TTY / replies : January 2014 -

Link posted by SomeTotallyRandomMozFan:

TTY / replies : January 2014
2 January 2014

Morrissey has answered a sixth series of questions submitted by Questions And Answers participants. These questions and Morrissey's answers are as follows.


Who inspired you to sing?

Bobby Hatfield. He was the smaller of the two Righteous Brothers, and his falsetto swoop made me jump backwards over the settee. You should You Tube their You've lost that lovin' feelin', and you'll see what I mean. When I made the record Ringleader of the tormentors, the producer (Tony Visconti), who is a very close friend of David Bowie, tried to get both Bowie and I together to do our version of You've lost that lovin' feelin', with David doing the deep Bill Medley parts, and me doing the Bobby Hatfield shrieks. I loved this idea, but David wouldn't budge. I know I've criticized David in the past, but it's all been snotnosed junior high ribbing on my part. I think he knows that.

I was lucky enough to see you in Istanbul in July 2012. It was an amazing night, very intense, and it was a dream come true. How was it to be in Istanbul, and what do you think about the audience and the concert?
MELIS, Istanbul.

Well, we are about to record our new album, and one of the tracks is called Istanbul. It is second to Rome as my most favorite city in the world...

You are one of the few personalities in modern times who have really influenced my thinking about art and life. Have you ever thought about writing a novel?
HANNA, Germany.

In 2013 I published my Autobiography and it has been more successful than any record I have ever released, so, yes, I am mid-way through my novel. I have my hopes...

Media coverage:

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I started to the read the answers on TTY but gave up as it was the old Morrissey-esque replies. I think he probably gets Julia to answer the questions on his behalf these days. I mean even I could probably answer them for him and have people believe it was Morrissey replying!

I remember a time when he used to answer with humour and wit. Non of this aren't I the saviour and isn't mankind cruel nonsense we have rammed down our throats. Who can he possibly offend next?
Why not? He's backtracking on his two decades worth of Bowie criticisms now...

His views about animal rights are unwavering though. They're different. They are inherent to him.

Do you believe that being less acerbic to David Bowie now is a deliberate attempt to increase sales?
"Although the meat industry alone is destroying the planet, I would like to ask President Obama why he says nothing on the subject." - Moz

Just read in Ladies' Home Journal (Dec./Jan. 2014) that Michelle Obama eats oysters and spicy sausage for Christmas. Ewwwww!!!!!

The Obamas also have two Portuguese Water Dogs, Bo and Sunny, and what do the Obamas have to say about breeding or buying while animals are dying? Squat!


New album AND novel?!??! How lucky are we?! :)
Couldn't have asked for a better gift! Well, besides a tour...but that will soon follow!
I started to the read the answers on TTY but gave up as it was the old Morrissey-esque replies. I think he probably gets Julia to answer the questions on his behalf these days. I mean even I could probably answer them for him and have people believe it was Morrissey replying!

I remember a time when he used to answer with humour and wit. Non of this aren't I the saviour and isn't mankind cruel nonsense we have rammed down our throats. Who can he possibly offend next?

I've noticed this in regard to his songwriting too. Some of the lines in his Smiths work and his earlier solo stuff still make me laugh out loud. The wit and humour seem to be drowned out by bitterness these days.
Well, I'm not convinced that Morrissey’s doing this as a pub grab (for the most part, that is). After all, he's uttered the words on 'his' website, and he's preaching to his choir in a manner of speaking rather than huffing and puffing to the great wash.

Furthermore, he's behaving as he always has. His style is not materially different than when he was a snot-nosed teenage nobody. And being the blowhard activist that he is, he'll continue to shoot first and ask questions later, lead with the chin even well after his fame has all but dissipated.
He's not some kind of supernatural being who knows stuff we don't. He's just a bloke. A business bloke who sells stuff. He loves being talked about, he loves being high on charts when people buy his stuff. But ultimately, just a bloke.

Listen mate don't wast your words, your right.
Morrissey is a "player" he knows what he is doing.
If the others can't see it f*** em.
His views about animal rights are unwavering though. They're different. They are inherent to him.

Do you believe that being less acerbic to David Bowie now is a deliberate attempt to increase sales?

I think he is probably trying to piggyback off Bowie's "Next Day" success...he tried it with the 'Playboys' re-issue, he's bringing up a duet that Bowie nixed in the same breath as promoting his autobiography and that he's about to record an album.

He knows what he's doing. How many posts on TTY ended with "Morrissey remains without a recording contract"? At least four in a row...and now, he just lets it slip in a passing comment in his first Q&A session on the site in, what, like 7 years?

He's covered all his press bases:

* Hint at tour
* Announce forthcoming album
* Attack/praise someone currently in the headlines
* Attack the Royals/President
* Make militant vegetarian statements
* Belittle the Smiths
I think he is probably trying to piggyback off Bowie's "Next Day" success...he tried it with the 'Playboys' re-issue, he's bringing up a duet that Bowie nixed in the same breath as promoting his autobiography and that he's about to record an album.

