Why does Morrissey sweat so much?

Oh darling, this is why i married you. you always put Moz first. But that's the way it should be, after all, he is our soul mate. I tell you what, I'll send him some cough drops and a scarf from both of us shall I? I don't want you tossing and turning in bed all night worrying. But if you do wake up scared, darling, wake me up and we can discuss it and maybe even have a sing song. Ok?

i hate to bother you, in the night, lover, but it's likely that i will waken. can you leave the castanets on the bedside table, just in case?

I mean this in the nicest way possible.....

You two are f***ing mad :D

yip, we're pretty crazeeee. some day we're planning to go the s&g. the wife's gonna crochet us some t-shirts.

awwwwwwwwwwww, thank you! :D

(seriously, have you only just worked that out? ;) )

i know that you'll echo these sentiments, darling: "the sanest days are mad"!!!! (additionally: you could embroider that on the t-shirts, baby?)
i hate to bother you, in the night, lover, but it's likely that i will waken. can you leave the castanets on the bedside table, just in case?

Awwwwwwwwww! Course I will poppet, next to the pic of Moz (LA tanned)

yip, we're pretty crazeeee. some day we're planning to go the s&g. the wife's gonna crochet us some t-shirts.

That was a secret!

i know that you'll echo these sentiments, darling: "the sanest days are mad"!!!! (additionally: you could embroider that on the t-shirts, baby?)

Oh darling...and when we're so far apart, that's just cruel! Are you wearing the beads? (good idea, OR I was thinking fabric paint, the kind you dry with a hairdryer and it goes all fluffy!)
For the same reason I'm drenched in sweat now. It's 99 degrees and HUMID as all hell.

Not to be overly personal or anything, but back in the Smiths days he didn't.

Is it an age thing? I know there is a bit of physical exertion that goes into the performance (I know Morrissey doesn't perform, he isn't a seal, but I couldn't think of a better word) but it's not like he is fighting a fire or digging a ditch. He's not a big fatty like Meat Loaf. He mostly just walks back and forth, he's not dancing.

Other singers do their thing and aren't drenched in sweat.

Just curious...not being negative.

PS What term should be used instead of performance?

I'd say the answer would be because he is feeling hot.

Hope this clears things up for you. Should you have any further questions regarding the correlation between perspiration and increased body temperature, feel free to PM me.

would you not sweat a lot if there are 3000+ eyes on you every single night, watching your every move, ready to discuss any little aspect of your physical appearance, pitch and key that night, song selection....oh, and how much your sweat.
i think we need to get some scientist in on this discussion, just to be on the safe side. accumulating a wide range of photos showing morrissey's sweat patterns, we can determine the volume and the extent of his perspiration, thereby gaining an in-depth look into the reasoning behind WHY such events occur and what measures we can take to prevent this from happening in future.
I think the simple explaination is that Mozzy is kind of a fatty, and fatties tend to sweat a lot, specially when moving around performing for big crowds.
would you not sweat a lot if there are 3000+ eyes on you every single night, watching your every move, ready to discuss any little aspect of your physical appearance, pitch and key that night, song selection....oh, and how much your sweat.
i think we need to get some scientist in on this discussion, just to be on the safe side. accumulating a wide range of photos showing morrissey's sweat patterns, we can determine the volume and the extent of his perspiration, thereby gaining an in-depth look into the reasoning behind WHY such events occur and what measures we can take to prevent this from happening in future.


ugh, i hate how you can't just post a smiley face by itself
I wonder if someone sprays him with water or cooling stuff before the encore? What a job :D

Yes, they have a fire hose full of imported water. The crew that sprays him wear pvc firefighter suits.
I was in the front row at Wolf Trap. There's no barrier so I was resting my arms on the stage. Some of the stage lights turned to face us as the show went on. They are HOT. We could feel the heat coming off the stage. It's no mystery to me why Morrissey sweats so much at all. I was sweating and I wasn't even on that sweltering stage with him.

Also, he has always sweat a lot on stage, but you didn't notice it as much for a number of reason:

1. He used to take his shirt off at the first sign of sweatiness and remain shirtless for the duration of the show.

2. The Smiths never really used big light shows when they were on stage. Nowadays, Moz's show includes really spectacular lighting that's intense and moves with the music.

3. Poor quality film from the old days doesn't capture his sweatiness as well as it's captured now.

Also, I'd like to add: I get tired of threads that insinuate that Morrissey's health is somehow compromised. He's fit, gorgeous and doing very well. He's only 48, which isn't as elderly as people seem to think. He's just a sweaty performer! ...Which I like quite a bit, actually. It's sexy. :D
Dr Chris on This Morning had some excellent advice about products for sweating, hope that Moz was watching.
it could be the fact that he's been sick... or it could be the type of fabrics he's wearing. and it could be those awful hotlamps!
I wonder if, before when he used to stay shirtless a fair bit while singing, he would feel self-conscious if a fan came and hugged him and he was sort of.. sticky with sweat :o
If anybody wants evidence of Early-Moz-Sweat, check out the Smiths Rockpalast show. It's freaking hot...in more ways than one. ;)
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