The Anti-Photography Thread

Eerie orange aura hands! :eek::)

Strange hands yes, but the rest of the picture looks quite nice actually. Especially Moz:)
I have some really good pictures I took at this 2006 Palladium show, BUT now I have a place for the not so good ones! Thank you. :) I have more if you're interested. :p






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Made you look twice, didn't it? Best thread ever.

Looking forward to posting my crap photos here as well sometime in the near future.

Keep up the good work, people.
ok, my turn some pics i took of my room when it was all dark and i was bored
i just always have really love the flash in dark when i take a picture in
that short moment of illumination is exhilarating for me

the above pic is my ceiling, see, i have a ceiling fan for when it gets real hot, which is not often

next is the door out of the room (on the right) often i imagine/dream i hear a knock at it that will never come
also you can see the light switch, (it is off right now, like i said)
but its damaged, the face plate broke a long time ago and i had to tape it back
i had to tape over the hole in it too, otherwise i kept having weird dreams about bugs coming out of it!
& the door on the left is to my closet, let's look in there next

so here is a pic of inside my closet, pretty boring stuff, then i turned around and took a pic facing the one window in my room

usually the window is open to keep it from getting stuffy in the room and you can see the emac on the little 2 drawer dresser i use, the emac is mainly for music and faces where i sleep, which is just off to the right
also, my big suitcase can be seen layed up against the left corner, wanna see whats behind it?

clean handkerchiefs dangle over the side of the suitcase, i usually carry one one on me whenever i go out
but the corner is devoted to the remains of the once elaborate 'Tina Shrine'
now all the remains is a statue with her picture on it, for a longtime it was in the closet on the shelf, but then it fell
that might have been some kind of message from whoever or whatever is out there to totally dismantle it
but the statue has not been disturbed since i put it there in the left corner of my room
and when i lay my head down in the corner of the room opposite it
i can catch just the faintest glimpse of it, if the light is right :o
now for the final pic, the northern right corner, where i sleep

its not a bed, but its comfortable and actually its probably better for my back then a bed would be
so even though i always imagine buying a real nice bed, i doubt i ever will, especially since it makes just picking up and leaving so much easier when you do not have a bed & it makes the rare occasions i sleep in other people's beds that much sweeter
laslty, the pillow can be seen, its of Snow, but i turn it over when i sleep, so my face does not mess up the stitch on her's and its a smoother surface, i am thinking of gettinig a new Snow White pillow soon though, will see...
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