What's the oddest name of a person you've known?

  • Thread starter The Seeker of Good Songs - Hau Ruck
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The Seeker of Good Songs - Hau Ruck

I knew a guy in school named Douglas Liss - "Doug Liss".

A guy in my wife's school was named Timothy Tim - "Tim Tim".

It's a slow day.
my dad went to school with a guy who was actualy called Wayne King, no lie!
> I knew a guy in school named Douglas Liss - "Doug Liss".

> A guy in my wife's school was named Timothy Tim - "Tim Tim".

> It's a slow day.

POOJARHAT that was the name of a girl i went to school with
Re: my dad went to school with a guy who was actualy called Wayne King, no lie!

I think there was an American basketball player called Wayne Kerr. America please confirm?!
what about Phill McCrackin or the infamous Mike Hunt?

*schoolgirl giggles* lol this is fun
Re: Dawn Queen

This was the name of a kindergarten girl. I wondered if her parents had planned a stripping career fo her.
Gary and Phil Neville's father "Neville Neville", and his face IS a mess
> POOJARHAT that was the name of a girl i went to school with

As hindi names go, that one isn't too bad -- puja (phonetically transliterated hindi pisses me off) means worship or rite. I had an indian girlfriend with a beautiful name signifying 'poetry'.

I went to school with a Calpish (pronounced: COW(l)pish)
as we're on footballers what about paul dickoff?

..... ok i'm going to bed now !
Harry Tongue

Harry Tongue. He was a Student Finance officer at my school.
I didn't know this guy but he is/was a pro auto racer

Dick Trickle
Minge & Wank

Doris Minge and Stuart Wank - this is no lie!!! They both work for the same company as me but in the US
you can also add Elizalee Cocke to that.....Albert Backholer too
oh...and Tom Crapper

christ I need to grow up...but as I say, these ARE genuine!!
Re: I didn't know this guy but he is/was a pro auto racer

This is the best thread of ALL TIME!!!!
This reminded me of the "headlines" segment of The Tonight Show, when Leno reads the last names of those wedded or betrothed.

Personal favourite: Butts - McCracken












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