Morrissey accosted in Rome - police officer demands "papers" - Sam Esty Rayner Photography / FB

See Sam's lovely photography page:

Last night at 7.45 on Via del Corso in Rome, the Police Officer pictured below terrorized Morrissey for 35 minutes demanding "papers". Morrissey had no papers.
The Officer then said "I know who you are." Morrissey replied: "I know the law, I know my rights, and you have no reason to stop me." The Officer shouted very loudly and a crowd of over 100 people gathered. The Officer held his gun throughout the confrontation. After 35 minutes, Morrissey walked away, and the Officer did not follow.
Morrissey says: "This was a deliberate act of terror by this Officer, who had no personal identification, but whose Polizia 113 motor-bike had the plate G2458. I had not broken the law or acted suspiciously. The officer unlocked his gun and held it as he screamed into my face. Some people came to my rescue. This happened outside the Nike store, and many people filmed the obviously insane officer. I believe he recognized me and wanted to frighten me. I did not back down even though I believed he was about to shoot me. I urge people to beware of this dangerously aggressive Officer. He might kill you."



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The police did a good job that night..... ;)
They always do a "good job" when english clubs come to Italy and especially to Rome where those pictures are from. That incident triggered a scandal that had a political effect and I guess the italians had to visit the english embassy and hand them free pizza.

I wonder what the outcome had been had those italian cops battled hooligans instead of those regular supporters. All I know is that the big banner I was given that were at United away games in Europe still has blood stains on it.
He's a friggin italian policeman. Source: I am italian, and that is one hideous italian policeman. Behind him you can see his horrible motorbike.
As I understand this, they probably stopped him to have some fun in their boring lives, since they clearly understood he was famous but obviously didn't have any idea who he was. If Morrissey reacted as he told (He did not back down and told the cop he had no right to stop him) the cop certainly felt the need to assess his power and masculinity by screaming and showing his gun.

I am pretty sure nothing will happen to this guy, he will continue walking on earth with his dumb face scaring the living shit out of normal people.

I second everything bad you're saying about italian police in here, it's all well deserved.
Police motorbike has same colour as Man City so maybe the officer wanted to fight the weakest gay man that ever wore a United scarf.

Italian men are so tough when they wear make up and lingerie and cry over their dead mother.
That is how cops look in Italy yet everyone here claim italian men are so good looking. That is what pasta does to ya!
The claim that the officer screamed and was load reminds me of this part from Autobiography:

"Back at St Mary's there is only one teacher whom I physically fear, yet this is not the fear of bulk or brawn because rakish Mr Chew has neither, but he is manically loud and always upset, and it is this offhand agitation as he marches squarely around the classroom that disturbs me to such a degree that I close the books on mathematics and successfully avoid the subject for five years."

I guess his disdain for authorities began in school.
people are saying wheres the footage,same people who said the same about the airport patdown,when the video was shown on here those same people were nowhere to be seen.just saying.

Paddy patdown, sounds like old english racism toward the irish.

I can just hear Moz's sweet tone voice going "excuse me, what?" with his peculiar look on his face fingers running through what is left of his hair.

The man had his first taste of shandy is all.
No, behind him we see a bike. Doesn't mean it is his. So he took his helmet off, his leather jacket off, his bullet proof vest off and then has a word with Morrissey? And then puts them all back on and rides off?
And all the while this is going on, we have one, just one photograph (and no video footage within 24 hours) that suggests nothing.

And on his hip you see a pistol. When you google image search Italian motorbike cop many images come up some with jackets of various kinds and some dresses just like this guy. If not a motorbike cop then what do you think he is
Accosted, busker and cladding. My english has improved dramatically during the summer of 2017. I'd have no problems mingling with the royals now.

OK, so James Maker had a bad influence on Morrissey and made him order Fellatio ice cream instead of pistacchio and he got nicked for indecent behaviour and got a fine. Morrissey being not at all greedy or anything will force his mother Elizabeth (oh, the irony) to foot the fine.

