"Bigmouth strikes again and again: why Morrissey fans feel so betrayed" by Tim Jonze - The Guardian

Another hatchet job in The Guardian

Bigmouth strikes again and again: why Morrissey fans feel so betrayed - The Guardian
By Tim Jonze

Once his songs of loneliness and shyness made him a hero to misfits and outsiders. Yet now he is voicing his support for a far-right party

Morrissey response:
Media coverage:
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It’s been an interesting day on this forum. Glad to see not everyone here is blind to what Morrissey is doing. Also, really glad that the ones calling him out are just using facts and not getting angry about it. Like I said originally, it’s a good, well written article. All we can hope for is redemption. You never know? He might snap out of it one day. Have a nice evening, everyone.
It’s been an interesting day on this forum. Glad to see not everyone here is blind to what Morrissey is doing. Also, really glad that the ones calling him out are just using facts and not getting angry about it. Like I said originally, it’s a good, well written article. All we can hope for is redemption. You never know? He might snap out of it one day. Have a nice evening, everyone.

He will snap out of it the moment he realises he has no more money-making opportunities. I 100% guarantee it.
It’s been an interesting day on this forum. Glad to see not everyone here is blind to what Morrissey is doing. Also, really glad that the ones calling him out are just using facts and not getting angry about it. Like I said originally, it’s a good, well written article. All we can hope for is redemption. You never know? He might snap out of it one day. Have a nice evening, everyone.
Do you work for The Guardian?
One day! Do you work?

Nice comeback. If Morrissey elects to pour Domestos upon his career - killing it dead, that's his choice. @davidt, those of your own ethnic origin were called a "subspecies" by him in a 2011 he gave. Didn't you find this repulsive?
You still remain barred and banned from his gigs worldwide, yet still you look the over way at the comments posted here daily.
How far does too far go for you? It does need to be asked.
Morrissey is not right-wing. This is important to remember, because it puts in perspective what the media, such as the Guardian, are doing. First of all, they are making into 'unpersons' (or 'depersoning' as I have now heard it called) anyone who disagrees with them. Historically, this has tended to be people who are actually on the right. Depersoning is no better if it's done to someone on the right than to someone differently placed on the political map, but this is how the strategy begins. Then, once it's okay for them (seen as acceptable) to deperson people on the right, they can deperson anyone they bloody well please, just by saying, "They're on the right," or making the suitable insinuations. As I said, depersoning anyone is wrong. Criticism, fine; justice, good! Depersoning - no! With all this in mind I'd recommend watching this video and asking yourself if you want these leftist tactics to prevail:

One irony is that Morrissey has even contributed to this tendency in society during the course of his career - the idea of mob justice ('Margaret on the Guillotine') and binary good v. evil ('There are some bad people on the right'.). And I have, too. But I am becoming sick of it.

The Guardian is simply trying to deperson Morrissey now. And they're not the only ones. Even if you're loyal to the left, you don't have to take this depersoning attitude - you shouldn't. There are alternatives, as discussed here:

