Article: Ed Sheeran says Morrissey is talking 'absolute bollocks' after he insults singer and Sam Sm

Re: You just haven't earn-Ed it yet, Sheeran - Ed Sheeran says Morrissey is talking 'absolute bollocks' after he insults singer and Sam Smith

Sam was the least predictable success story of last year? Is that because he plagiarized Tom Petty?
God knows tasteless white people need advocates, don't they? What was I thinking.

Ed Sheeran is an "artist" and public figure... His outward appearance, image and "brand" is a large part of what drives his income. Why shouldn't it be open to criticism?

But clearly his appearance isn't a problem since he has millions of fans. I remember the Stockholm concert. Ed was playing in the much bigger arena the day before. I was there you should have seen the millions of girl fans almost tackling me in the box office just to get to any remaining ticket of Ed if there was any. His appearance might not be good for you but it's good for others

I love morrissey more than any Ed Sheeran or Sam smith but I do not support his constant slagging off artist that never did anything to him. There is a difference between giving constructive criticism and just being a bit bastardly. I feel sorry for Ed, he has gotten attacked by both moz, Noel and many more. And for what, ed saw a opportunity to become a face in the world to leave a legacy just like moz had. Yes moz got that opportunity because of sheer brilliance innovation and Ed got it because of the current "everything goes as long as its sugary" climate of the music world. But who can blame a boy who just wants to escape the mundane life.

Sry for the long post
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Ed is entitled to utter his opinion just as moz and you have. Just because moz is vastly more talented than Ed does not make his opinions the right ones and the only ones that are allowed to be said. Morrissey has had a history of uttering illconvinced notions. Which he has little knowledge about. The Australia/ Eurovision remark recently is a example. Morrissey is one of the 20th century greatest poets but he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and let's his emotions and frustration take over him sometimes. I do agree what moz has to say about modern music and Ed but he has been saying that modern music is awful ever since he came on to the scene. He has slagged of britpop, Kate bush, elton John , Madonna, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones(he did although change his mind) and even the New York dolls once. He hates everything besides himself and his few musical loves.

Ps he was defending himself, morrissey started with the slagging off. Never ed

You might have a point there. He did slag off The Cure and Suede and Siouxsie and I didn't like that, so I'm not a Moz apologist. But I just don't like Ed Sheered and find it hard to go against anyone who takes a swing at him.
I find the press coverage and this fierce discussion around here rather amusing. And even more amusing, to me, is the outrage of everbody. Why? Every single person on the planet comments constantly on his/her like or dislike for other people. Just recently my sister and I got in a three hour "fight" over her like and my dislike for Thom Yorke (no particular reason, I just can't stand him). I suppose the press itself causes much of the outrage because they report it like that. So excuse me, I have to get back to real life to complain of about some modern actors whose faces just show some movement and emotion if you punsh into it (George, Keanu, I look at you).
You might have a point there. He did slag off The Cure and Suede and Siouxsie and I didn't like that, so I'm not a Moz apologist. But I just don't like Ed Sheered and find it hard to go against anyone who takes a swing at him.

Oh, when he slagged of the cure and suede....... I wanted to slap him. Suede and the cure are bands which I greatly respected and love hugely. I mean have you ever read Brett lyrics, he is sometimes even more poetic than moz, and when he sing.... Oh the emotional performances he gives. Still life brings tears to my eyes. Also the joy in Roberts music. Friday I'm in love. I wanted to hug a kitten when I saw the video
So... When Morrissey was lamenting the state of pop music in the 80's, 90's, and 2000's, (not to mention the 70's letters) he was also dead-on? It's a tireless song and dance from him.

He rarely has anything good to say about anyone. I'm not trying to argue any major point here, just the fact that Morrissey shot out from the womb as a curmudgeon who enjoys talking shit about musicians.

Absolutely.His bitch ass attitude sucks.He is a hypocrite just as much as anyone else he claims disdain for.It is very tiresome.It's obvious he gets a spike to his ego anytime he gets his way and his inflated ego then feels the need to post on True To You and if he honestly thinks Julia is feminist for enslaving her life to this man by stalking him in a glorified manner that is rather pathetic actually.Other people would be thrown to the curb. Obsessing over a singer is hardly feminist especially when that singer is a man.He seems to like to say nice things only about idiotic people who have nothing of significance to offer unless they are stoned on his image and words. Truly sad.So many deluded fans who cannot think objectively. How can you even talk about being vegan when leather shoes are a part of the process? It's no longer amusing. Anyone who has seen this song and dance for years gets it . For a private person counting his dough behind disconnected doors it's really sad his pathetic and shallow attempts and media whoring really. There is no excuse.Some deluded fans will try to make excuses but there are none. The older I get the more he seems like any attention is good attention. For someone claiming to have depth and be private he is in the media more than others. Additionally if he isn't a flake why these constant mentions or name dropping? RIGHT. I'm buying it. NOT.
Why doesn't Sheeran admit that his and Sam Smith's labels paid radio stations to play them ad nauseam? I heard the sponsorship disclaimers on IHeartMedia. They also stack the joints by giving away tickets and hyping the artists.


