Kirk Douglas - post by Morrissey on

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Kirk Douglas -
22 February 2013

Kirk Douglas

Excuse my happiness. Yesterday I decided to take a stroll and I found myself walking alongside Kirk Douglas. It generally takes me 4 seconds to feel disturbingly ridiculous, but yesterday I broke my own record. Overcome by an indescribably modest humility, I suddenly felt like the fat half of a pair of bow-legged twins. I froze, my eyes welled-up, my feet sank into imaginary mud. Only Kirk Douglas could reduce me to such an irrational fear of breathing, but here it was. It was one of those very silly moments where we act on the second instinct whilst ignoring the first instinct, and of course, the second instinct always warns us to "do nothing." Too incurably demented to tap his shoulder and pledge eternal thanks and servitude, I stood and I watched as my hero walked away.

I am not alone in knowing how constantly robbed Kirk Douglas was of that voodoo doll known as the 'Oscar'. Yes, he was given obligatory recognition once the best years of his career had wound down, but his magnetic force and colossal onscreen assurance in Two weeks in another town, Lonely are the brave and The bad and the beautiful still stand as the best screen acting yet produced, in years when the Oscars, as usual, were awarded instead to the blandly servile. If you haven't yet seen the above three films then your life is nothing. In his prime, Kirk Douglas was far too sexually disagreeable, and represented the soul of the world far too accurately. It was a self-realization that cannot be manufactured - or even found for a second time, because its poetry is built on a very particular time and space - one that doesn't return. In fact, Kirk Douglas sometimes didn't act at all - he simply observed and played with those around him (the hardest trick of all.) If male desire is tension, then Kirk Douglas had this more than any other screen star - yes, King Kong included.

Last night I went to bed exhausted. But I couldn't sleep.

Los Angeles
22 February 2013

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You wud be an absolute star if you didnt critisize moz so much, which may in effect be harmfull 2 "the dying of the light" - morrissey isnt perfect ya know, hes human like the rest of us, in fact hes completly flawed but at least he admitts his weaknesses, and at least hes trying 2 do somthing 2 make this world better by using his position by critisizing the monachy which are an absolute joke, horrible, they hunt poor little foxes for nothing less than sick pleasure of hating and causing suffering in other life forms.
And he protests in the strongest manner about the most disgusting way in which other species are treated ie within the farming industry ect cattle farmers are some of the most cruel people on earth, disgusting! and need help, which is why morrissey should be suported more surley, or have I completey lost the plot? No I dont think so!
Morrissey is not god, he can only do so much!

But those who speack out like you do, againist the media and greedy politicians and corrupt goverments in power ect who all, weather intentionally or unintentionally help create a world full of cruelty and abuse and keep the rich rich and poor poor and create chaos and and f*** this world up 4 the rest of us, and who speaks out againist the police who abuse there power and very oftern treat people with health problems who need help, like shit, deserves some recognition!

So that I give !

Good evening! :)

Morrissey allways and forever !!!!!!!!! :)

All good stuff. Like Moz doens't criticise? LOL!

You're on top form MIDNITE, but there's a reason we've exterminated most other species, think of that baby being mauled by an urban fox in London recently before you simplify about the Royal Norman elite trash getting turned on by bloodlust. Unfortunately, it's in our chimp/gorilla/bonobo heritage. I'd kill any f***ing fox went near my babies, but I'd rip it apart with my bear hands, so it had a least a fighting chance. No high-powered rifles or any of that NRA crap. I think hunting is valid if you're also being hunted. So if Bear Gryllz and f***s like that wanna get 'primitive', put em in a jungle with a few lions and a cross-bow, let's see who's the real Kurt Douglas Tarzan around here.

I hope Moz hasn't stitched himself up (again!) over Staples Centre and fast-food concessions. If he's signed some dumb-ass contract that shuts down McDonaldz but lets the hot dog stand carry on, he's only got his poor business team to blame. And himself for being a cheapskate and having a crap tour management/p.r team. Whatevs.

You seem to be forgetting Moz's stupid verbose verbal attacks on a pregnant woman who also happens to be a genuine Princess, yet his Mom and him are meant to be 'off-limits' to haterz when the karmic wheel puts him flat on his back with the bile rising up his oesephagus. Who cares if the pole-dancer is sick, or their Mom's sick, just get on with the show or money back. A simple "due to illness in the touring company" would have sufficed if he had even vaguely efficient P.R, but now we get the drama-queen 'recovery' comedy sketch where Moz (briefly) stops imagining african orpahs as handbags and tells us to remember that hoary old chestnut "remember, I LOVE YOU! YOU REALLY, REALLY LOVE ME!" Jim Carey crap. It's all total lulz for those in the know, but sadly that doesn't include Moz.

