FAO Morrissey, Julia & all at the Cambridge show

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I would like to apologise to Morrissey, Julia and all who attended the Cambridge concert for the disruption and unpleasantness I caused. It was a moment of madness where my anger got the better of me and I am sorry for any distress those present may have felt due to my actions. I would like to clarify that my actions were not in the least due to jealousy. I won't go in to it as it has all been said in those other 'Julia' threads as to why people get annoyed. Morrissey has countless number of fans who love him and it was so refreshing to attend 4 previous gigs on this tour without the negative atmosphere which is always created when her name is mentioned. I have heard the boos and groans many times before and it just puts a dampener on the gig. I didnt even know what I had said until my girlfriend told me later. It was, I suppose, the 'red mist' and I shouldn't have done it.
I have been following Morrissey since 1982, I love his music and what he stands for. However, I have never tried to pursue him or get closer to him. It was always enough for me to have his songs and his concerts. I am not trying to be a friend to the stars. Better, perhaps, to create or to grow yourself than remain in another's shadow, although, of course, in the case of Morrissey it is sometimes difficult to resist. Jealousy, envy is a terrible burden. With all that I have in my life I am not jealous of a single soul. I want nothing anybody else has and this I MUST take to my grave.
I would also like to thank those people who have expressed some understanding or support. It shows a great level of compassion to be able to understand when someone is clearly in the wrong, as I was, rather than persecute further.
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I would like apologise to Morrissey, Julia and all who attended the Cambridge concert for the disruption and unpleasantness I caused. It was a moment of madness where my anger got the better of me and I am sorry for any distress those present may have felt due to my actions. I would like to clarify that my actions were not in the least due to jealousy. I won't go in to it as it has all been said in those other 'Julia' threads as to why people get annoyed. Morrissey has countless number of fans who love him and it was so refreshing to attend 4 previous gigs on this tour without the negative atmosphere which is always created when her name is mentioned. I have heard the boos and groans many times before and it just puts a dampener on the gig. I didnt even know what I had said until my girlfriend told me later. It was, I suppose, the 'red mist' and I shouldn't have done it.
I have been following Morrissey since 1982, I love his music and what he stands for. However, I have never tried to pursue him or get closer to him. It was always enough for me to have his songs and his concerts. I am not trying to be a friend to the stars. Better, perhaps, to create or to grow yourself than remain in another's shadow, although, of course, in the case of Morrissey it is sometimes difficult to resist. Jealousy, envy is a terrible burden. With all that I have in my life I am not jealous of a single soul. I want nothing anybody else has and this I MUST take to my grave.
I would also like to thank those people who have expressed some understanding or support. It shows a great level of compassion to be able to understand when someone is clearly in the wrong, as I was, rather than persecute further.

it'll pass. Somethings are just better left unsaid, as this incident proved.
I think just avoid the word "c***" in the future and all should be good.
There are times where we say or do things which we don't understand or regret soon after. That is life , I suppose
Cheers Moz
I think just avoid the word "c***" in the future and all should be good.

I agree. There are some things that one should never be yelling at anyone under any circumstances. That's one of them.
I don't know why on earth you or anyone else gives a shit about this Julia person. You don't know her and what interaction she has with him is none of your business. The bad atmosphere was created by you (yes, I was there), no-one else. You may think you're surrounded by groans and boos but you weren't. It's a shame you've become the figurehead for all the idiots who seem to be consumed by animosity toward her. But you have, and that's of your own making entirely.

In all my life I've never seen a fan community like this one. There are so many bitter people who seem to love to hate people. It's sad. Get on with your own lives, let Julia do what she likes. It's no harm to you. I don't give a toss if she shares a cup of tea with him in his dressing room after every show: he gives me what I need. And that's it.
I have been at shows where there have been groans and boos towards moz's treatment of Julia.

It is boring, tedious, self-indulgent to the point of disregarding the audience, and annoying and very possibly done to actually annoy sections of the audience.

Julia is also quite a bitch herself, aside from being a deeply sad individual (and no, I don't need to know her personally to know that) so it's not even as if we're dealing with a sympathetic character.