"I do maintain that if your hair is wrong, your entire life is wrong." -Morrissey


...Not to mention the sleeves of pointless, idiotic tattoos. How much of fargone white douchebag do you have to be to have this worthless corporate trash permanantly inked on your body? I guess when you completely lack a personality, you need something to generate a conversation.
Re: You just haven't earn-Ed it yet, Sheeran - Ed Sheeran says Morrissey is talking 'absolute bollocks' after he insults singer and Sam Smith

Can someone around here tell me the last time skinny didn't react to anything Moz related with snipe, sarcasm, repulsion or the last time he genuinly stood up for Moz? Just interested.

I know this, it was May 21st 1959. ;)
I love that these comments from Morrissey have stirred this sheehan dude whoever he is. This takes me back to the 1990s when we heard similar critiques on the music industry from Morrissey. I thought he'd mellowed and decided to keep those things to himself but he's back :)

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Yeah, sure. Whatever you are talking about. How do you know about my level of ire regarding every topic? I don't comment on everything on public websites like some of you. I just happened to post on this thread this time. My level of ire is mostly private. But one thing is quite interesting. Can someone around here tell me the last time skinny didn't react to anything Moz related with snipe, sarcasm, repulsion or the last time he genuinly stood up for Moz? Just interested.

He's just here to wrap Moz on the knuckles.
I think what Moz was saying is that they are bland and boring. 100% correct he is too!

But people on here saying Ed 'Shittyran', and claiming he can't sing and doesn't deserve an opinion. Grow up FFS and get some ears while you're at it. He can sing (he can play too!) and everyone deserves an opinion, yes even you I suppose.

"I do maintain that if your hair is wrong, your entire life is wrong." -Morrissey


...Not to mention the sleeves of pointless, idiotic tattoos. How much of fargone white douchebag do you have to be to have this worthless corporate trash permanantly inked on your body? I guess when you completely lack a personality, you need something to generate a conversation.

"I do maintain that if you eat cheese, your entire life is wrong." -The Ghost Of BrummieBoy

And Morrissey's has never cracked on off whilst ogling some tatoo'd white trash? f*** off, silly bitch


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Speaking of lacking a personality and needing something to generate a conversation... the colour of his skin is of what relevance here? I don't comment on stories of rappers and call them 'black douchebags', but maybe I should start doing that. Thanks for the idea!

That's because, unlike Mrs Syphilis Toerag, you're not a racist piece of shit.

Not that I listen or like Ed, but that quote makes morrissey look a like a stupid try-hard not Ed. I know morrissey is trying to be humorous but it just fails, in this instance. Got it but meh morrissey you have pulled things like this before. I thought that when I first heard this quote. I mean morrissey is vastly more talanted and influential than Ed but why does morrissey even care if he is more popular or how he got there. Morrissey you do know that nme did their fair share of promoting the smiths in the early day. There is no shame in getting marketed.

Morrissey some words of wisdom. The public is full of fools why do you care if they decide to listen to Ed than you. You should take the fact that the truly sensitive and emotional listen to you as a compliment. I mean by now it just sounds a bit bitter.

Take a tip from Lyndon here. And as I always say "if you don't like the x-factor, than turn the damn channel off! Rather than to bitch to me about it"

But I have to agree the tattoos are nauseating and another thing insulting his apperance is not a good thing. I mean not every popstar will look as gorgeous as moz. I think that a less conventional handsome person becoming a popstar sends out a great message that music is in the end the most important thing. Unfortunately I wish Ed produced quality music but that's my opinion

Plenty of pictures of Morrissey looking like a Smurf past it's sell-by date. He really should think twice before going for the lowest-common denominator insult. Especially as Ed is so beloved in Ireland. Perhaps Morrissey doesn't even realise just how worshipped Ed is on the island? Too busy being a hissy-fit prissy bitch who will never, ever sell out Croker. Or Wembley x 3. C List bitch script....zzzz f*** off Morrissey, bitter loser. You competed for the top of Mount Olympus and your failure to reach the zenith is SPECTACULAR!


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I really never listen this Ed Shittyran and I hope never do but Sam Smith isn't so bad (although I agree he's too predictable.

Go suck Dorrissey's dick or ram him with a strap-on.


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What Morrissey said is dead-on accurate. The state of popular music continues its decline--just when it didn't seem like it could sink any lower. Ed Sheeran has more to lose in this scenario than Morrissey, because Morrissey's legacy is permanently in place. He made it. And for a long, long, long, long time. Very little promotion. Tiny amounts. Long stretches of time without a record label. Morrissey has earned the right to be definitive about popular music, as he sees it. And Ed Sheeran (are those really his tattoos???) validates what Moz is saying 100%. The ONLY thing Ed Sheeran should have "Tweeted" (how brave...responding over Twitter) is "My favorite Smiths song is This Charming Man, and My favorite Moz solo song is Suedehead." Instead he gave a sniveling "Nuh-uh! We're good!" Chalk up a landslide win for Morrissey...again.

