Years of Refusal on Rockband 2 or Guitar Hero?


I Know It's Over...
I wonder if anyone knows if Morrissey's current label has any involvement with Red Octane or Harmonix, the producers of Guitar Hero and Rockband respectively?

Recently, I bought Guitar Hero World Tour for the Nintendo Wii; and, it is an absolute blast. There is the ability to download new content into the game, so this past several months they have offered up tracks from "The Killers," "R.E.M.," and "The Raconteurs." What is amazing is the download sales of the songs (priced around $1.99 a piece) are outselling their iTune's counterparts 3 to 1.

With the early description of some of the new tracks sounding like they could have come from "Southpaw Grammar," it might be the perfect time to try to market Morrissey in this manner.
The Smiths have a track on singstar I think. But I am not sure about rock badn....would be very cool though lol
This would be super weird. I can't imagine a Smiths or Moz song on any of these games. Although I enjoy playing them and enjoy the endless hours of entertainment they provide, I don't think that Moz would be cool with being invovled. He probably turns his back and gags at the thought.
Yeah This Charming Man is on Singstar for the PS2.

My mate always beat me.

Would be nice to have loads of Morrissey. Unlikely there'll even be another track though.
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