"World Peace..." enters US Billboard Album Chart at #14 (updated)

Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

You realise how difficult it must be to make money in the music business now on album sales alone, when Morrissey sells such a relatively small amount and given how great the album is and all the great reviews.
If you want to survive you have to tour.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20


The Billboard 200 chart is officially out, World Peace Is None Of Your Business debuts at #14, not #18 as reported by the final numbers at Hits Daily Double.

While it is all well and good that Morrissey has managed to chart in the top 20 with virtually no promotion, what has traditionally mattered to him is chart placement. He should take heart that he can still exist as a (relatively) independent entity - he's gotten incredibly far playing by his own rules. However, if he wants to get to the top, he's got to play by the same rules as everybody else. Even his titanic talent isn't enough to change that.

As always: I admire his refusal - one of the world's oldest punks continues his unlikely reign. It's his seeming inability to take any blame whatsoever for what he perceives as a lack of success that gets him into trouble. There's only so much you can accomplish from the margins - if you want people's attention, you've got to work for it.
It's nice that he placed better than expected, but really, he could and should have done better. He would have never had #1, but a Fallon or Kimmel appearance would have done wonders for his sales.
"As always: I admire his refusal - one of the world's oldest punks continues his unlikely reign. It's his seeming inability to take any blame whatsoever for what he perceives as a lack of success that gets him into trouble. There's only so much you can accomplish from the margins - if you want people's attention, you've got to work for it."

this is a really good statement and one i mostly agree with. when manson, who made the most money of any singer in the us last year according to people with money, took all the responsibility for his last album not selling as well, i was pleased. he was so honest and just said he wasnt sure why, that maybe he didnt put enough hooks in or something which, aside from whatever you think about his music, is something ive almost never seen any artist admit in print. i was impressed with that admission of uncertainty which seems a rare thing in todays musical press.
Some People are pretty angry about the cancelations and if he tours the UK this fall some American fans will be angrier.

ALL of my shows were canceled this time around. If he tours the UK this fall, I won't get angry—but I will buy a plane ticket. :D (You're right, though. I have no doubt the cancellations affected at least the initial sales of the album—there are a lot of very angry American fans. I do think they'll wind up buying it eventually, though.)
"World Peace Is All About Business"...the business of making money cause it isn't about the music or lyrics on this record.

oh you are so smart, so smart. If you don't like majestic 'World Peace...', move on, just go.
So Morrissey makes it to #14 but Kids Bop 26 makes it at #4.....

Morrissey fans have mortgages and car payments to make. Kids Bop 26 fans have allowance money burning a hole in their pocket. It's pretty simple.
Morrissey fans have mortgages and car payments to make. Kids Bop 26 fans have allowance money burning a hole in their pocket. It's pretty simple.

Pretty sure children aren't the ones actually buying Kidz Bop...
It is laughable the crickets coming from Morrissey and TTY when he does not reach an admirable chart position, or is he busy composing some witty presser?

Many of the "yes men" here and over there with (TRB) the clown and his BRS point the finger at Harvest for lack of promotion. Mr. Diva himself should have been on late night shows and doing radio interviews--especially when he claimed early on that this new release was going to be so good. I guess once he realized the release is not very good at all--with its very weak lyrics and noisy music--that the damage has been done. One must not forget the "so called" illness that he claims or claimed to have had during his latest round of performance attempts. Looking for someone to blame, Moz, look into the mirror!
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

to me he sounds very much his age with no time for comforting his message or being nice for the sake of being nice. like most 50 somethings hes very direct these days.

As a man on the cusp of 50 years of age I agree that he may now have no desire to be comforting and is interested in being more direct, but what about clever as well? That is the main thing that drew me to his music in the first place. I much prefer his music in the early solo days, but without strong lyrics it would have been just frothy pop like much of what is out today.

Unfortunately, his latest efforts have moved away from a pop sound sensibility and now the lyrics are deserting the ship as well. The songs on this album are written as if to be read not sung. Like little articles about his feelings on the various topics he constantly revisits. The cleverness, twist of a phrase, and thought provoking nature of his music is gone. Books are read once maybe twice, but songs are meant to be listened to over and over. There is nothing on this album that I need to hear more than once. I got his message the first go round.