Morrissey didn't 'make it', other than with a small cult. His is a total failure on his own terms of 'global religious fame'. And that is pricelss. He f***ed up, alienated the industry and his band and is now just a saddoe freak show with fans to suit his paranoid ravings. f*** Morrissey and f*** you. Thanks for evaporating the bullshit, Ed, you were great when I saw you guesting with Taylor Swift at the O2.

Sheeran is a fool. He can't sing and his manufactured songs are excremental emissions. He isn't entitled to an opinion. The day I listen to a newt like that slagging off Moz is the day I get a lobotomy. Life really is a pigsty if pink squealers like 'Ed' are the norm.

You are lobotomised. Please refrain from echoing your cult leader's egregious abuse of our porcine 'pig' friends. They haven't made this planet's life into a 'pigsty', but hissy fit prima donna crank-fraud bitches like Morrissey have. To think this murderer of cows for cheese would dare issue such calumnies against pigs. Give him the Deliverance treatment, see how he likes being treated like a 'pig'. f*** you Morrissey, leave those pigs alone.

Ed is entitled to utter his opinion just as moz and you have. Just because moz is vastly more talented than Ed does not make his opinions the right ones and the only ones that are allowed to be said. Morrissey has had a history of uttering illconvinced notions. Which he has little knowledge about. The Australia/ Eurovision remark recently is a example. Morrissey is one of the 20th century greatest poets but he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and let's his emotions and frustration take over him sometimes. I do agree what moz has to say about modern music and Ed but he has been saying that modern music is awful ever since he came on to the scene. He has slagged of britpop, Kate bush, elton John , Madonna, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones(he did although change his mind) and even the New York dolls once. He hates everything besides himself and his few musical loves.

Ps he was defending himself, morrissey started with the slagging off. Never ed

You do realise that your are expressing your opinion as fact? He isn't vastly more talented than Ed other than in your fan-deluded mind. He also isn't one of the C20th century's greatest poets. His is a lyricist, not a poet. There is a difference. Ask Simon Armitage. Morrissey hates himself, with good reason, as he's a hypocritical,lying purveyor of snake-oil home-spun bullshit philosophies sold under the bogus wrapper of 'Animal Liberation'. He's full of shit. So are you.

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This argument will be solved once and for all when Kerrygold is released at the end of the month.

Absolutely.His bitch ass attitude sucks.He is a hypocrite just as much as anyone else he claims disdain for.It is very tiresome.It's obvious he gets a spike to his ego anytime he gets his way and his inflated ego then feels the need to post on True To You and if he honestly thinks Julia is feminist for enslaving her life to this man by stalking him in a glorified manner that is rather pathetic actually.Other people would be thrown to the curb. Obsessing over a singer is hardly feminist especially when that singer is a man.He seems to like to say nice things only about idiotic people who have nothing of significance to offer unless they are stoned on his image and words. Truly sad.So many deluded fans who cannot think objectively. How can you even talk about being vegan when leather shoes are a part of the process? It's no longer amusing. Anyone who has seen this song and dance for years gets it . For a private person counting his dough behind disconnected doors it's really sad his pathetic and shallow attempts and media whoring really. There is no excuse.Some deluded fans will try to make excuses but there are none. The older I get the more he seems like any attention is good attention. For someone claiming to have depth and be private he is in the media more than others. Additionally if he isn't a flake why these constant mentions or name dropping? RIGHT. I'm buying it. NOT.

He isn't Vegan. Vegan isn't the right word to describe him, but Charlatan is perfect. Charlatan snake-oil, selling cow rape and calf murder as 'rebellion'.

I really never listen this Ed Shittyran and I hope never do but Sam Smith isn't so bad (although I agree he's too predictable.

No offense, but what is really predictable is Morrissey making a headline statement like this when he's got something to sell, like an album or a tour. He has always known how to be quotable, and he's always been known to more people for his interviews than for his music. I don't care for Sheeran or Smith but Morrissey's statement was strange.

And I must add that he had no problem forcing Kristeen Young on everyone for years.

I still care for Morrissey and his music, as difficult as he has made it to do that, but he needs to work on his own music and slag off those in power, not fellow artists.
You do realise that your are expressing your opinion as fact? He isn't vastly more talented than Ed other than in your fan-deluded mind. He also isn't one of the C20th century's greatest poets. His is a lyricist, not a poet. There is a difference. Ask Simon Armitage. Morrissey hates himself, with good reason, as he's a hypocritical,lying purveyor of snake-oil home-spun bullshit philosophies sold under the bogus wrapper of 'Animal Liberation'. He's full of shit. So are you.


You are utterly ignorant (and incredibly nasty and vile, to boot):

"Lyric poetry is a form of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the first person. The term derives from a form of Ancient Greek literature, the lyric, which was defined by its musical accompaniment, usually on a stringed instrument known as a lyre. The term owes its importance in literary theory to the division developed by Aristotle between three broad categories of poetry: lyrical, dramatic and epic." -Wikipedia

Miserable sod.

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