Oh, and he's rich enough to have the best healthcare money can buy: does he still pay taxes to help fund the NHS? Or is he just another ex-pat wanker mouthing off like Sean Connery telling folk to break up the Union, join the Euro and go bankrupt: again!

Nothing personal about Moz, L.Cohen appears to be a wanker also, having, allegedly, kept schtum about his Zen Master's sexually predatory ways for decades. You need to 'make a statement' Leonard or you're going in the trash-can with all the other losers. Iggy doesn't go in the trash-can, despite the car insurance ads, nor Lydon for buttering up to commerce. Waitrose sell Meat. Moz advertises Waitrose: Waitrose Good, McDonald's bad. 2 legs. 4 legs. It's all f***ed. You take care of those kiddies and "shine a light". Listen to "In The Light" by Zeppelin. Really good beginning if you've got a bong to add to the wine. Bye 4 now, MIDNITE, hope you keep posting. I read EVERYTHING you write and you don't quite delete your startling musings quickly enough to avoid my Secretary's monitoring of this site.

Moz was annoying me when I took him 'seriously' as an artistic contender yet had to keep trying to ignore the cognitive dissonance of his periodic wig-out bullshit blather. Now I've 'reframed' him as a cutting-edge comic/stand-up act who uses risible demos and singing on stage to push his "amazing bizarre interviews with salt-grindr assistants" I'm having fun with him again. Glad he's got the memo about PATSE, BAL. He could add THPGU and KL to the encore list to really take the piss. He tours too much, it's just a job/addiction to the spotlight. If he was a real artist, he'd tell his lazy fans to f*** off. And I doubt very much he tells Patti or Iggy whether or not they can have salami pizza on their backstage riders when they 'support' him. Yeah, right....likes he's 'top of the bill' to them. Again, you just have to laugh at the comic genius of such conceits. If either / both Patti and Iggy put up with is crap then they're wankers. Unless they're vegan like Johnny Marr, who is not a hypocrite since he paid up to the drummer, has a life/marriage/kids as well as a minstrel career and who has developed into a seriously interesting human being. Quietly. Subtly. Artistically.

Edit: JM owns the publishing to PPPLMGWIW, so he needs to do some 'splainin bout the Waitrose Xmas "cash for old gold" thingy, maybe they both donated the fee to PETA...*thinking*. Is Marr a f***wit as well? Doubt it. Love how he's finally dishing it out that the basis of the Smiths was funk/soul brothers and sistas like Fatback Band and Chic. None of that pale, whiny white-boy NME mopey shit. I can't imagine what Moz's reaction is to realise he was just a piece in young Marr's subconscious masterplan to vindicate the real original players in music, like Nile Rodgers. Now, if Moz was to ask Nile to produce his next opus instead of waiting years until Visconti has finished up the top-secret Bowie project, wot he nevva told Moz about and Moz only found out when the single was released as an "unhappy birthday" present. Moz is still in awe of Bowie, still waiting patiently for his producer to find time for him, not realising that the 'magic' has to come from him first and no amount of production lipstick will help the painted pig demos he's been churning out. Bowie's probably a wanker as well. Like the rest of the saddo human race, including me. Especially me. but not you. LOL!
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Sexually disagreeable as possible title for forthcoming Moz autobiography? I certainly hope so.

"If male desire is tension, then..." would be my hope.
So...Have we had our second Stroll of Luck yet?

("ooooooh!" - I know, don't I.)

As for the Troll of Luck...(runs)
Christ! You accuse Morrissey of being verbose. You lost me at 'all good stuff'. Next time you feel like writing a maundering manifesto, don't. No one cares.

I don't care that "no one cares". My reply was to MIDNITE.

I reject any insinuations that I am prepared to become a Messiah figure, and I don't do "disciples". If I lost you at 'all good stuff', then perhaps you need to rethink the whole "reading web forum post" thingy and concentrate on remedial education, the 3 R's. As you were 'lost' by the opening 3 words, I'm struggling to understand how you managed to parse the complex prose that followed to conclude it was a 'manifesto', maundering or otherwise. Perhaps you're a speed reader or something like that. Speed reading is a useful skill and I often employ it, but it's of rather limited use if you are 'lost' and unable to comprehend the text you have sped-read.

I repeat: I don't care that "no one cares". My reply was to MIDNITE, but I also don't care if they read/reply, as I am utterly narcissistic and impervious to feedback from the sheeple of herd culture; can't think what a person like me is doing on a Morrissey fan-atic site, can you? :rolleyes:. People like you, "marty c". That would be smart-arse smarty pants 'c' as in confused :confused: by text comprehension? :rolleyes: Now, Marty, f.o.a.d. Bye!

NB! I'm concerned for you. Just read your earlier reply in this thread and you seem to be having some moodswings as well as cognitive problems.
I'm very scared.

