Why It's Time To Ditch Your Morrissey-Loving Friend - The Quietus

It amazes me just how many white people are offended by "bengali in platforms " and Morrissey's "racism".
Being a man of color in the states literally facing the possibility of being blown away in a routine traffic stop makes me wish those were my biggest complaints about race relations.
But i comply, turn down Vauxhall and I, quickly grab my papers to have ready for the approaching cop and keep my hands on the steering wheel so that HE feels safe.
Never mind. All my friends love Morrissey!

Even my foes love Morrissey! You see, they still love the man, but they've all recently jumped on the bandwagon of hate in hopes of attaining more friends on Twitter.

One day we (Morrissey fans) require ‘sympathy’, the next we are friendless xenophobes, the next we are apparently dependent on a social circle (packed full of Guardian readers, no less) which can and should be short circuited by a door slam.

I sense, in the article, the desperation and fear that comes from the absence of agency.

I don't think even you know what you meant by that last sentence.
It amazes me just how many white people are offended by "bengali in platforms " and Morrissey's "racism".
Being a man of color in the states literally facing the possibility of being blown away in a routine traffic stop makes me wish those were my biggest complaints about race relations.
But i comply, turn down Vauxhall and I, quickly grab my papers to have ready for the approaching cop and keep my hands on the steering wheel so that HE feels safe.
for me bangali in platforms is Morrissey telling people who are thinking about coming here,dont,its shite,from the weather to the lack of jobs.regarding your own situation,big man stay safe,theres trigger happy and theres really trigger happy.
How shallow your friend have to be if she/he ditches you for listnening Morrissey? Does that writer mean facebook-friends? If he does... well then it's nothing. Who cares about your 1000 friends in facebook? Absolutely no one but the writer of that article.
This article would fit any paper, in German, circa 1936-1945, only substituting Morrissey for Jewish. So, I think this tell all the story. The ones who accuses Morrissey for being racist are the most racist, no doubt about that.
The left thinks this is a John Lennon world and it isnt. People lost their time chasing an utopy. This is what the powerful people want. A divertion... meanwhile they work toward their own agenda which is pretty different from the public one.
woke up, read this....and yawned...............cannot wait to see him in San Diego in October!
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Disgraceful hate fuelled article, with the intent to endanger anyone who likes Morrissey. This is fascism of the highest order, and obviously a dangerous statement which is full of intent to cause the leftwing mob to turn their sights on law abiding music fans, in particular Morrissey fans. The author who I haven’t bothered to note should really explain what he is hoping to achieve with this article, and at the first physical attack on a Morrissey fan this person should be questioned by the Police.
I don't think even you know what you meant by that last sentence.
Hey Skinny, forgive typos I’ve just been to Goodwood for the day and had wayyy too much champagne lol, now I can’t be bothered reading thick bloggers, life is definitely too short, but I wanna ask if you are happy the snowflakes are being given trigger warnings outside London theatres? For fear the playwright may upset them lol :crazy::rolleyes::eek: As you seem to be representative of Snowflakes/morally sensitive, from what I’ve seen here, I would welcome your contribution to the current debate in theatrical circles. Thank you. X
Old school music journos like David Stubbs are marginalised figures who since the days of print media have been cast aside to lives of unemployment, depression and obsoletion. Some indeed have actually committed suicide.

While being a good writer you feel that Stubbs is something of a fossil, still living in the days when people got chased through Britain's cities for "not being white" when nowadays the opposite is more likely to be the case. Perhaps he yearns for the days when foreigners were indeed minority victims to be protected by vocal condescending whites like himself.

Perhaps he wants to recreate this feelgood factor, that sense of nobility again. Being a white educated student screaming against Thatcher and the Tories and enjoying the camaraderie that accompanied this time of scuzzy anti-establishment fun. But those days are gone. Britain is a different world now.

Some people - like Morrissey - have noticed this, and observe and comment accordingly; others - like Stubbs - haven't, and are still mentally living in Thatcher's Britain of the 80s where the word 'racist' carried a clear meaning and wasn't abused into redundancy.
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To love your country (and to object to its regression) is not nasty or poisonous despite how much the globalist establishment now insist it is. Were the working class men who fought for Britain in WW2 fascist or hateful for being nationalist?

Would they have liked the way that Britain has turned out when they were told by Churchill they were fighting to preserve their culture and way of life for future generations? Would they have approved of open borders and Islam, for example? Of course not.

Morrissey is being pariah'd by the media class (enemies of truth) because he refuses to follow the new globalist memo the establishment has thrust upon us.

The fact he is famous, intelligent and showing up their deceitful lies so eloquently must be terrorising the life out of them and sending tremors and cracks through their solid concrete dominance - they're simply not used to this kind of thing and are in a panic. That is why the anti-Moz campaign refuses to slow down and just keeps revving.
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Yes. For the sake of their readers, I think it’s time for the Quietus to stub out David Stubbs.

A hack job train wreck of an article with nothing
new being said by Morrissey’s detractors.



Nothing new left to say, until he opens his self-pitying gob again though - is there?

...but what he’s already said bears repeating, doesn’t it?
This is pointless clickbait - most staffers at the Quietus hero-worship The Smiths and Moz. Guilt by association?
This is pointless clickbait - most staffers at the Quietus hero-worship The Smiths and Moz. Guilt by association?

You mean they did or would.......if he didn't keep going against the established left-wing indie line. That.....is not allowed.
Why did David Stubbs say he "deplored" the anti-racist song Asian Rut? It's a song about an Asian boy fighting back against racist whites. Has he ever listened to the lyrics?
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