It is hard, if not impossible, for a man in his fifties to still be "popular" in popular music today, but if he is as desirous as he seems to be about high chart positions, then why does he make music that only a few are interested in listening to, and refuse to offer any personal promotion of it. It appears as though the days of an Irish Blood, English Heart and First of the Gang to Die may be well in the past.
ALL of my shows were canceled this time around. If he tours the UK this fall, I won't get angry—but I will buy a plane ticket. :D (You're right, though. I have no doubt the cancellations affected at least the initial sales of the album—there are a lot of very angry American fans. I do think they'll wind up buying it eventually, though.)

If there's one person I wouldn't spend money on flying out to see, it's Morrissey. Way too risky.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

As a man on the cusp of 50 years of age I agree that he may now have no desire to be comforting and is interested in being more direct, but what about clever as well? That is the main thing that drew me to his music in the first place. I much prefer his music in the early solo days, but without strong lyrics it would have been just frothy pop like much of what is out today.

Unfortunately, his latest efforts have moved away from a pop sound sensibility and now the lyrics are deserting the ship as well. The songs on this album are written as if to be read not sung. Like little articles about his feelings on the various topics he constantly revisits. The cleverness, twist of a phrase, and thought provoking nature of his music is gone. Books are read once maybe twice, but songs are meant to be listened to over and over. There is nothing on this album that I need to hear more than once. I got his message the first go round.

It is hard, if not impossible, for a man in his fifties to still be "popular" in popular music today, but if he is as desirous as he seems to be about high chart positions, then why does he make music that only a few are interested in listening to, and refuse to offer any personal promotion of it. It appears as though the days of an Irish Blood, English Heart and First of the Gang to Die may be well in the past.

Thank goodness !
i dont know. clever to me is sorta synonymous with playful in many ways. i think most of the cleverness of this album is sorta in inference and in reading between the lines of the subject matter rather than in a turn of phrase. like world peace is none of your business can be taken in so many ways. countries have no desire to stop confrontation because thats how they get aid from other countries, by agreeing to buy there arms. those countries have no desire to end there conflict as they make money selling weapons with the loser being the poor folk theyre used on. i dont think france has much interest in sanctions on russia because theyre building there warships as we speak. he also has probably tried to write political songs or make political arguments before and might have been told as others have, when the rock against bush comp came out in 2004 maybe many a big "punk" band wouldnt be on it because there label told them it would hurt sales and there existence despite punk rock being about speaking up and out, that world peace is no business of a singer/songwriter celebrity and to leave it to professionals. selling albums are theyre business both figuratively and literally. it can be taken further on so many levels. i also think he criticizes the poor for being so apathetic and never questioning anything.

he might be into chart positions true but i dont think it wins against his conflicting desire to do want he wants artistically.
Not surprising at all given that it's been the weakest promotion I've ever seen for a new Moz album. No interviews/press copy anywhere outside of some Peta propaganda and no scheduled appearances on TV or stage. Then there's the album's content which, IMHO, isn't Moz's best (nor is it his worst!). Plus the aborted tour (let's all blame Miss Young for sabotaging it;) and it's no wonder that sales are weak after a week. Moz's best bet may be to grind out that novel quickly or start over with new musical material. This album is going nowhere fast.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

I don't understand why you're making this all so personal. It's not about you or me, it's about why certain artists fail to chart as high as others. Simple.

Some people put way too much stock in being correct. I've learned to recognize the self-professed "handsome" male ilk and I avoid it like the plague.
Re: US Billboard Chart. Weird Al takes #1 - "World Peace in at 18 to 20

LOL. That's how I feel too. Gotta love and admire him too. He's the most fun imaginary friend I've ever had. LOL.

But o no! I do feel sorry for Moz: he's rich, famous, uniquely talented, genius, hilarious, still sex on legs and instead of promoting his greatest album ever on the media factory line he's relaxing in a lake side house in Switzerland.
Poor thing.
It is laughable the crickets coming from Morrissey and TTY when he does not reach an admirable chart position, or is he busy composing some witty presser?

#14 *is* an admirable chart position. His 3rd highest in the US.
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