Anne Marie Waters thanks Morrissey

MORRISSEY, THANK YOU - Anne Marie Waters Official Website
April 2018 / 19

Dear Morrissey,

Thank you for your recent kind words about For Britain; you are obviously a person with the courage to tell it like it is. In fact, I suspect you and I have a few things in common. I’ve always believed in stating plain facts, and that’s what will bring success For Britain.

We will talk to the back-bone of this country – the working majority. Nobody is listening to the person who gets out of bed, gets the bus to work, pays their bills, raises their kids, and stays within the law. Their opinions mean nothing to a political elite that sees the world as its chess board. Human life is a game they play in Westminster. They have no right, and we will take back the power that rightly belongs to us.

Like you, I feel a strong compassion for animals, and our policies on animal welfare are very close to my heart. I have two dogs next to me as I write this, and I know how wonderful and clever and affectionate and loving they are. Humanity’s treatment of animals is one of its darkest aspects, and I believe we must change this, for our own sake, as well as for animals.

Change is coming, and a lot of people won’t like it, including the established press. I see that they are doing to you what they do to me. ‘Journalists’ have decided to portray us as though we’re unhinged, when actually it is they who are simply not intelligent enough to understand the arguments we’re making. They therefore resort to name-calling to disguise this. As you said, they never print what we say, and like you, I wonder why they bother asking me questions at all.

Thank you for this boost to For Britain. You are one of the only remaining British icons who hasn’t sold out to the thought police.

Thanks again, you’ll always be welcome on board.

Anne Marie


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I shouldn‘t be surprised but it still makes me cringe to realise that the usual mix of alt-right idiots, racists and bots are now assembling around Morrissey.
It‘s definetely over. I feel betrayed for 19 years of my life.
I really don't see what Morrissey is saying different, to what he has said in the past ?
All his fans are still here, they will never get over this. They can't let go of the man although I warned them for decades that he is not one of them.

You should all become fans of Adele instead and watch a flying pig cause that is entertainment as is the fact Moz kicked you all in the balls.
Marry me Anne-Marie and you are so right. No one bothers with the quiet people getting on with it every day getting bullied for it by big finance people and muslims in general. Those people have nothing more to lose now and might as well stand up for themselves against the kindergarten brainwashed masses of zombie champagne socialists who lived in millionaire homes paying only a small amount of interest rate why the rest of us paid for their homes with our taxes and rent and other increased costs cause those lefties claimed tax is sexy when in fact they never paid any at all.
Very nice person and wonderfully concise statement!!! A++
Her comments on behalf of people who work to support their families, as opposed to demanding govt handouts, was sure to bring out surly Cheswick. :bowing:
Any loser snowflake out there want to contact the Thought Police? Address you inquires to the Ministry of Propaganda care of @USkinny.:hand:

The next Moz tour is going to be the most successful of all. And the new album straight to NO 1.:euro::moneybag:
Spoken like a proper, bubble-dwelling sack of shit. The English dole is rife with daft, redneck, white-bred, ignorant f***tards - just like yourself. ...but you’d rather scream “England for the English” and lay blame for the wasting of a crumbled empire on refugees from the former colonies. This is pure, unadulterated, half-baked nonsense to ANYONE with even limited cognitive function.

Your final assertion here, about the undoubted success of the next album and tour are the greatest sign of your inability to process and apply reason, when dealing with basic facts.

Morrissey may, indeed, have another weak-kneed, hack-pile of rubbish, ready for the can. Once again though, he’ll have no label. The last album was well over-pressed, in comparison to sales and the thousands of unsold copies are already headed to the recycle bin. The chances of him putting his own money where his mouth is are zero.

Stay tuned for the upcoming Kickstarter and GoFundMe campaigns. I’d expect nothing less of folk like you than to support him. ...and for the rest of us - those who have a clue - this is a gift. It will tell us exactly where the daft are, so we might avoid them.
The sheer bloody Gaul of it.

At the time of the illegal invasion of the Falklands in 1982, Argentina was in its sixth year of a fascist military dictatorship following the coup of 1976. Thousands of Argentines were disappeared, which was not only awful in itself, but the horror was compounded further when it led directly to U2 writing a f***ing song about it.

By defeating Argentina not only did Britain free its own territory and citizens, but the military humiliation led to the collapse of the junta and the return of democracy to Argentina.

Happy Falklanders. Happy Argentines. Happy penguins.

You’re welcome.

