls and their triumphant reformation. It features a nice Morrissey interview, which I'll edit and post on here. A really excellent doc about a very gentle soul.

I have. It was really really good. Yeah Morrissey was in it, and Johansen kissed him on the cheek. That was so adorable. And it made you think alot too...when Kane was this cool glam rockstar and what not..then settled down into this normal everyday life where he took the public bus and worked in a mormon(?) church. It showed his determination and his real intimidated self. Then in the end *poof* he is gone like that. It was really touching.
I saw it when it first came out and until recently I'd forgotten Morrissey was even in it :o until a friend watched it and said 'Oh, I see, you liked it because Morrissey was in it!' I was like 'He was? OH! Yeah, I guess he was.' But that isn't why I liked it.

It's a love letter to lower-level library employees. My signature on my work e-mails for over a year was taken from the scene where after the concert they are backstage reflecting on the success of what has just transpired and when it's proposed that they do future gigs, Arthur says "I have to get back to the library, we're very short-staffed."

It's an amazing movie. Everyone I've recommended it to has loved it.
I bought this on the recommendation of some lovely american girls I met at the Barras and loved it. So heartwarming and it shows you the different twists and turns a persons life can take. Very humbling and sad but I loved the bits with the little ladies he worked with in the library. " I didn't realise I worked with a rock star" :) beautiful film :tears:
Ah, I forgot about this movie. I'd really like to see it. Especially after all these good things you are all saying. That's funny I came across this. I'm listening to The New York Dolls right now!
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