Elizabeth said in a statement:

"I am so proud of my son who not only wanted me to end up in the street cause he refused to pay his staff but now he has managed to order the wrong ice cream that just happened to be a sexual remark. It is bad enough you put ice cream in your mouth in public. 10 hail mary's for my son will suffice, goodbye".

I LOL'ed too but maybe a bit rich coming from the biggest drama queen on this forum?

Fly off to Greece please and make Sweden clean again!


This coming from the biggest attention seeking c*** on the internet who announced he was dying from cancer half a year ago with literally three weeks to live and who then faked his suicide. Oh well.
Funny coming from the biggest attention seeking c*** on the internet who announced he was dying from cancer half a year ago with literally three weeks to live and who then faked his suicide. Oh well.
CG calls that acting!

Coffee, you and me and no one else if I wear a thong?
This coming from the biggest attention seeking c*** on the internet who announced he was dying from cancer half a year ago with literally three weeks to live and who then faked his suicide. Oh well.

In breach of Uncleskinny copyright and the penalty will be spending time at his bands rehearsal stuck inside the bass drum.
and the award for the most posts ever goes to urbanus.the mental ward is that way.
And on his hip you see a pistol. When you google image search Italian motorbike cop many images come up some with jackets of various kinds and some dresses just like this guy. If not a motorbike cop then what do you think he is

Reckon he's a fancy dress party goer dressed as one of the Village People judging by the shit costume outfit/uniform.
I guess whilst our man is " walking in Rome " this dude just wanted to check out Steve's exploding kegs.

Steven and his exploding kegs :rofl: ( sounds a bit like a VIZ character )

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
I LOL'ed too but maybe a bit rich coming from the biggest drama queen on this forum?

Fly off to Greece please and make Sweden clean again!


Uhm, with what exactly Urbie? :D
I could say, it takes one to know one, couldn't I?? :brows:
To make it easier for you I'll answer the question myself so you won't have to torture your braincells:
Yes, I can. :thumb:

If you have still some of them left, I would advise you to NOT dive in head first, with all the devils extortion business.
It's a bloody serious advise cause many people who did, are now in some closed, psychiatric institution, completely insane and no contact or any conversation possible.
They have no control whatsoever over themselves.
You wouldn't want that.

I read about you felt "something", anything, a spirit was there.
You felt a presence.
If you have an emotional reason to search contact with a presence, a spirit or whatever you could name it, I would say you start with music. You like and love music. I know it has an influence. A good one. Do not try to get in contact with evil, or evil spirits. They will hurt and destroy you.
"WHERE ARE YOUR PAPERS?" It's very SS meets Casablanca.

Now he will have to deride Italy to no end. Is there nowhere safe for him?!?!?

Has a video of the incident surfaced yet?
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"WHERE ARE YOUR PAPERS?" It's very SS meets Casablanca.

Now he will have to deride Italy to no end. Is there nowhere safe for him?!?!?

Has a video of the incident surfaced yet?

He shouldn't have opened that door when Johnny Marr knocked on it. He would be safe. :rolleyes:
But, I am selfish and to think I had to live without the music is horrible.
Uhm, with what exactly Urbie? :D
I could say, it takes one to know one, couldn't I?? :brows:
To make it easier for you I'll answer the question myself so you won't have to torture your braincells:
Yes, I can. :thumb:

If you have still some of them left, I would advise you to NOT dive in head first, with all the devils extortion business.
It's a bloody serious advise cause many people who did, are now in some closed, psychiatric institution, completely insane and no contact or any conversation possible.
They have no control whatsoever over themselves.
You wouldn't want that.

I read about you felt "something", anything, a spirit was there.
You felt a presence.
If you have an emotional reason to search contact with a presence, a spirit or whatever you could name it, I would say you start with music. You like and love music. I know it has an influence. A good one. Do not try to get in contact with evil, or evil spirits. They will hurt and destroy you.
You are wise and I am aware of all that but the scary thing is that this happened in real life and my reaction was to joke about it not to lose it. I mean, do I have time to become a christian and wear a cross and only be good and nice to everyone?

I will burn like a motherfooker.

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