'It is better to speak' quote by Audre Lorde - M. Central update

It is better to speak - Morrissey Central
April 20, 2018


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I know all about Marxism. And you were needlessly spewing standard Marxist facts in my face in every single post like a brainwashed automaton. At uni they must have hot-iron branded that nonsense onto your brain. Get an opinion that's your own. It would be liberating for you. Me, I form my opinions from the evidence I see around me.

Bless your little cotton socks. There's tons of irony in your post. For me personally, and for many leftists I know, they became leftists without even knowing what it actually meant. They just observed the injustices around them, whether they be poverty, racism, homelessness, low wages, poor housing, high rents, and became "socialists" without realising it. They might not even have a specific selection of beliefs, but they see injustice and know it's wrong.

For me, I was a leftist, broadly speaking, before I started reading Marx after my university studies. He didn't make much sense to me during university, as I was more interested in the history of the Third Reich, but once I read Marx, I understood that what he wrote about corroborated the way I saw society and social & political injustice. Marxism offers many different tools to analyse society in a rational, scientific way. Marxism doesn't just include Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels either; there are many strands of Marxism.

Racism and nationalism, ironically, is the very definition of brainwashing, as history as shown time and time again. Racism and nationalism benefits only the ruling classes, and no one else. Nazi Germany, Mussolini, Thatcher, Reagan, Nixon etc are prime examples of how racism and nationalism can convince people to vote against their best interests. The ruling classes are so good at stoking nationalism, racism and religious conflict that they actually convince the ordinary person that another ordinary person just like them, is the complete polar opposite, and is the enemy. This is the state of ideological brainwashing you're in. It's an ideology so pervasive that you hate another person because of their skin colour, their place of birth or their religion, all because you've been convinced you have nothing in common.
Nobody knows where Moz lives, he may be over in Manchester this very minute.
One London sellout pays more taxes than the lot of you loonie commie/Muslims on this site put together LOL:crazy:
You dudes spend taxes, none of you pay anything, Jesus.:mad:

Moz should have no rights but illegal criminals should vote and given money and tribute. LOL From MOZ London tax money!!

Religion makes more sense that Marx. The proleteriat are supposed to be workers, none of you
wouldnt know a real job if it bit you.:rofl:

Tell me, you bigoted piece of shit, what do you do for a living? What social good does your job provide? How much tax do you pay here in the UK?
Bless your little cotton socks. There's tons of irony in your post. For me personally, and for many leftists I know, they became leftists without even knowing what it actually meant. They just observed the injustices around them, whether they be poverty, racism, homelessness, low wages, poor housing, high rents, and became "socialists" without realising it. They might not even have a specific selection of beliefs, but they see injustice and know it's wrong.

For me, I was a leftist, broadly speaking, before I started reading Marx after my university studies. He didn't make much sense to me during university, as I was more interested in the history of the Third Reich, but once I read Marx, I understood that what he wrote about corroborated the way I saw society and social & political injustice. Marxism offers many different tools to analyse society in a rational, scientific way. Marxism doesn't just include Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels either; there are many strands of Marxism.

Racism and nationalism, ironically, is the very definition of brainwashing, as history as shown time and time again. Racism and nationalism benefits only the ruling classes, and no one else. Nazi Germany, Mussolini, Thatcher, Reagan, Nixon etc are prime examples of how racism and nationalism can convince people to vote against their best interests. The ruling classes are so good at stoking nationalism, racism and religious conflict that they actually convince the ordinary person that another ordinary person just like them, is the complete polar opposite, and is the enemy. This is the state of ideological brainwashing you're in. It's an ideology so pervasive that you hate another person because of their skin colour, their place of birth or their religion, all because you've been convinced you have nothing in common.
You're off on automaton mode again. Lecture somebody who wants a recitation of the Communist Manifesto because it certainly isn't me - I've read it numerous times myself. And by the way, I hate nobody. I respect everybody's opinion. It's leftists like you that use the word scum all the time, projecting hate, not me.
You seem tax obsessed. Do you work for the inland revenue? I thought Marxists hate money and want it abolished?

Hey, it was vegan Cro who made the wild assertion that Morrissey pays more income tax than millions of people in the UK who hold leftist views.

If he wants to make assertions that leftists don't do anything, pay tax and are a drain on society, I'd like to know what he does for a living, how much tax he pays in the UK, and what social or economic good does his work provide.
You're off on automaton mode again. Lecture somebody who wants a recitation of the Communist Manifesto because it certainly isn't me - I've read it numerous times myself. And by the way, I hate nobody. I respect everybody's opinion. It's leftists like you that use the word scum all the time, projecting hate, not me.

Racists are basically pond scum to be fair, and I see no need to be tolerant of such people when all they wish to do is show division and divert our attention away from real issues.
Hey, it was vegan Cro who made the wild assertion that Morrissey pays more income tax than millions of people in the UK who hold leftist views.

