Obama Won!!

anyone here was there in that chigago-stadium and attend the speech he gave?
Re: Obama did it!!!!

btw, I appreciate JJ starting this thread, but I keep thinking an American really should have started it.

Well, the UK is the 51st State, so a few of us were pissed off that we couldn't vote;)

What made me laugh posting this thread, watching it live on TV, was the American's on here saying.....
''He's not won it yet, it's not officially over yet''
..... and i'm watching it 3500 miles from the east coast of America and he is being announced as the winner:D

Jukebox Jury
Re: Obama did it!!!!

What made me laugh posting this thread, watching it live on TV, was the American's on here saying.....
''He's not won it yet, it's not officially over yet''
..... and i'm watching it 3500 miles from the east coast of America and he is being announced as the winner:D

Jukebox Jury

Being announced the winner is not the same as winning. Gore was announced the winner in 2000, and we know how that went.
I'm not saying Obama hasn't won or that something will happen to nullify him, but certain technicalities have to be completed for it to be official. Electoral college and all that.
"On the Monday following the second Wednesday in December, the electors of each state meet in their respective state capitals to officially cast their votes for president and vice president. These votes are then sealed and sent to the president of the Senate, who on January 6th opens and reads the votes in the presence of both houses of Congress. The winner is sworn into office at noon on January 20th.
Most of the time, electors cast their votes for the candidate who has received the most votes in that particular state. Some states have laws that require electors to vote for the candidate that won the popular vote, while other electors are bound by pledges to a specific political party. However, there have been times when electors have voted contrary to the people's decision, and there is no federal law or Constitutional provision against it." http://people.howstuffworks.com/question472.htm
anyone here was there in that chigago-stadium and attend the speech he gave?

Grant Park is an outdoor park...a very large park. :) http://www.chicagoparkdistrict.com/...bject_id/83AA6305-ADBE-4D8A-B333-004449057EA9

no, I did not go :( but it didn't keep me from celebrating at home :guitar: About a third of the people came that they were expecting. I think everyone thought it would be a million people (me included) so they didn't go. I know a lot of people who went, but nobody on solo that I know of. Yet.
oh my!

check it....NSFW or children ears
the NSFW part is language...no nudity or anything like that. if you have headphones it should be ok.

"WTF: Psycho Mother Makes Her 5-Year-Old Daughter Say "F*ck Obama"! Plus Says "Barack Obama Is Not My President. Hes Not Even Black. He's The Antichrist"

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I just cannot wait to say goodbye to George Bush.

"This is an impressive crowd -- the haves and the have mores. Some people call you the elite -- I call you my base."

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe is right."

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

How has he survived this long?
Me either! :mad: GOOD RIDDANCE!!! :angry:


:mad::mad::mad: I'll be SO glad when he's on his *ranch* in Crawford! He could have Karl Rove, and DICK Cheney and Condoleeza Rice there for a good ol' time barbeque! He is NO Texan. He was/is from Kenneborke (sic) MAINE. He's a pretend cowboy.
and he will never has to see that "a****le from the ny times again.:rolleyes:
i can not find a video of it but he did told cheney without noticing the microphone is on already
"look over there is that as****e from the by times"
was used in recent docus like in the french docu" being george w."

found it
its in german
but the cheney/bush moment is NOT synchronised
but subtitled in german so you could hear the orginial quote
AT 8.23-8.30

IF embed vid does not appear:
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:mad::mad::mad: I'll be SO glad when he's on his *ranch* in Crawford! He could have Karl Rove, and DICK Cheney and Condoleeza Rice there for a good ol' time barbeque! He is NO Texan. He was/is from Kenneborke (sic) MAINE. He's a pretend cowboy.

he IS a pretend cowboy. that's why he's selling his ranch!!! :rolleyes::cool:
Obama is the only politician i have ever in my whole life thought was hot.

How strange.

He'll have fit young interns all over him.How cynical of me.:rolleyes:
bye bye mccan't/failin' pilf thank god
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