Very relevant to the Guardians treatment of Morrissey and anyone else they want to censor starting around 19,14.
How many more articles do the Guardian have to write about him . It's pretty ridiculous and a vendetta but also very very boring . I was thinking today though how Morrissey really has smashed his reputation to pieces in the UK now and I honestly don't think he will recover from this one . I can't even imagine the outcry there will be if he ever announces another UK tour / show . There will literally be protests outside the venue . I don't see it really affecting him much outside of the UK but I think he could be finished here now . Sure he will still have his fans but in the current climate of virtue signalling ultra left I don't think any promoters etc will want to align themselves with him anymore . I'm not saying I agree with a lot of what he is saying but I do agree with free speech , if you're in favour of free speech then that means you are in favour precisely of free speech for views you don't agree with . Anyone can be in favour of free speech for views they agree with but that's not what it is . However I do think he has slightly lost his mind aligning himself with such an ultra right party , his defenders can say oh i checked their website and their not right wing at all blah blah . well of course they are not openly going to say that on their website but do a little research into the people behind the party . Which on the flip side does make me think that some Moz fans are so blind they literally will defend him for anything . I am totally convinced that if he came out and said the holocaust was a good thing some on here would find some way to defend him . He's making it very hard to remain a fan at the moment . We have all weathered the many storms of being fans over the years and most of the accusations have actually been unfounded or vendettas but he really isn't leaving much grey area lately . It really does seem like deliberate career suicide which in a mad way I can respect , the fact he really doesn't care who he upsets but at the same time he seems to have turned into something I really can't identify with or respect anymore . Most on here will say well leave then and fair enough but the blind devotion no matter what he says , well maybe take a step back and look in the mirror . I never used to worry about any of the crap written about him , always felt that bond but even I am having a little trouble really enjoying his music right now . I guess what I'm saying is being a long time fan I have never seen it as bad as this before and I can't remember the last time an artist had this level of bad press / outcry against him . Contrary to what many and maybe Morrissey himself thinks , he is not bullet proof , some storms are too severe to survive and I really don't know if he will come back from all this especially in the UK . These are indeed interesting times
I see no contradiction between Moz now and Moz in The Smiths. The Smiths celebrated British working class culture. British working class culture was the glory of the 20th century - the music, the plays, the films, all celebrated by The Smiths. Moz wants to protect that culture from what can only be described as a concerted attempt to destroy it. And that is called 'racist'? Let the white middle class feel guilty about empire and colonialism. They want to flush working class culture down the toilet. They want to call them all 'racist' and silence them. The working class don't feel guilty. They were as much victims of empire and colonialism as people in India or Africa. Working class people are proud of their culture. They don't want it being destroyed.
If @Uncleskinny gets flak from the Adolf & Eva-come-latelys who've infested this site, it's because he's representative of those who should be called The Disappointed Majority. The old-School Mozheads who Moz pushed away like Papa Jack, with his comments and recent actions.
Isn't it revealing in itself that with a new album out, Morrissey's still has not announced dates for a European tour. Are he and his management that scared that "logistical issues" waaaaaay beyond their control will arise again?
It looks to be the case, regardless of what the Jack Renshaw groupies present will come out with for their risible retorts.
Man oh man. Morrissey is a racist. Look up the definition. I can’t believe there is even a debate about this. Read his own words. Look at what he does - wearing a far right badge.

I know it may be hard for some of you to accept, but he is a far right, sick, racist. Simple as that. Sorry fools, but it’s the truth
Man oh man. Morrissey is a racist. Look up the definition. I can’t believe there is even a debate about this. Read his own words. Look at what he does - wearing a far right badge.

I know it may be hard for some of you to accept, but he is a far right, sick, racist. Simple as that. Sorry fools, but it’s the truth

So what was with the James Baldwin stuff ? Trying to deflect? He hates blacks so much......he's promoting one of their most famous authors? Most racists wouldn't bother. It would seem like defeating the purpose of being racist, don't ya think?
I see no contradiction between Moz now and Moz in The Smiths. The Smiths celebrated British working class culture. British working class culture was the glory of the 20th century - the music, the plays, the films, all celebrated by The Smiths. Moz wants to protect that culture from what can only be described as a concerted attempt to destroy it. And that is called 'racist'? Let the white middle class feel guilty about empire and colonialism. They want to flush working class culture down the toilet. They want to call them all 'racist' and silence them. The working class don't feel guilty. They were as much victims of empire and colonialism as people in India or Africa. Working class people are proud of their culture. They don't want it being destroyed.

Oh, really? All true culture is kenetic. Never at all in stasis. To survive, it changes and elvolves daily. It doesn't pine for a past you clearly don't have a clue about.
Individuals like you aren't in any way whatsoever representatives of the White working classes I grew up amongst. It's safe to say you've more contempt and disdain for the working classes than the middle classes you scapegoat - as do your role models, such as Farage and Yaxley-Lennon.
See how he skulked off before the votes were announced, rather than face up to the graphically illustrated fact that he's no more a "man of the people" than Prince Charles is a true Cockney born within the sound of the Bow Bells.
Carry on pining all you want. It'll achieve nothing - other than feed your pitiful and pathetic need for self-serving "victimhood".
SPIEGEL: Was halten Sie davon, dass Spacey, eine der Hauptfiguren in einem Film, kurz vor dem Starttermin ersetzt wird?