The bleeding hearts adamant on defending poor Julia really are just beating up straw men. Not everyone who is annoyed is 'jealous' (there are reasons other than jealousy to be annoyed) nor do we all 'hate' Julia.
I have been at shows where there have been groans and boos towards moz's treatment of Julia.

It is boring, tedious, self-indulgent to the point of disregarding the audience, and annoying and very possibly done to actually annoy sections of the audience.

Julia is also quite a bitch herself, aside from being a deeply sad individual (and no, I don't need to know her personally to know that) so it's not even as if we're dealing with a sympathetic character.

The bleeding hearts adamant on defending poor Julia really are just beating up straw men. Not everyone who is annoyed is 'jealous' (there are reasons other than jealousy to be annoyed) nor do we all 'hate' Julia.

I have to say I agree with you. I don't think it has anything to do with jealousy at all. From some of the stories I've read on here regarding Julia taking up other people's seats or having a friend ask people to move for her is really, really pathetic, and I personally she deserves every negative she has aimed at her, whether she is Morrissey's best chum or not.
The whole Julia thing is positively juvenile.

Morrissey appears to like her. She has the resources to follow him from gig to gig. What's the problem?

Anyone who feels any strong negative emotion toward her, whether it's jealousy or contempt, needs to have a word with themselves.

Her existence doesn't in any way alter the circumstances of your own life.

Cheer up, eh? :)
You paid the price on Saturday night for your actions, so I would hope that people do have the compassion to let it go and move on?

Your not the only person to have 'sinned' at a Morrissey concert and you won't be the last.
Her existence doesn't in any way alter the circumstances of your own life.

Cheer up, eh? :)

It is annoying / boring when he singles her out at gigs. No, that is not a major alteration in the circumstances of my own life, but then neither is writing a few posts about it on an internet messageboard, or booing at a concert when it happens. :D
I don't know why on earth you or anyone else gives a shit about this Julia person. You don't know her and what interaction she has with him is none of your business. The bad atmosphere was created by you (yes, I was there), no-one else. You may think you're surrounded by groans and boos but you weren't. It's a shame you've become the figurehead for all the idiots who seem to be consumed by animosity toward her. But you have, and that's of your own making entirely.

In all my life I've never seen a fan community like this one. There are so many bitter people who seem to love to hate people. It's sad. Get on with your own lives, let Julia do what she likes. It's no harm to you. I don't give a toss if she shares a cup of tea with him in his dressing room after every show: he gives me what I need. And that's it.

To be fair, there was quite a few people groaning. I was stood in the same part of the venue as him and can verify this.
I would like to apologise to Morrissey, Julia and all who attended the Cambridge concert for the disruption and unpleasantness I caused. It was a moment of madness where my anger got the better of me and I am sorry for any distress those present may have felt due to my actions. I would like to clarify that my actions were not in the least due to jealousy. I won't go in to it as it has all been said in those other 'Julia' threads as to why people get annoyed. Morrissey has countless number of fans who love him and it was so refreshing to attend 4 previous gigs on this tour without the negative atmosphere which is always created when her name is mentioned. I have heard the boos and groans many times before and it just puts a dampener on the gig. I didnt even know what I had said until my girlfriend told me later. It was, I suppose, the 'red mist' and I shouldn't have done it.
I have been following Morrissey since 1982, I love his music and what he stands for. However, I have never tried to pursue him or get closer to him. It was always enough for me to have his songs and his concerts. I am not trying to be a friend to the stars. Better, perhaps, to create or to grow yourself than remain in another's shadow, although, of course, in the case of Morrissey it is sometimes difficult to resist. Jealousy, envy is a terrible burden. With all that I have in my life I am not jealous of a single soul. I want nothing anybody else has and this I MUST take to my grave.
I would also like to thank those people who have expressed some understanding or support. It shows a great level of compassion to be able to understand when someone is clearly in the wrong, as I was, rather than persecute further.

Very brave to come clean.But silence is usually the best policy.
well having the balls to come on here and apologise is great and I salute you....... this Julie fella, better not start any of that my seat, my place stuff in Hartlepool tommorow, cos in the wild bad lands on north east england we will not take it..... and it's all standing floor wise anyway, so hopefully she will be up in the balcony away from the true fans.
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