Uncleskinny: Complaints?

I certainly do not ignore evidence if it is presented. People generally like to complain but when asked to present the minimal amount of evidence usually go silent.

To answer your other questions about why people continue on this site - just look at yourself, why do you continue to post anonymously on a site that you have been banned from and claim to dislike so much?

First of all, evidence is repeatedly presented and ignored or dismissed. We have to agree to disagree I guess. A simple search should show you responding to people's complaints. I tried to make it clear that I don't care but I don't understand why it's important to you to maintain this fiction when you could just say "gtfo."
Next, I didn't ask why people continue to post here. In fact, I did the opposite and gave my thoughts on why they do.
Why do I post anonymously? Well, because I was banned for "another reason" that wasn't ever named?
Why do I post at all? Because this site is amusing to me? The main thing I don't like about not having an account is that I don't have an ignore list and I lost access to my private messages.

If I wanted to be anonymous I could. I don't use a proxy or VPN because posting here isn't really that serious. I figured that if you want to tell the moderators not to approve any of my posts it's your site. Whatever differences we have I do respect that simple fact.
Someone outspoken with strong opinions may have some people dislike them but that doesn't reflect on moderation duties. When he posts he represents his own opinions, they don't represent the site.

I find it amusing that some of the people complaining here give as good as they get as and when it suits them, yet they think they have the right to claim offence strategically to try and modify/control the overall parameters of the hosted debate. It's very clear that several of the people moaning on this thread are desperate to impose censorship of dissenting views and will use any pretext to advance their agenda.

It's extremely unlikely that the sanction would end with 'UncleSkinny'. If they were to manage to silence his dissent then they would turn towards someone like me. In fact, several of the cry-babies here are trying that nonsense on already.

I am remorselessly designated as a 'troll' by Kewpie. She is a moderator. It matters less than 2 f***s to me that she imagines she has any influence over my comments other than to act within the moderation framework. I think she's a troll but I can't be bothered chasing her down. I'd suggest everyone just focus on making their own congtribution and ignoring views which upset them, rather than trying to silence anyone.

It's also quite likely that the site would struggle to function without the generosity of time donated by a moderator of long-standing such as 'Uncle Skinny'. And that is the real agenda behind trying to censor him: to cripple this site. It's as clear as Morrissey's barely held-back tears in his silly address to his traumatised fan-base yesterday.

Moderation of this site within the context of members and anonymous posts is very lax and often action is reserved only for the breaches of TOS.

As @davidt has said, moderation extends to more than you see at face value. All the moderators have a right to an opinion, I don’t personally agree with all Skinny has to say, but that’s not to say that affects my judgment of his moderating skills.

As my old boarding master used to say: opinions are like arseholes, everyone has got one.
What is the goal with this thread? David's never gonna sack that piece of shit human hemorrhoid Wallace and Gromit looking motherf***er, no matter how much of an embittered, bullying twat he is. Get over it.

It doesn't matter how many posts of his you screen shot or link to where he blatantly rips on other members in ways that if any lower life form did it they would instantly get a TOS violation warning, if not outright banned. It doesn't matter to David.

He isn't going anywhere.
What is the goal with this thread? David's never gonna sack that piece of shit human hemorrhoid Wallace and Gromit looking motherf***er, no matter how much of an embittered, bullying twat he is. Get over it.

It doesn't matter how many posts of his you screen shot or link to where he blatantly rips on other members in ways that if any lower life form did it they would instantly get a TOS violation warning, if not outright banned. It doesn't matter to David.

He isn't going anywhere.


Very true. Well said... as usual.
The problem is he often infers he knows a poster's name or location,sometimes in a rather threatening manner.
Even with anonymous posts.

Therefore,he is either trying to intimidate or has access to personal data and has no qualms in sharing such info.

He sometimes to appear to conflate anonymous posters and often gets it wrong.
His responses often appear cruel and hurtful.
There was a time when P.was respectful but it is getting out of hand now.
The problem is he often infers he knows a poster's name or location,sometimes in a rather threatening manner.
Even with anonymous posts.

Therefore,he is either trying to intimidate or has access to personal data and has no qualms in sharing such info.

He sometimes to appear to conflate anonymous posters and often gets it wrong.
His responses often appear cruel and hurtful.
There was a time when P.was respectful but it is getting out of hand now.

He's an asshat.
Someone outspoken with strong opinions may have some people dislike them but that doesn't reflect on moderation duties. When he posts he represents his own opinions, they don't represent the site.

When a moderator of a website comments of course he/she represents the site david. How can you not see that?
And when it is abusive and politically motivated it becomes a problem and it drives people away.
Anyway, it is like talking to a brick wall, so let's just stick with the fact that this site's biggest troll is actually a moderator, supported by the site's owner.
The problem is he often infers he knows a poster's name or location,sometimes in a rather threatening manner.
Even with anonymous posts.

Therefore,he is either trying to intimidate or has access to personal data and has no qualms in sharing such info.

He sometimes to appear to conflate anonymous posters and often gets it wrong.
His responses often appear cruel and hurtful.
There was a time when P.was respectful but it is getting out of hand now.

They can see your general location. If you click this you'll see where you appear to be.
You can use a VPN, a simple browser addon, to hide it. If you use Chrome, google "chrome free vpn," and so on. Opera comes with it. Firefox has it as an extension. It's sometimes useful to watch a video that is not available in your country. Some websites keep lists of these vpn's and block them. It's hard to find one that works on BBC.
Ffs! Maybe you have, maybe you haven't? Really david?
He’s being evasive as usual, you won’t get any sense out of him, remember the time he said morrissey had organised a hit on him? And when he posted on the main page the fake news story that moz was a peadophile? He fully supports peter in his trolling because he hates morrissey as much as peter does
Very strange, so why continue with the website... It's all about money I suppose, scraping the barrel...
I acknowledge that he has used information from moderation access in posts which is not appropriate and that has been discussed.

Otherwise on this thread I see no specific examples yet, just personal attacks and bullying including insults on his physical appearance.
Lots of moaning on here, nothing will or needs to change, so vote with your feet and leave if you don't like it, its your choice.
No it isn't, you mono-focused f***knuckle. You are one of the most blinkered, focused freaks it has ever been my displeasure to encounter on this site.
You know nothing about me. You know nothing about what I have done or who I have helped. Nothing.
My compassion has limits.
If I ever have the displeasure of meeting you in person, it will be my delight to push you down a North London manhole, and laugh as you tumble.
I don't have any psychiatric problems.
Except with blind, unthinking, unintelligent, brainless, bunts like you, typing horseshit on a second-hand Argos computer they are unsatisfied with.

Log in next time, you freak. I think someone should alert the police about your posts and activities.

f*** off Wratten, you lying piece of shit.

Just the first page, there are literally thousands in this ultra-offensive vein to be found...
Most of them are hidden due to bad ratings.
You don't want someone like that moderating your site, or any site for that matter, now do you, David?
Just the first page, there are literally thousands in this ultra-offensive vein to be found...
Most of them are hidden due to bad ratings.
You don't want someone like that moderating your site, or any site for that matter, now do you, David?

Skinny's posts read like the rantings of someone in urgent need of psychiatric help. The amount of them that clearly break the "defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend" rule is quite staggering.
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