"Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP" - Spinner

"Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP" - Spinner Canada

Had Kristeen Young written 'It's a Wonderful Life,' hero George Bailey would have wound up with Violet Bick, a character the art-pop songstress hails as a sort of proto-feminist icon on 'V the Volcanic,' the title track from her latest EP.

Comprising seven songs, each written from the perspective of a favorite film character, 'Volcanic' marks the culmination of a decidedly less-than-wonderful stretch in Young's own life. In 2007, an off-color stage remark cost her a job opening for Morrissey, and soon after, she claims, Lady Gaga began copying some of the elaborate costumes she'd designed for her own live shows. (Check out pictures of Young's "bubble dress" and decide for yourself.)

Having emerged from her funk and recently launched a tour that includes residencies in several major cities, Young chatted with Spinner about her love of cinema, repaired relationship with Morrissey and inability to see the sweetness in 'It's a Wonderful Life.'


Since the incident in 2007, you've made amends with Morrissey right?
Yeah, I'm opening for him in England [on July 8].

His fans tend to be pretty loyal and hold grudges. Are you at all nervous about opening for him again?
People tend to ... I don't even want to get into that. I'm not worried about it. I think the fact that he is having me back on tour makes a statement in itself. I'm not really worried. They've become kinder to me over the past few years. I think time puts things in perspective.
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Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

We all know how uncommon it is for someone to get back into camp Morrissey after they've been excommunicated -- this is a pretty rare event!
But seriously, it's good to see Morrissey can "mend" relationships with people.
Hopefully Streety, too. And Spencer.

They never REALLY fell out... you lot think you know...BUT...
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

Oh my God, once again! Always the same story! It was all concorded for publicity! Anyway in the last past years kristeen Young used to sing only in private club with almost five or seven persons, maybe nine with her parents! Yes she puted on the bubble dress before Gaga, well! This is a thing who'll change the music's history! Oh yes she got a four octave vocal range, well why she does'nt sing at the Opera! She plays the piano as a guitar, well, why she does'nt play a guitar! Anyway if Morrissey will play in my country surely I'll go to see him, even if ther'll be Iva Zanicchi as supporting act.
Oh, grow up you bitter old cow
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

I think the video for Fantastic Failure is nothing but her posing and moving like Morrissey. Lots and lots of emulation here. The song is actually tolerable, since I do not prefer her singing at all. I must be high right now.

I agree about the video its Moz by numbers...BUT the songs are good (I think)
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

No I don't think I know a lot. But having followed Morrissey for long enough I can imagine how pissed off he was when Kristeen made a sexual joke with Morrissey's family members in the crowed. Followed by his "this town ain't big enough for the both of us"-themed When Last I Spoke...

KY is not famous enough for the reunion to be much more than a blip outside of Morrissey fan circles so I don't know how much value there is in playing it up in the media.

They never REALLY fell out... you lot think you know...BUT...
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

How can she be sure that Lady Gaga even knew about her bubble dress? Creative people (artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, inventors) sometimes have the same or similar ideas--even at the same time, each thinking he or she is the first person ever to have thought of it. For example, I've seen group shows at galleries where relatively unknown artists from all over the world have been curated together; their collective works look as though they all could have been done by the same person. This was before the Internet, so it's not like they were tweeting, uploading art work on Facebook, and emailing each other. Ideas are floating around everywhere. Only a few will grab them out of the ether and turn them into something tangible.
True, this does happen. But not in this case - it's blatant theft and Gaga is a hack-thief (and he/she's boring).
As per usual, your comments border on insane.
You can't tell the difference between artists because you have no eye for art.

I understand Kristeen's frustration and I understand that feeling that you've been ripped off when perhaps you weren't.
You couldn't possibly understand.

If KY wants mainstream popularity, she will, unfortunately, have to make mainstream music. If she were to break into the mainstream, people will then take note of her weird fashion sense. I think her music appeals to a very small audience (which is not necessarily a bad thing) but she can't make that kind of music and expect the masses to like it.
I appreciate the fact that, coming from someone who has never sold a record (or art for that matter) in their life or created anything worthwhile, except maybe a sock video or two, has the audacity to TRY to speak authoritatively about "how to make it in the biz". If you know so much about "how to make it in the biz", why haven't you made it? Oh, I'm sorry, you're still learning the C chord. You'll get there. Go back to the Pigsty, it's where you belong, Sir.

(but, seriously, who watches Letterman?)
Um, millions of people? The better question is: Who actually watches or listens or cares what you say, do or think? (And don't respond that *I* do because I don't, I was scanning through this thread and I was FORCED to respond to your ongoing stupidity, in hopes, that one day, you'll come around and stop acting like a child.)

Oh, and why does her "Fantastic Failure" video look more expensive than all of Morrissey's last 10 or so videos put together?
The video was done on a very cheap shoe-string budget, a credit and compliment to the director and KY's beauty, I suppose. And we don't expect you to know anything about directing or editing, at least, anything more than you can google, which is all you ever do, anyway.
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

Iva Zanicchi!!! Sarebbe un incubo...
Facciamo Rita Pavone e non se ne parla più.
Massimo massimo Gigliola Cinquetti...

Bravo! E' proprio la battuta che fece Morrissey al concerto di Ostia Antica;"Forse preferivate Rita Pavone?!" :))) Comunque anche la Bertè non sarebbe male come supporting...potrebbero cantare insieme "Non sono una signora..."
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

I hope to God she makes another insulting remark and gets kicked off the tour again.

I couldnt agree more. The new album is awful! Except for the one i think morrissey has written for her. I think morrisseys interest in Kristeen is sexual pure and simple! no one else seems to have picked this up.
Jesus wept.

The only thing which this story has done for me is reawaken my incredulity at Mozzer's promotion of this person.

Recourse to Spotify has revivified the sense of dumbfoundedness and mortification I felt at hearing her stuff the first time around, on the Ringleader tour.

'Kill The Father', 'Life's Not Short...' - it's sub-Tori Amos pound-and-emote material; gormless, derivative hash. And the new one is merely more posturing of the same type, with a splash of Depeche Mode.

Astoundingly feeble work; so shriekingly, dousingly third-rate.
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

I couldnt agree more. The new album is awful! Except for the one i think morrissey has written for her. I think morrisseys interest in Kristeen is sexual pure and simple! no one else seems to have picked this up.

Happy lovers at the end reunite...and boring ep.
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

Happy lovers at the end reunite...and boring ep.

she is going to take ALL of his money away . just like Joyce.
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

Bravo! E' proprio la battuta che fece Morrissey al concerto di Ostia Antica;"Forse preferivate Rita Pavone?!" :))) Comunque anche la Bertè non sarebbe male come supporting...potrebbero cantare insieme "Non sono una signora..."

Ostia Antica... che meraviglia e che nostalgia..
Se mai dovesse ritornare in Italia, e il cielo sa quanto lo desidererei
il sogno per me sarebbe vedere i Virginiana Miller come supporto, per un
grande scambio culturale Italia - GBR
Re: Article: "Kristeen Young Makes Amends With Morrissey, Delves Into Film on New EP"

Ostia Antica... che meraviglia e che nostalgia..
Se mai dovesse ritornare in Italia, e il cielo sa quanto lo desidererei
il sogno per me sarebbe vedere i Virginiana Miller come supporto, per un
grande scambio culturale Italia - GBR

Sarebbe davvero "La prima cosa bella" per la tanto bistrattata musica italiana, del resto noi non è che ci impegnamo troppo nel promuovere i nostri gruppi più originali. Comunque non credo che Moz tornerà a cantare in Italia, purtroppo!

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