Your top 10 Morrissey solo songs of all time

Everyday is
November spawned
Last of
Pregnant for
Sing your
Now my
Why don't
My Love Life
Come back

Hon Mens: Suedehead, The teachers
Since no-one asked for an analysis...

EDILS: the portentous bass, vivid locales and events, the humdrum and the nuclear...COSMIC
NSAM: contortedly danceable, cruelly honest, daring to scream the things we are not meant to whisper
LOTFIP: hookline riff, big chorus, sauntering Londerworld swagger
PFTLT: the perfectly pitched observations from a chaste only son, rockabillying about over being knocked up
SYL: an upbeat challenge to arise, from the blank prose of our being, "what would you do if you weren't afraid?"
NMHIF: the ornate front door of Vauxhall and I, an anthem of family, friends, by-passers and Brighton Rockers
S: the exhaust filled exit from Vauxhall & I, a defiant apology, glorious tirade, the farewell we shall not see its like again pinnacle
WDYFOFY: urgent warning guitar, prophetic delivery, a pop Cassandra
MLL: insistently languid, trying to become a duet but never quite...
CBTC: soaring from lonely rooms to rubbing legs, somewhere between Dickens and Winehouse, we quiver at a touch

Hon Mens:
S: a singeing flirting singalong game of hand to forehead and head thrown back
TTAAOTP: the new victim revealed in a death march, another shamed hero wedged between jargon and bile
dearest love.
blue dreamers.
will never.
little man.
one day goodbye.
lazy dykes.
mama lay.
could make a dozen lists but this will do for now,goodbye.
Since no-one asked for an analysis...

EDILS: the portentous bass, vivid locales and events, the humdrum and the nuclear...COSMIC
NSAM: contortedly danceable, cruelly honest, daring to scream the things we are not meant to whisper
LOTFIP: hookline riff, big chorus, sauntering Londerworld swagger
PFTLT: the perfectly pitched observations from a chaste only son, rockabillying about over being knocked up
SYL: an upbeat challenge to arise, from the blank prose of our being, "what would you do if you weren't afraid?"
NMHIF: the ornate front door of Vauxhall and I, an anthem of family, friends, by-passers and Brighton Rockers
S: the exhaust filled exit from Vauxhall & I, a defiant apology, glorious tirade, the farewell we shall not see its like again pinnacle
WDYFOFY: urgent warning guitar, prophetic delivery, a pop Cassandra
MLL: insistently languid, trying to become a duet but never quite...
CBTC: soaring from lonely rooms to rubbing legs, somewhere between Dickens and Winehouse, we quiver at a touch

Hon Mens:
S: a singeing flirting singalong game of hand to forehead and head thrown back
TTAAOTP: the new victim revealed in a death march, another shamed hero wedged between jargon and bile
I hate this sort of bollocks. Music journalists aren’t to blame for ruining Morrissey’s career, but they are to blame for “serious music fans” writing this sort of shite. Pretentious nonsense.
I hate this sort of bollocks. Music journalists aren’t to blame for ruining Morrissey’s career, but they are to blame for “serious music fans” writing this sort of shite. Pretentious nonsense.
I'll cop pretentious but nonsense is harsh. The references to the songs are direct.
I hate this sort of bollocks. Music journalists aren’t to blame for ruining Morrissey’s career, but they are to blame for “serious music fans” writing this sort of shite. Pretentious nonsense.
for once we agree,contortedly danceable,nonsense.
for once we agree,contortedly danceable,nonsense.
..I am alone...your leg came to rest against mine...we just knew...come back to Camden (soaring vocal line)

it's not that opaque
Don’t get too offended by the resident grump (one of many). I think what you wrote was very nicely worded. Always interesting to get some insight into why people like what they like. Keep it up!
Now My Heart Is Full
November Spawned A Monster
I've Changed My Plea To Guilty
Alsatian Cousin
I Know Very Well How I Got My Name
Angel Angel, Down We Go Together
Everyday Is Like Sunday
I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday
Mute Witness
Trouble Loves Me
The Loop

Michaels Bones

Late Nite Maudlin Street

PIccadilly Palare

Noise Is The Best Rvenge

You Know I Couldnt Last

The Ordinary Boys


Life is a Pigsty

You Have Killed Me
Interesting to note how often Julie In The Weeds is cited.
I like the one that mentions Notre Dame - I think it's a new(ish) one - but the exact title slips my mind.
There appear to be a bunch of lyrics mentioned there that aren’t actually in the song.

“Parlour games and chemical wedding guests”?
yeah i was wondering about that as well,not a great breakdown.
Good thread this - thanks for it...

Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself
Hairdresser on Fire
I'm the End of the Family Line
Staircase at the University
First of the Gang to Die
November Spawned a Monster
Life is a Pigsty
Alma Matters
In no order

I’d Love To
Let The Right one Slip In
The Ordinary Boys
Girl Least Likely To
Trouble Loves Me
Wide To Receive
The Edges are No Longer Parallel
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