Life can't be this perfect. House is clean, fresh buns for lunch, just discovered Morrissey Radio on my Sonos system, So-Low proves that it can be an honest sharing among Morrissey lovers, and the the one person in this world that I would like to meet reveals a side of himself that makes me love him more.

I want to cry.

Sob away. You're safe here, amidst this loving, nurturing supportive community. Just put me 'on ignore' and dont' troll me again and you'll be safe. You love Morrissey and he beseeches you to remember he loves you as he communicates to his 'fans' from the stricken dolour of his sanatorium in the City of Angels. Remember to swot up on Soundgarden and Kirk Douglas as Moz has now decreed them cool and worthy of rigorous intellectual analysis. Have I 'lost you' yet? Did I lose you with 'sob away'? Try reading slowly, one word at a time and move your lips to voice the word so you understand it. Buy a dictionary and a thesaurus. I'm here to help you. "I want to cry". Regards BrummieBoy "the big nose, who knows, and trips you up and laugh as you fall arse over tit".

Oh, and it's 'kazzum', not 'chazzum'. Ask Ian McC, if you're 'confused' by that cognoscenti diss. I primed Ian, set that one up. For Lawrence, for Moseley, for 'back in the day'. *smirks*. Poor Ian, still the man in black sunglasses chasing cool. Just like Lawrence. Just like Moz. But NOT like me/us/them, etc.



a pic of some chancers impersonating BB. They don't quite pull it off:

View attachment 14958

ps: "life is perfect" yet you're scared and want to cry. Baking buns is very therapeutic and, after the Great British Bake-Off extremely hip. I wonder if Moz is a whizz with the whisker? Maybe he'll impress the bearded Scouser and Mary Berry and bake some vegan cakes for a PETA GBBO charidy special? That would raise his profile back in Blighty. I like to bake: fruit-cake. My favourite baking song is "Bake" by The B52s. Obvious choice but still a total classic. "according to my recipe, you put it on a slow bake". Moz used to like the B's till they stopped being a cult, then he was a hater. He liked their toilet sex song "6060842".
Fnar! Fnar! "Bake" is on Mesopotamia wot David Byrne produced/remixed/fcuk'd up. Byrne's a genuine intellectual like me, not a hopeless poseur like..*sigh*. Maybe Moz and Byrne can get all intellectual in the studio. Eno might join in. And Tony Visconti, they could do it in Berlin! Wow! Moz could have a Berlin phase. "this is the bed where she took her life on that odd and fateful night, and I say "oh woah!, wo! Woe!". Lou's a great lyricist. Almost as funny as Moz. Almost.
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After watching tonight's Oscar ceremony, I can't help but wonder: was it Kirk, or Michael whom Mozza saw?

Also, I love Satin. I always feel so sexy...

But, of course! Moz forgot his contact lenses/specs and got confused as to Father/Son. A simple glance at a pic of them together and it's easy to see how one would make that mistake:

mike kirk.jpg


If Moz is that myopic he should be carrying a white cane.

You like 'white satin'? Is that what you're draped in in your avatar pic? Might make you feel sexy but doesn't make you look it. Try pulling the satin sheet over your head and walking alongside Moz with his white cane and see if you can tell which is Michale and which is Kirk. "Nights in white satin, never reaching the end" I love that song. Moody Blues. Depressed Brummies, not like Sabbath 666 Satinic Brummies like wot lives in L.A. Bet Moz loves that song. Play it whilst you recline in your white satin sheets pretending to be some kind of pre-Raphealite groovy chic like wot is in Brum Art Gallery.

Dingbat. :crazy:
All good stuff. Like Moz doens't criticise? LOL!

You're on top form MIDNITE, but there's a reason we've exterminated most other species, think of that baby being mauled by an urban fox in London recently before you simplify about the Royal Norman elite trash getting turned on by bloodlust. Unfortunately, it's in our chimp/gorilla/bonobo heritage. I'd kill any f***ing fox went near my babies, but I'd rip it apart with my bear hands, so it had a least a fighting chance. No high-powered rifles or any of that NRA crap. I think hunting is valid if you're also being hunted. So if Bear Gryllz and f***s like that wanna get 'primitive', put em in a jungle with a few lions and a cross-bow, let's see who's the real Kurt Douglas Tarzan around here.

I hope Moz hasn't stitched himself up (again!) over Staples Centre and fast-food concessions. If he's signed some dumb-ass contract that shuts down McDonaldz but lets the hot dog stand carry on, he's only got his poor business team to blame. And himself for being a cheapskate and having a crap tour management/p.r team. Whatevs.

