Scott Rodger (Maverick) leaks Morrissey information and email re: Bonfire / Miley via X (October 17, 2023)

There's been drama!




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Well, you must really be an optimist. After all, the situation has been like this almost exactly a year, so any hope of resolving it must have evaporated as long ago as any excitement for the album in question. Plus add all the bad blood and embarassing publicity, so I'm 100 % certain Capitol will have nothing to do with BoT any more. They'll hand it back to Moz, if he returns the advance, but if he doesn't, they must be way past caring.
The situation is bleak certainly but it is a little less bleak now I think. The disagreement is at least over something smaller. But regardless of this new update it is hard to see a likely way forwards after falling out with so many record labels.
Why would any label want dealings with Moz if this is how he acts?! M won't go to a tiny label because he wants to full whack package that a major label can give an album
I think that was true before this information though. I agree it's bleak as anything really, and obviously if this situation doesn't resolve quickly then it's unlikely he'll continue recording. At least we know there are two albums waiting to be released. They're not going to disappear. But if things continue like this then who knows how many more he'll record.
Morrissey being an entitled dick, and in the wrong yet again. It's the Der Spiegel thing over again - he says one thing until the truth emerges, and then proves him wrong.

I like the comment "What would you do?". Indeed.
As TS tweets, if the problem was that MC had an album out, why can’t it be released now seven months later?

She's still under exclusive contract to another record label. Having no doubt paid millions for her, it's within Columbia's rights to turn around and demand a hefty fee for her appearance.
The timeline doesn't make much sense to me.
2021 May 30: Morrissey announces new album BOT
2022 July 9: Morrissey announces that Miley is on Veronica
2022 October 29: Morrissey announces that Capitol Records will release in February 2023 excluding UK
2022 November 14: BOT is no longer scheduled to be released in February 2023
2022 November 25: Capitol releases Rebels Without Applause single

If Miley is truly the cause of BOT not being released, why did it take 3 months for Capitol to change their mind and scrap it, and then why did they go on to release the Rebels single?
How was Southpaw killed?

According to the sleevenotes on the Legacy edition, he met an executive who told him they decided to bury the album as they knew he wasn't going to renew with them.

But can you believe the guy who wrote those notes?
This email is not damning in itself, just Morrissey being himself and wanting the visibility and vindication he will get, but maybe in the next world.

The turn to the censorship narrative is more murky and less endearing.

Return the advance, restore the record and move on? As a fan, this situation is remarkably sadistic and punishment for investing and believing in Morrissey. His best album ever after being bruised and battered - I never expected anything after the very decent Dog. The best yet but we do not get to share in that perception? A new species of cruelty for those who love studio albums and love the Morrissey ones the most.
If Miley is truly the cause of BOT not being released, why did it take 3 months for Capitol to change their mind and scrap it, and then why did they go on to release the Rebels single?
It seems fairly clear from the posts that Capitol were trying to persuade Morrissey to re-record the backing vocals with another artist during this period, but he wouldn't budge, so the release became impossible.
Maybe someone should arrange to fly a plane over Morrissey’s hotel or the venue of his next gig.

Any thoughts on what we would write?

Mozi, stop being a dick?
Who does this Terry think he is?! Christ, this is embarrassing.
Terry, you’ve done enough damage with your ill-fated MOZI rally, time to piss off/shut up.
I think he is doing ok. He is cutting through the crap and getting things cleared up. Miley does hold a key to unlocking this. It is either her and her label that give way and or it is Morrissey.
Morrissey being an entitled dick, and in the wrong yet again. It's the Der Spiegel thing over again - he says one thing until the truth emerges, and then proves him wrong.

I like the comment "What would you do?". Indeed.
I am vomiting as I write this, but I think I might actually agree with Uncle Skinny Peter about something.
Crosswords are still shit, though.
I think he is doing ok. He is cutting through the crap and getting things cleared up. Miley does hold a key to unlocking this. It is either her and her label that give way and or it is Morrissey.
Are you all f***ing dense? These are legally binding contracts, worth hundreds of thousands. If she has signed an exclusive deal, she can’t just immediately start appearing on other artists records.
Morrissey was told not to talk about it, and he did, now he’s up shit creek.

Besides reading some good books in his teens/twenties, has Morrissey ever exhibited an iota of f***ing intelligence?
I think he is doing ok. He is cutting through the crap and getting things cleared up. Miley does hold a key to unlocking this. It is either her and her label that give way and or it is Morrissey.

Has he, according to Scott this sort of thing is the reason no record company will touch him.

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