He knows what he's doing. How many posts on TTY ended with "Morrissey remains without a recording contract"? At least four in a row...and now, he just lets it slip in a passing comment in his first Q&A session on the site in, what, like 7 years?

He's covered all his press bases:

* Hint at tour
* Announce forthcoming album
* Attack/praise someone currently in the headlines
* Attack the Royals/President
* Make militant vegetarian statements
* Belittle the Smiths

Maybe. I know he is not a stupid man. I just find it hard to believe that his vegetarianism and views regarding animal rights is a put on to increase sales. Hinting at a tour, announcing a forth coming album is part of self promotion. Of course he is going to say that. It doesn't make it untrue though.

I think he truly holds these views. The up side is they make good copy because they are skew so far from what is mainstream and middle of the road but that doesn't make it less genuine and sincere.
Maybe. I know he is not a stupid man. I just find it hard to believe that his vegetarianism and views regarding animal rights is a put on to increase sales. Hinting at a tour, announcing a forth coming album is part of self promotion. Of course he is going to say that. It doesn't make it untrue though.

I think he truly holds these views. The up side is they make good copy because they are skew so far from what is mainstream and middle of the road but that doesn't make it less genuine and sincere.

He's being a sensationalist. He knows it. If someone walked into his mother's house and shot her to death, do you really think he'd be saying "every single day, worse things happen in Kentucky Fried Shit & McDonalds" in regards to it?

Yeah, he doesn't like to eat animals. We get it. We got it 28 years ago. At this point, he's just doing it for the attention...whether the purpose is to draw it towards animal rights or himself, it doesn't really is calculated controversy.
I've noticed this in regard to his songwriting too. Some of the lines in his Smiths work and his earlier solo stuff still make me laugh out loud. The wit and humour seem to be drowned out by bitterness these days.

I can agree with that. I also think he’s gone mad and lives in his own world that he created in his big head because he hates the one he’s currently living in.
Why not? He's backtracking on his two decades worth of Bowie criticisms now...

Morrissey seems to have dusted off some very old questions to answer points no-one, including he himself, has seemed to care about until now. It's all a bit odd. "I'm glad you asked me that three years ago."

A cynical person might think a prospective Bowie duet might just tip the balance in tying up a Morrissey album deal for any prospective label, and this is a way to test the waters once more ahead of another request for Visconti to try to talk Bowie round. "OK, these are the demos. Oh, did I mention David Bowie will be doing a duet with me?"

If we take as a starting point a pretty fair given - that Morrissey doesn't tend to compromise or apologise about anything unless he feels it is to his advantage, why attempt a Bowie rapprochement now? Is it possible it is because Bowie's enigmatic return has boosted his already impressive mythos to new heights? A celebrated new album, and not a word said about it in the media by the man himself is some trick. Bona fide legendary rock stars are thin on the ground these days, and Bowie is surely at the top of the pile. It would be a hell of a coup for Morrissey.

Funny how the world turns. Twenty or so years ago Bowie needed Morrissey. Now, perhaps, Morrissey feels he needs Bowie.

- - - Updated - - -


I can agree with that. I also think he’s gone mad and lives in his own world that he created in his big head because he hates the one he’s currently living in.

That sounds awful. ;)
Wow. Is all that true about Lennon? I had no idea. I really didn't. :(

If you want to see some real misogyny, it aint Morrissey you should be worried about....:sick:
I wouldn't be surprised if he made up half the questions himself. Every question is a variation on:

"Dear Morrissey, how do you manage to be so wonderfully, terrifically, unbelievably amazing ALL THE TIME?"

"Weeeeell, since you ask......" :rolleyes:

Its the same old Morrissey bollocks but with extra smash hits interview cheeeeeeese. That said though the new career as a novelist should be a success with his skill at making things up, I can see it now !

The adventures of Ste-Mo the animal kingdom super hero, Chapter 1 Ste-Mo kicks shit out of duck-dynasty on live tv show.

Morrissey said:
When I made the record Ringleader of the tormentors, the producer (Tony Visconti), who is a very close friend of David Bowie, tried to get both Bowie and I together to do our version of You've lost that lovin' feelin', with David doing the deep Bill Medley parts, and me doing the Bobby Hatfield shrieks. I loved this idea, but David wouldn't budge. I know I've criticized David in the past, but it's all been snotnosed junior high ribbing on my part. I think he knows that.

Is this Moz' idea of a public apology or perhaps even a slight admission that while he has frequently characterised Bowie as being no longer relevant, it is now clear with Bowie's excellent 2013 album The Next Day in comparison to Morrissey's sub-par offerings in the last several years that it is actually Morrissey who has been rendered irrelevant while Bowie continues to be a leading icon in Pop some 45+ years since his first record?
As for me I much prefer Bowie these days, and having seen both of them I'm in a position to equate everything to do with them both. If I was Bowie I would disregard Morrissey's begging bowl pleas
Bowie doesn't need anyone else to be what he already is: a brilliant writer and performer, who I don't think will ever fade into obscurity, and certainly doesn't need any help or even to be a helper to promote anyone else's failing career, no matter who it is
Morrissey seems to be a switcher now, changing his opinions like changing a (not very flattering) dress code

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