You seem to be forgetting Moz's stupid verbose verbal attacks on a pregnant woman who also happens to be a genuine Princess, yet his Mom and him are meant to be 'off-limits' to haterz when the karmic wheel puts him flat on his back with the bile rising up his oesephagus. Who cares if the pole-dancer is sick, or their Mom's sick, just get on with the show or money back. A simple "due to illness in the touring company" would have sufficed if he had even vaguely efficient P.R, but now we get the drama-queen 'recovery' comedy sketch where Moz (briefly) stops imagining african orpahs as handbags and tells us to remember that hoary old chestnut "remember, I LOVE YOU! YOU REALLY, REALLY LOVE ME!" Jim Carey crap. It's all total lulz for those in the know, but sadly that doesn't include Moz.

Oh, and he's rich enough to have the best healthcare money can buy: does he still pay taxes to help fund the NHS? Or is he just another ex-pat wanker mouthing off like Sean Connery telling folk to break up the Union, join the Euro and go bankrupt: again!

Nothing personal about Moz, L.Cohen appears to be a wanker also, having, allegedly, kept schtum about his Zen Master's sexually predatory ways for decades. You need to 'make a statement' Leonard or you're going in the trash-can with all the other losers. Iggy doesn't go in the trash-can, despite the car insurance ads, nor Lydon for buttering up to commerce. Waitrose sell Meat. Moz advertises Waitrose: Waitrose Good, McDonald's bad. 2 legs. 4 legs. It's all f***ed. You take care of those kiddies and "shine a light". Listen to "In The Light" by Zeppelin. Really good beginning if you've got a bong to add to the wine. Bye 4 now, MIDNITE, hope you keep posting. I read EVERYTHING you write and you don't quite delete your startling musings quickly enough to avoid my Secretary's monitoring of this site.

Moz was annoying me when I took him 'seriously' as an artistic contender yet had to keep trying to ignore the cognitive dissonance of his periodic wig-out bullshit blather. Now I've 'reframed' him as a cutting-edge comic/stand-up act who uses risible demos and singing on stage to push his "amazing bizarre interviews with salt-grindr assistants" I'm having fun with him again. Glad he's got the memo about PATSE, BAL. He could add THPGU and KL to the encore list to really take the piss. He tours too much, it's just a job/addiction to the spotlight. If he was a real artist, he'd tell his lazy fans to f*** off. And I doubt very much he tells Patti or Iggy whether or not they can have salami pizza on their backstage riders when they 'support' him. Yeah, right....likes he's 'top of the bill' to them. Again, you just have to laugh at the comic genius of such conceits. If either / both Patti and Iggy put up with is crap then they're wankers. Unless they're vegan like Johnny Marr, who is not a hypocrite since he paid up to the drummer, has a life/marriage/kids as well as a minstrel career and who has developed into a seriously interesting human being. Quietly. Subtly. Artistically.

Edit: JM owns the publishing to PPPLMGWIW, so he needs to do some 'splainin bout the Waitrose Xmas "cash for old gold" thingy, maybe they both donated the fee to PETA...*thinking*. Is Marr a f***wit as well? Doubt it. Love how he's finally dishing it out that the basis of the Smiths was funk/soul brothers and sistas like Fatback Band and Chic. None of that pale, whiny white-boy NME mopey shit. I can't imagine what Moz's reaction is to realise he was just a piece in young Marr's subconscious masterplan to vindicate the real original players in music, like Nile Rodgers. Now, if Moz was to ask Nile to produce his next opus instead of waiting years until Visconti has finished up the top-secret Bowie project, wot he nevva told Moz about and Moz only found out when the single was released as an "unhappy birthday" present. Moz is still in awe of Bowie, still waiting patiently for his producer to find time for him, not realising that the 'magic' has to come from him first and no amount of production lipstick will help the painted pig demos he's been churning out. Bowie's probably a wanker as well. Like the rest of the saddo human race, including me. Especially me. but not you. LOL!

Im deleteing this long post and reply aswell! :(
I will be back later!
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Marty C: best wishes

Sorry, I'm not trying to be negative or be aggressive. I just don't like when really negative people come on here and put down Morrissey. I know he's a big boy and can look after himself, but I don't know why someone would come to this site and tear apart Morrissey. I mistook you for one of them. My mistake. I do apologise. No hard feelings. Marty

You don't need to apologise, I was being a bit 'harsh' as I had car engine issues and took my frustration out online.

I only reflect Moz back to Moz. He knows what that's about. He's a real treasure, but he can do much more, in my opinion. I'm probably one of his most devoted audience members. We've met. He's charming and polite, so most of his diva disses are for the balcony, but I wish he'd lay off African babies as handbag fantasy and such like. He can dish, but I'm not sure he can suck it up.

You enjoy this site. Ignore me. I'm here for the beer. I'm not here to socialise, i'm here to escape from 'hell is other people' etc.

I'll watch your back. No-one here fcuks with me. If you get any grief, just let me know.

best wishes.

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