Anne Marie Waters thanks Morrissey

MORRISSEY, THANK YOU - Anne Marie Waters Official Website
April 2018 / 19

Dear Morrissey,

Thank you for your recent kind words about For Britain; you are obviously a person with the courage to tell it like it is. In fact, I suspect you and I have a few things in common. I’ve always believed in stating plain facts, and that’s what will bring success For Britain.

We will talk to the back-bone of this country – the working majority. Nobody is listening to the person who gets out of bed, gets the bus to work, pays their bills, raises their kids, and stays within the law. Their opinions mean nothing to a political elite that sees the world as its chess board. Human life is a game they play in Westminster. They have no right, and we will take back the power that rightly belongs to us.

Like you, I feel a strong compassion for animals, and our policies on animal welfare are very close to my heart. I have two dogs next to me as I write this, and I know how wonderful and clever and affectionate and loving they are. Humanity’s treatment of animals is one of its darkest aspects, and I believe we must change this, for our own sake, as well as for animals.

Change is coming, and a lot of people won’t like it, including the established press. I see that they are doing to you what they do to me. ‘Journalists’ have decided to portray us as though we’re unhinged, when actually it is they who are simply not intelligent enough to understand the arguments we’re making. They therefore resort to name-calling to disguise this. As you said, they never print what we say, and like you, I wonder why they bother asking me questions at all.

Thank you for this boost to For Britain. You are one of the only remaining British icons who hasn’t sold out to the thought police.

Thanks again, you’ll always be welcome on board.

Anne Marie


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Not more so than likening the Meat industry to the holocaust or calling the Chinese a subspecies etc.

The list is old and it goes on.

I don’t agree with any of it but that doesn’t mean I can still listen to and love the man’s music.

Fair play. But obviously, some people can't. I think recovery is incredibly slim for the man from this one.
I know very well what was happening at the time of the invasion and I don't back it, not because it was "illegal", but because it was violent. It was a military invasion boosted by CIA like the military dictatorship we suffered, then US betrayed the dictatorship and backed Thatcher. The result was that UK "won" the war and Thatcher received a political impulse for her recessive policies in her own country. Malvinas war ended a dictatorship in our country and legitimized a dark conservative period in UK.
That doesn't mean Malvinas are British territory. It's still a colonized and occupied territory and I imagine you can understand why common working people here feels so, despite all the propaganda on the contrary. British occupation is an occupation based solely on military strenght. Argentina will never invade the islands under a democratic regime, but people will never accept the islands are a legitimate part of british territory.

Thatcher was elected three times, so despite all the historical revisionism she wasn’t quite as unpopular as some might have you believe.
Hitler seemed like a very kind guy before he reached power...bloody hell. You must be taking the piss.

He had to "seem" so to win the elections and german society let him grab the government. Don't forget he was backed by British aristocracy and other aristocracies who later felt betrayed by the barbarie. Please read the book of Jessica Mitford, Hons and Rebels. She explains it.
Thatcher was elected three times, so despite all the historical revisionism she wasn’t quite as unpopular as some might have you believe.
I think she would have won a forth if not for being forced out. (all before my time though)
I have a crush on Anne-Marie now!

I want to put up posters of her and wear t-shirts with her face on it. My inner lesbo is biting the pillow out of love frustration.

I want the one I can't have and it's making me (well, I am already mad but hey ho).

Anne-Marie's the name of my latest flame (bye bye Pilla and thank you for the memories)
Fair play. But obviously, some people can't. I think recovery is incredibly slim for the man from this one.
I think it’s another storm in a teacup really. BBC continue to play him, the fans keep coming to the shows (as the last UK Tour proved) and generally (worldwide) he is considered as one of UK’s last musical icons.
His legacy will long outlive him.
A sad state of affairs whatever your viewpoint. Once upon a time Morrissey represented the outsiders of society. Seems like a long time ago sadly.
A sad state of affairs whatever your viewpoint. Once upon a time Morrissey represented the outsiders of society. Seems like a long time ago sadly.

Well, I guess the racists are the outsiders of society, too. So in a way, he is still representing the outsiders of society. Just a different kind of outsiders.
I think it’s another storm in a teacup really. BBC continue to play him, the fans keep coming to the shows (as the last UK Tour proved) and generally (worldwide) he is considered as one of UK’s last musical icons.
His legacy will long outlive him.

Unless there is a mighty about-turn from him, and a complete rebuttal of any association with For Britain, I doubt there is a label on the planet who would release anything by him now.

Perhaps that was the plan - retirement.
A sad state of affairs whatever your viewpoint. Once upon a time Morrissey represented the outsiders of society. Seems like a long time ago sadly.
I'm guessing you think this?

But remember, given the sorry state of affairs in the current world (especially the UK), speaking against the status quo, can easily ruin anybody. I think it does Morrissey credit and shows he has integrity.

"The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it" - George Orwell.
Well, I guess the racists are the outsiders of society, too. So in a way, he is still representing the outsiders of society. Just a different kind of outsiders.
Especially since all those racists only exist in your very troubled mind!
Unless there is a mighty about-turn from him, and a complete rebuttal of any association with For Britain, I doubt there is a label on the planet who would release anything by him now.

Perhaps that was the plan - retirement.
He’s still on BMG, recording a new album.
BBC Radio 2 have kept Jacky on their new playlist for the upcoming week.
I think his profile now is higher than ever and don’t forget he hasn’t alligned himself to any political party and never will.
No, there’s no reason to retire at all.
Why would you think so?
He’s still on BMG, recording a new album.
BBC Radio 2 have kept Jacky on their new playlist for the upcoming week.
I think his profile now is higher than ever and don’t forget he hasn’t alligned himself to any political party and never will.
No, there’s no reason to retire at all.
Why would you think so?

Unfortunately, the reportage has connected him with For Britain. I have no idea how many albums his contract with BMG is for but I don' see them releasing anything if the current situation is not addressed positively.

Well, retirement seems likely to happen, whether intentional or not.
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It's so great to see all you bullies here getting bullied by reality and you just can't take it. You lived pampered lives with every door opening for you. Well off parents that taught you to be open and welcoming to anyone and anything.

You've lived all your lives thinking you are the good people when in fact you never did anything good in your entire lives. You all lived a life of greed and inactivity thinking that your vote would be a quick fix and that democracy would take care of itself.

Then the mass immigration began and you got scared and acted in the way you did out of fear of being called a racist. Batik clothes and palestine scarves and weird bands and artists that you chose not cause you in any way liked them or their music but because they were right for the setting you so desperately wanted to be a part of.

The men grew a beard to signal their approval of muslims and you searched the entire world for the right specs without lenses in them and spent endless amounts of time at hipster cafe's forming the right opinions mirroring yourselves in others instead of forming your own opinion.

The women started buying clothes from the Red Cross and Oxfam ridden by lice and all kinds of creepy things as fashion became a contest to look the most stupid and unsexy possible. Dye hair like a Disney character and anwer everyone with hands shaped like a heart blinking with your eyes like the dimwits you all are.

The search for UFO's can stop, they've all been found and identified.
Reading Anne Marie Walter's letter to Morrissey my heart has just swollen with pride. Changes are coming. People power is alive.
A sad state of affairs whatever your viewpoint. Once upon a time Morrissey represented the outsiders of society. Seems like a long time ago sadly.

So animals having their throats cut and being slightly out of joint that men, women and kids are being murdered means supporting the oppressor does it ? Ok.
for britain

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