I know very well what was happening at the time of the invasion and I don't back it, not because it was "illegal", but because it was violent. It was a military invasion boosted by CIA like the military dictatorship we suffered, then US betrayed the dictatorship and backed Thatcher. The result was that UK "won" the war and Thatcher received a political impulse for her recessive policies in her own country. Malvinas war ended a dictatorship in our country and legitimized a dark conservative period in UK.
That doesn't mean Malvinas are British territory. It's still a colonized and occupied territory and I imagine you can understand why common working people here feels so, despite all the propaganda on the contrary. British occupation is an occupation based solely on military strenght. Argentina will never invade the islands under a democratic regime, but people will never accept the islands are a legitimate part of british territory.
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f*** her, f*** him, and f*** all right-wing bigots like them.

He's found his natural home, Well, all you scumbags who don't care are welcome to this right-wing shit-for-all. He's all yours. I'm looking at you Thewlis, you cowardly racist apologist c***. And that Croatian arsehole who'd drink dribbly shit from Moz's arse at the first opportunity. You're all scum.
Skinny the anti racist attacks people from Holland and Croatia like a true racist would. Must be hard for the lefties elite to discover no one agrees with them and that they are haning onto the rope like a punch drunk boxer and the sound of the bell is screaming in their ears.
It’s complicated. When Mark E. Smith died Uncleskinny tweeted “RIP Legend” (or words to that effect).
It’s well-known that MES used to beat up his wife/girlfriend.
And some of The Fall’s earlier lyrics can be interpreted as a bit, um, ‘dodgy’.

As I say, it’s complicated...
I shouldn‘t be surprised but it still makes me cringe to realise that the usual mix of alt-right idiots, racists and bots are now assembling around Morrissey.
It‘s definetely over. I feel betrayed for 19 years of my life.
But why? The music is still there, and will be there for eternity!
It’s complicated. When Mark E. Smith died Uncleskinny tweeted “RIP Legend” (or words to that effect).
It’s well-known that MES used to beat up his wife/girlfriend.
And some of The Fall’s earlier lyrics can be interpreted as a bit, um, ‘dodgy’.

As I say, it’s complicated...

Maybe beaten women are not his concern.
And they say the stereotypes of the Irish being racist are wrong. The same people who bombed the f*** out of the UK and killed citizens. Two immigrants who endorse this nonsense. Maybe time for an Irish immigration ban? No, that would be racist.
Because, for people who are morally unambiguous, the taint of this recent 'escapade' is inescapable. And inexcusable.
With recent you mean what? The past year, the past 10 years? The past 35 years? He’s always said morally ambigious things as long as I can remember.
It’s complicated. When Mark E. Smith died Uncleskinny tweeted “RIP Legend” (or words to that effect).
It’s well-known that MES used to beat up his wife/girlfriend.
And some of The Fall’s earlier lyrics can be interpreted as a bit, um, ‘dodgy’.

As I say, it’s complicated...
The few women getting a good beating always deserve it. Seen some and what they did to not only their men and boyfriends but other people as well.

Even women have to behave ok or pay for the consequences. Now you would reply and go "yeah I knew you beat women" but I've never done that as an adult but I did once as a kid when a girl really was asking for it.

Most women tend to fall head over heels for men that beat them up cause women because of their silly hormones are submissive and need to be lead and fed to feel they have any kind of life at all.

Do I hate women?

Only the ones that behaved in a way making them deserve my hate. For equality to work women must step up and smell the coffee. They have had it far too easy up until now.
Think about it, what generally leads to terrorism? Outside of the angry impressionable youths?

That's easy: intelligence services money. Same as with espionage and counterespionage. A lot of people live on that money. It's the poison of contemporary world. My regards.
With recent you mean what? The past year, the past 10 years? The past 35 years? He’s always said morally ambigious things as long as I can remember.

And you don't find the latest development less ambiguous and, in turn, a bit of a 'cap-per off-er'?
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And you don't find the latest development less ambiguous and, in turn, a bit of a 'capper offer'?
Not more so than likening the Meat industry to the holocaust or calling the Chinese a subspecies etc.

The list is old and it goes on.

I don’t agree with any of it but that doesn’t mean I can still listen to and love the man’s music.
Yes, Skinny Jr, more Argentinians have been shot dead by fellow Argentinians than by Americans or Isis worldwide.
More Mexicans have been shot dead by fellow Mexicans than by Isis and Americans combined.:crazy:

So why are you getting a semi on over Isis and Muslims then you f***ing retard.
for britain
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