If he wants to make assertions that leftists don't do anything, pay tax and are a drain on society, I'd like to know what he does for a living, how much tax he pays in the UK, and what social or economic good does his work provide.
How much tax did Marx pay? He never did a single day's work in his life!
Racists are basically pond scum to be fair, and I see no need to be tolerant of such people when all they wish to do is show division and divert our attention away from real issues.
But Islam is racist, misogynist and homophobic. Are they pond life too?
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He's trying too hard. Since the opening of MorrisseyCentral he's posted at least 3 pictures of non-white people. So much to prove it seems. He seems to be saying 'I am not racist I have black friends' which is gross really. So he's working hard at the moment trying to show he's not racist but nationalist (the For Britain thing). Strange for someone who decided to leave the country. He cares so much for this country that he left. I don't know where he lives at the moment but I would have thought he'd been interested in politics where he lives oh no wait he makes most of his money in the UK that's probably why he has to be talked about.

Now the 'It is better to speak' quote: too obvious he's trying to say 'see I'm not racist I have the same address than that of black people'.

Then about the For Britain thing: It leaves me in disgust to see Morrissey giving fans voting advice after a lifetime of saying it's all the same whether you vote left, middle or right. Have we been fooled? In the interview with 'John' he's says 'For Britain will change British politics forever'. Come on... Propaganda to denounce propaganda (we know him well we know he'd do anything for us). Full circle. As with the ideas put forward by most far-right parties in occident, For Britain (and Morrissey) mix addressing issues related to Islam and issues regarding immigration. It is a shame and a laugh to see how conservative they get. They regret 'a time when...', but wait, what time? 1920? 1542? Or 15000 years before Christ when we used to paint walls in caves? Morrissey pretends to be interested only in now when he's done all his career in passeist imagery. To live now means acknowledging that the british national dish is curry, not fish and chips.
I won't speak out about that 'so many people being killed in london' assertion as it's just out of order.

Finally, the EU. Well, he says the UK will never be allowed to leave the EU. I am french and here in France (and all over the EU I suppose) there's a lot of talking going on about eventually leaving the EU and so on. To us, the UK has never been a full part of the EU to us for it never adopted the Euro but still sieged at the ECB. Odd... I was saddened by the Brexit. Not because one country was leaving the EU but because people seem to have been fooled (and accepted to be so) by politicians and the press. Not even 2 days after the Brexit was voted, Farage admitted he had not been telling the truth but checking facts before voting would have been more efficient in helping people vote with all info in mind.

I think Morrissey's next single will have a coloured person on the cover and will be called 'National affront disco'.

Morrissey has becomme an old tart. He's been Liberaced or Elton Johned. Hateful tarts.

This is what's happened to your beautiful capital after you warmly welcomed the migrants. Do you like what you see? I don't. What's happened to your country is a disgrace. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your apathy.
Another thing, Stalin's Pipe. Why do you feel the need to keep pressing the Troll button? I don't really care but it's certainly very childish of you. Is it because my opinion differs from yours? You leftists aren't very tolerant are you?
Also, I knew you didn't know the first f***ing thing about Marxism. You were just pulling a Morrissey, trying to use a leftist to support your arguments to make them seem more rational.

Blimey SP, you've had positive affirmation from UncleTwatty - you must be chuffed?! Well, as chuffed as a bloke whose just had a hurried shite in a city centre McDonald's and forgot to wipe properly.
Morrissey said Nazis were leftist (he doesn't really believe that).

Sure. Nazis were known for their pro immigration, and Civil Rights interests; a set of traits that those on the right can't stop reminding us is what they hate about the left. Never-mind that Nazi groups supported Farage, and Le Pen. The irony is lost on him. He's never dealt with nuance well, or even acknowledged that it exists.

More interesting than that is that Hitler was a vegetarian, and was fiercely anti-immigrant.

So, in reality Morrissey officially has more in common with Hitler than the Left, or the Right.

You can't deny that essential fact. I've always suspected Morrissey was more on the authoritarian side of the spectrum, and it just confirms it. He lacks the degree of empathy you see in narcissists, and sociopaths, or those on the autism spectrum. Honestly, I think he clearly has a personality disorder that goes far beyond his political views.

If Hitler was running today, I have little doubt that Morrissey would likely endorse him. After all, his rhetoric, and the rhetoric of his supporters is exactly the kind of rhetoric Hitler used to gin up support from a resentful pubic with low self-esteem. England is in the same boat now: Decaying, powerless, and not respected. The peasants want a scapegoat.

Let's remember that Hitler didn't become the monster he was until after he was elected, so his initial platform was well within the range of interests that Morrissey now shares.

These anti-immigrant obsessives are the same personalities that got Hitler elected, and they would be the same ones who would stand by while their chosen idols went further and further.

