"World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014)

Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

With reference to "paz mundial es asunto que no te concierne", as we stated in our review: this is the voice of the slum-favela. We had assumed it was Portuguese as the lyric refers to Brazil. We only know rude things to say to Spanish waiters in Benidorm and thus did not realise it was linked to "The Bullfighter Dies" as well.

best wishes
Interesting marketing/sales strategy to delay release to Spotify for 24 hours to balance purchase and streaming income streams and to use access to single as bait for album order. Industry wide, so nothing sinister. It will be interesting to observe if this track now goes viral on social media alongside the Morrissey/Sinatra promo.

best wishes
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Has anyone (I'm looking at you Viva) figured out what he's saying during the fade-out? It doesn't even sound like English.

I love the monestary chants at the beginning. Each replay offers something delightfully new.

America is not the world and English is not the only language.
We have speculated about Morrissey's possible sanctuary on Mount Baldy, but it's probably just another rumour to be dismissed. It's hard to visualise him as a Zen novice shy bald buddhist, etc. But stranger things have happened on this planet.

best wishes
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Not bad....a real grower. If you're waiting for another 'Irish Blood/Suedehead'.....don't bother yourself. But for now, this'll do. Nice. :)
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Listen people!

This album will be number one!

Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

This song is about Mexicans, search it in the "Autobiography" book, Here's the spanish excerpt:

"...Muchas de las víctimas del mundo viven en México, su pobreza creada por los gobiernos miserablemente ricos del mundo civilizado; una pobreza deliberadamente estructurada para mantener a los pobres pobres, y para mantener a México incapaz de alcanzar los vitales intereses de sus vecinos del norte..."
I liked the start with the aboriginal sounds and matt walker is on point. The guitar is distracting. I hate the grinding noise Jesse is making can someone who plays explain what that is. It doesn't soar like the live version. In the live version Morrissey really lets go and you can hear the passion when he names the countries and the oh bits and sooooo part.

Overall the grinding guitar ruined it.
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

I like the 'grinding guitar' personally, but as a My Bloody Valentine fan that is of little surprise.

I tried to resist playing this more than a few times before the album was released, so as not to spoil the album as a whole thing. I bought the single today simply as 99p towards helping Mozzer get up the charts was worth it for me. But since buying it, have listened a dozen times. It grows more and more. I think I prefer it to anything on YoR already. I think...
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

I'm finding it very much a grower...had it in my head all day.
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Very dreamy. Melody is melodious.
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

sorry instantly forgettable for me, wont make a ripple nothing good about the lyrics, I suppose judges get let off on this one, wonder if moz has heard paul heaton and jaqui abbots (beautiful south) new single, now that is how to storm back!
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Some may like it. Many do. It's all down to personal taste. I find it plodding, one-dimensional, and uninspiring. Not a quantum leap in quality.


I think Uncleskinny (who is normally spot on about most things) does a fairly good job of summing up the song. I like the intro, outro and vocal melody but musically this is very poor. Musically it's like a filler track of Maladjusted (think ambitious outsiders). For the past 20 years I've brought the lead single of each solo album and played them constantly. This one I've listened to 4 times, given a bit of thought to and come to an unfavourable conclusion.

It pains me to think of all the talented musicians who would give a right arm (and leg possibly) to contribute to a Moz song yet he perseveres with this bunch of pub rock amateurs. The first album with no Alain Whyte contribution since Your Arsenal - could the album be Kill Uncle part 2? Time will tell.

Having said that I quite liked the little video with Nancy Sinatra.
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Now Amzon.de has this Vinyl Maxi Single release date 23rd June while Amazon.it still has 17th June....I trust more Amazon.de, to be honest.

Cheers Moz
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Now Amzon.de has this Vinyl Maxi Single release date 23rd June while Amazon.it still has 17th June....I trust more Amazon.de, to be honest.

Cheers Moz

There's no pic on that link at all. I wonder if it means the single will get a sleeve?
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Amazon.it has the vinyl now available from 24th June.....

Cheers Moz
Re: Article: "World Peace Is None Of Your Business" single (digital download) released (May 13, 2014

Swedish record stores has a 10 " single version of WPINOYB listed for 24th June. B-sides would be Istanbul, The Bullfighter Dies and Earth Is The Loneliest Planet. The listed b-sides can surely not be correct but maybe the single really will get a physical release by June 24th?

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