Morrissey: Das finde ich lächerlich. Soweit ich weiß, war er mit einem 14-Jährigen in einem Schlafzimmer. Kevin Spacey war 26, der Junge 14. Da fragt man sich doch, wo die Eltern des Jungen waren. Man fragt sich, ob der Junge nicht ahnte, was passieren könnte. Ich weiß nicht, wie es bei Ihnen ist, aber ich war in meiner Jugend niemals in Situationen wie dieser. Nie. Mir war immer klar, was passieren könnte. Wenn man sich im Schlafzimmer von jemandem befindet, muss man sich bewusst sein, wohin das führen kann. Darum klingt das alles für mich nicht sehr glaubwürdig. Mir scheint es so, als sei Spacey unnötig attackiert worden.

One wonders if the boy did not know what could happen. I do not know about you, but I've never been in situations like this in my youth. Never. I always knew what could happen. When you are in somebody's bedroom, you have to be aware of where that can lead you to."
Morrissey's correct, the parents know exactly the position they're leaving their child in.
And especially in Hollywood, which is built on the exploitation of minors,, with their parents blessing. From Shirley Temple to Natalie Woods to Corey Haim, Heather O 'Rourke, The Olsen Twins and every child actor/singer in between..
Child abuse is systemic in Hollywood and that's what Morrissey's alluding to.
This doesn't make Kevin Spacey any less of a creep, in fact he's far worse than is known, and has hurt younger boys courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein. Most movie directors even if some are not directly involved turn a blind eye or they won't work again. Look on you tube there are numerous videos exposing this.
Morrissey is the only one who alludes to the truth which leaves him open to attack instead of investigating what he is saying.
Try jaimie Dlux on YouTube.
Man oh man. Morrissey is a racist. Look up the definition. I can’t believe there is even a debate about this. Read his own words. Look at what he does - wearing a far right badge.

I know it may be hard for some of you to accept, but he is a far right, sick, racist. Simple as that. Sorry fools, but it’s the truth

I bought an album by The Beatles called Let It Be. It was produced by Phil Spector. Who is a murderer.

Does that mean I support murderers? Using the logic applied to Morrissey and his For Britain badge, you'd have to say I do, right?

So, to recap, I think that you can support something, a band, a political party, without embracing all aspects of that something.

Now doesn't that sound right?
Man oh man. Morrissey is a racist. Look up the definition. I can’t believe there is even a debate about this. Read his own words. Look at what he does - wearing a far right badge.

I know it may be hard for some of you to accept, but he is a far right, sick, racist. Simple as that. Sorry fools, but it’s the truth

I went through a period of time thinking maybe he wasn’t racist, but I definitely believed he was xenophobic and islamaphobic. Now I think he’s actually racist as well. He is very well aware of he crowd he is courting now (just look at the blunt racists and neo-nazi’s that are infesting this website,) and he hasn’t come out and said anything to denounce these types of people that are publicly championing him! Not a single f***ing word. Some of these people aren’t even what I would call far-right, more like extreme-right. He showed admiration for LePen for Christ’s sake. f*** him.
In no way is this legitimate. A 14 year is allowed in a man’s bedroom. A man is not allowed to sexually abuse the 14 year old. The fault lies only with the perpetrator. Absolutely no one else did anything wrong. It’s like when women get raped and men ask “well, what was she wearing?” It’s completely unimportant. Morrissey was blaming the victim.
Actually he was blaming the parents. And rightly. What parent let's their 14year old go to an older máns hotelroom. Did you frequent older men's bedrooms at 14? Is that the norm?
Common sense has gone out the window
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