Never trust the human heart. People have a public face, and a private face, and most people are savages in private, if not in public.

This is what's happened to your beautiful capital after you warmly welcomed the migrants. Do you like what you see? I don't. What's happened to your country is a disgrace. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your apathy.
Anyone can post a picture of some street in any country where there are homeless people living.

Still, the picture doesn't seem to abnormal considering that England has always been a decaying shit-hole with poverty, and third world-like conditions all around it. In fact, it looks like a bit of an improvement.

Stop acting like immigrants invented homelessness in England.

And stop scapegoating minorities, and immigrants. Blame yourself for your sub-par country that is dominated by the native populace.

This is exactly the kind of shit Nazis spewed to gain power, and you bigots are trying to recreate that environment.

We know your type.
Another thing, Stalin's Pipe. Why do you feel the need to keep pressing the Troll button? I don't really care but it's certainly very childish of you. Is it because my opinion differs from yours? You leftists aren't very tolerant are you?
You get what you give. How does it feel? Don't blame us for your ideas being unpopular.

Intolerance breeds intolerance. Have fun with it.

No mercy.
Those Smiths images to a large extent reflected his cultural references while growing up in Manchester. 'Kitchen sink dramas', ie gritty, realistic plays about northern life by the likes of Shelagh Delaney, featured heavily, as did Pat Phoenix from Coronation Street and Viv Nicholson, another northern anti-hero. In real life, people don't sit down and plan all their choices to make sure they 'reflect diversity'; that's the obsession of media companies.

I agree with most of what you say. Still, when it comes to an editorial choice, artists (not 'real people in real life') make plans. Of course, they don't think "let's go for diversity and be inclusive" and again they have the right to put whoever they want on covers. That singled-out is not a problem to me but linked to his statements is a problem to me and that was really my point. My point was not the record covers. Now talking of northern 'kitchen sink' (or camp or gay) anti-heroes, well, anti-heroes are heroes firstly. Secondly, I don't think he chose the american stars for the same reasons which shows that he really made a choice. An editorial choice.
You get what you give. How does it feel? Don't blame us for your ideas being unpopular.

Intolerance breeds intolerance. Have fun with it.

No mercy.
Yeah, lefty intolerance breeds lefty intolerance I suppose. Funny too how lefties always seem to be moneyed or come from moneyed families - yet they supposedly want to abolish money! It's good for some.

This is what's happened to your beautiful capital after you warmly welcomed the migrants. Do you like what you see? I don't. What's happened to your country is a disgrace. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your apathy.

In my country, people did not get fooled by Brexit lies. In my country we welcome people, it's in our constitution. In my country some people wrote the Human Rights in 1789. In my country we eat couscous. In my country not everything is fine but I don't complain for I'm better off here than in Syria. And then, I am not responsible for my country whatever happens to it. And no I don't like what I see on this picture and still think we could do more for migrants as welcoming conditions often are a disgrace. Europe is our playground. and as I always say: if one doesn't like its country, one can leave.

This is what's happened to your beautiful capital after you warmly welcomed the migrants. Do you like what you see? I don't. What's happened to your country is a disgrace. Your ancestors would be ashamed of your apathy.
Where the f*** is this shithole?
In my country, people did not get fooled by Brexit lies. In my country we welcome people, it's in our constitution. In my country some people wrote the Human Rights in 1789. In my country we eat couscous. In my country not everything is fine but I don't complain for I'm better off here than in Syria. And then, I am not responsible for my country whatever happens to it. And no I don't like what I see on this picture and still think we could do more for migrants as welcoming conditions often are a disgrace. Europe is our playground. and as I always say: if one doesn't like its country, one can leave.
You can't be helped. I give up.
I agree to most of what you say. Still, when it comes to an editorial choice, artists (not 'real people in real life') make plans. Of course, they don't think "let's go for diversity and be inclusive" and again they have the right to put whoever they want on covers. That singled-out is not a problem to me but linked to his statements is a problem to me and that was really my point. My point was not the record covers. Now talking of northern 'kitchen sink' (or camp or gay) anti-heroes, well, anti-heroes are heroes firstly. Secondly, I don't think he chose the american stars for the same reasons which shows that he really made a choice. An editorial choice.
Thanks for the civilised reply. People are forgetting how to disagree politely on here and many seem to have totally lost the plot. Yes, he made a choice - but it's my opinion that he chose the images he did because they were the many different things that were important to him, things that had made an impact on his life. In particular, gay icons such as Joe Dallesandro and James Dean, carry on stars and closet gays (at least at the time) Kenneth Williams and Charles Hawtrey, literary heroes like Shelagh Delaney, Oscar Wilde (gay and literary)... these influences are like the map of his early life. To me, there's something very pure and true about them and I don't think they would feel that way if they were created out of prejudice. Or have I missed the point?
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