U.S. Tour?


So given all that has been going down, what with the Craptacular performance from Moz's record label & this whacky email debacle.... do you think Moz has just about had it yet? With the label? With the Tour & With the U.S.?

Someone hold me, im scared!

DeadLinDy said:
So given all that has been going down, what with the Craptacular performance from Moz's record label & this whacky email debacle.... do you think Moz has just about had it yet? With the label? With the Tour & With the U.S.?

Someone hold me, im scared!


It's not looking promising. I'm catatrophising...I keep thinking there may never be another Moz concert in the US...which would be a damn shame b/c I've never seen him in concert! Why oh why did I not drive to Chicago for the Quarry tour! :(
I wouldn't hold my breath on a US tour.. That is a Long tour he has done and it is still not over. He will probally need a long rest. As for never touring the US again, I don't know. You know, he is Morrissey and sometimes he will suprise you.
I am just glad I drove 17 hours to Tulsa this past March.
and it was the beat Moz show I have seen so far. My girlfriend , me and our two friends took the long haul from South Carolina.
Got to the venue after a good nights rest at 11:00 AM, had premade rum and cokes in a bottle, got drunk, met Gary Day, had a picture made with him, rushed to the front of the stage after pat down, shook hands with Morrissey, and he took my girlfriends letter.
I will never forget that night...
^Jason, I wonder if I happened to meet you in Tulsa. Yes, I've become increasingly+exceedingly grateful that I was there in Oklahoma.

I'm sure he'll play in the U.S. again, in Los Angeles at the _very_ least. I guess plans for a full U.S. tour for Ringleader are mostly dependent upon Sanctuary's finances; I don't know enough about the biz to glean how dire things actually are. Can they leverage the resources to put on the show? Even if Morrissey's pissed off with them, it's not as though they're going to say 'well then we won't let you tour the U.S.', and I doubt Moz wants to ignore the entire U.S. market either.

xo, math+
I believe there will definitely be US tour dates this fall after a nice vacation in Borneo for Morrissey & the boys.
I continue to remain optimistic about a U.S. tour this fall....at least he'll hit the big cities like NYC and LA ........I don't know the music industry at all really, but if I was them, I'd defentely have a tour in America, we're the biggest market in the world, we cant' be ignored! If for some reason he doesn't come back, I'm gonna be one mad motherf***** loose on the streets of LA....armed and dangerous! j/k
I'll probably end up like this poor guy below with a bullet through my head [kidding again!]

Don't give up the hope guys..... like that Journey song says.....DON'T STOP BELIEVIN'! [puke, I hate them!!]
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Not saying anything about the current prospects, but we did have him in 1997; there was a U.S. leg of the Maladjusted tour.

xo, math+
Math Tinder said:
I guess plans for a full U.S. tour for Ringleader are mostly dependent upon Sanctuary's finances

but even if Sanctuary can't put on a tour (i'm also not sure of the biz), hasn't Mozed toured before when he had no contract with a label? I think it depends on tour managers hooking up with concert promoters more than anything. It's harder that way--not only more ground work, but especially in the modern day when most venues are owned by corporations like Clear Channel who is very selective and do business mostly with record labels.
Puddle said:
but even if Sanctuary can't put on a tour (i'm also not sure of the biz), hasn't Mozed toured before when he had no contract with a label?

Yes of course, in 2000 and 2002, which is 100% amazing. It's obviously incredibly difficult to stage a tour without a label and it's one of the things about Morrissey that first caught my interest when I was becoming a fan around that time (though I didn't see him 'til the Quarry dates).

I've always thought of those as the 'Hello, I'm still here, I'm looking for a record label' tours. I doubt (?) he'd have the incination or energy to bother with the whole thing again, though christ, he would be a superhero if Sanctuary went down and Moz did that AGAIN. Either way, if Sanctuary can't fund a U.S. tour in the relatively near future (when all's well), we'd have to wait quite awhile for whoever to set something else up.

But, I feel nasty talking about Sanctuary that way. I'm 100% guilty of it, but running around saying 'I hear they're doing badly' all the time is hardly going to make things better for them. I know you don't like them as a company Puddle, but I don't personally want to contribute to their demise; they have signed a lot of good people over the years.

So yeah, I suppose I should start saying I've got it on good information that they're doing much better than we think and they're about to surprise Morrissey and make him very very happy in a way that also benefits them... oh I dunno.

I too am thanking my lucky stars for going to the Oklahoma dates.

Moz will tour the US again, just a matter of time. I can wait.
His set list these days isn't good enough to warrant a U.S. tour. Also, someone who's said the things he's said about America should stick to his guns and stay in Italy. Fascism is popular there - he fits right in.
Math Tinder said:
I know you don't like them as a company Puddle, but I don't personally want to contribute to their demise; they have signed a lot of good people over the years.

I don't think criticizing them will bring them down. but if i persoanlly contribue to their demise, i guess i can put that on a resume somewhere--near the bottom of course.

But yeah, I do think they do a horrible job and they release horrible products. I remember many of us complained about the sound quality of Live At earl's Court (didn't at the same time another band under Sanctuary pull their live CD because it sounded like shit? someone confirm? unless someone confirms no one take this to be fact, i just remember something vaguely but it could have been a dream. it was in an article a couple years ago that covered finacial troubles at Sanctuary?...one of the first times we heard something about their financial troubles).

These days, from being in the business so long, morrissey expects a certain amount of professionalism and competence from the people working around you, to make sure everything is as close to perfect as possible (hell Morrissey may have never even listened to Live at Earl‘s Court--give an approval of the track list and expect the label to be able to release a good product).

Finally Morrissey realizes the people at Sanctuary are incompetent (i'm happy i'm not alone and someone else realizes it). They need some new people to change things around . They need money. Everything is being short changed and quite frankly Morrissey is wasting valuable years at sanctuary. I don’t want another horrible quality Live album from them. Even ROTT sounded slightly off (though it sounds good on my IPOD, a little weird and flat on the stereo..and i've tried a few of them...likewise, there were a good number of us mentioning the audio quality being off. is it really the producer's fault? perhaps...i don't think so though. that's my opinion. i would blame the producer if the label had a good track record...but they don't).

Speaking of Live albums, I have the Who Put the M in Manchester converted to MP3...I love it. The sound crew on that video shoot knew what they were doing. Plus I like the Set list more than Earl‘s Abort…

finally, if you were morrissey, wouldn't this piss you off (hope the link works):

Puddle said:
I don't think criticizing them will bring them down. but if i persoanlly contribue to their demise, i guess i can put that on a resume somewhere--near the bottom of course.

Oh, I don't mean criticisizing them - I accidentally conflated what you do and what I do. It's fine to run around saying 'I think they're crap'; I just don't like saying 'I hear they're about go to go totally belly-up' or 'I don't know if they'll be able to stage a U.S. Morrissey tour' because I feel like such statements can turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.

I remember your notes about your Live at Earl's Court CD and I'm still a touch baffled by all that. Mine sounds fine, except I find the production on Morrissey's voice kinda cheesy. Is that what's wrong with yours? Because maybe I just react to it less strongly. Or are there other problems with it?

Ringleader sounds 'off' several stereos you've tried? Uh, maybe there's just something about the production or sound that you don't like? I agree it sounds best in headphones, as many albums do, but it sounds fine on stereos to me as well. I kind of doubt Sanctuary had anything to do with whatever you're describing.

Puddle said:
finally, if you were morrissey, wouldn't this piss you off (hope the link works):
link to Telegraph's 'Pope of Mope gets everyone down' piece

If I _were Morrissey_, yes it probably would. On the other hand, if I was merely in his position and the article was about me, I'd say 'f*** me! Look at how important I am! Who would have EVER thought!' Then I'd kick back, flip on the stereo, and light a spliff. :)

love, math+
Math Tinder said:
I remember your notes about your Live at Earl's Court CD and I'm still a touch baffled by all that. Mine sounds fine, except I find the production on Morrissey's voice kinda cheesy. Is that what's wrong with yours? Because maybe I just react to it less strongly. Or are there other problems with it?

yeah the voice sounds horrible....enough i don't want to listen to it...and i don't. i took it off my Ipod . it seems like they tried to bring down the sound of the audience and thus the sound quality of everything gets muffled. I mean come on, sound quality alone there shouldn't be any doubt for anyone which album is the winner--Beethoven Was Deaf or Earl's Court? why change morrissey's voice so it doesn't sound like him? it's appalling to my ears. There is no rational explanation other than incompetence.

Well ROTT is up in the air. yeah i could see it was intended that way. Anyway, it’s not even close to being horrible like Earl‘s Court. I guess Morrissey could have been going for a vintage feel to it which is fine and I still listen to it and love it--i'm actually getting very much used to the sound. I guess I just prefer if it were cleaner sounding (I’m strictly talking about the audio quality--not 'Jerry finn' clean). Look math, I’m not just taking this comment about ROTT out of my ass. There wre a good number of people who pointed out the audio quality being slightly rough. Deep down I do agree that it was probably intended that way; but like I said, since I don’t like Sanctuary, anything I don’t like I just blame them for f***ing up …I’m half joking:)
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