Mike Joyce on The Smiths, Morrissey allegations - Sam Delaney's News Thing

There's no way I can tell you. If you go back, you'll find the story of how they told me, where and when. And believe me, they would most certainly know.

I know I read an interview where Johnny said the true reasons for the split up were too personal to divulge and this would fit the bill. This and the ensuing power imbalance in the band did them in. Even in Johnny's book, the end was so vague with the feeling that he was somehow "forced out". Not to mention Morrissey's deeply personal enmity towards Mike. I think it adds up.
I know I read an interview where Johnny said the true reasons for the split up were too personal to divulge and this would fit the bill. This and the ensuing power imbalance in the band did them in. Even in Johnny's book, the end was so vague with the feeling that he was somehow "forced out". Not to mention Morrissey's deeply personal enmity towards Mike. I think it adds up.

Morrissey has a history of cloaking his real feelings in another issue. We saw that recently with his espousal of animal rights as a reason for supporting For Britain, when we all know it's other reasons.

Likewise, remember in The Importance Of Being Morrissey, when discussing the court case, he said this...


I used to think The Smiths would get back together. People in the know I talked to said it would never, ever happen. Then I was told about all this. Then I realised that it's a bridge too far. You don't forgive a jilted lover.
I can't tell you. I just can't. You're just going to have to take my word that they meant it, and they would know.
This was someone you met and had a drink with in a pub one night. If they told you, then they'll tell anyone. You shouldn't start rumors that you cant prove and expect people to take your word for it.
Morrissey has a history of cloaking his real feelings in another issue. We saw that recently with his espousal of animal rights as a reason for supporting For Britain, when we all know it's other reasons.

Likewise, remember in The Importance Of Being Morrissey, when discussing the court case, he said this...


I used to think The Smiths would get back together. People in the know I talked to said it would never, ever happen. Then I was told about all this. Then I realised that it's a bridge too far. You don't forgive a jilted lover.
Here's a theory. Could Suedehead be about Joyce? He wasn't exactly a 'suedehead' but he did sport that bristly, close-cropped, spiky style for a while. The scenario of a former, unwanted lover 'hanging around', 'making it hard for me' (but who still provided a 'good lay') seems like a potential fit.
This fanzine makes me laugh; you can't finish reading 3 or 4 consecutive posts without some spat. I feel I'm back at school in the playground shouting fight fight fight... :lbf:
It's rather disingenuous to say that anti-Islamism isn't modern shorthand for "I don't like the vast majority of Arabs." Whenever widespread anti-religious sentiment takes hold, the racial group that most commonly practices said religion gets demonized.
I agree, in modern terms it has been bastardised to come to this. My main point was though that religion is a choice whereas race is not. Religion seems to be the key to a majority of hatred in the world as it is used by the hierarchy for power and money ( history shows us that ) and leaves us underlings to suffer the consequences
Had Mike been boyfriends with Moz, it would have come out during this MeToo, the notion is ridiculous. He would have had to wear a paper bag on his head or a facial babushka.

Chances are Skinnys source is Mike himself stirring things up, making Skinny take an oath of secrecy, having
a laugh. Make Skinny think he is an insider with secret information, so Skinny will be unconditional to the cause of Mike "right to now work but be given money". You know how these internet expert types love that
sort of thing.:hearteyes:
Him and Mike are good buddies.:flushed: Etc.
Anyone who learnt something/anything from that just haven't been paying attention,have they.

they haven't, and unfortunately.. it seems they never will.:straightface:

Mikes a lot smarter than I thought, and he's a ... drummer ! :lbf:;);)
Joyce comes across very well. I'd even go so far as to say he defends Morrissey to such a point he risks his own reputation. Surprising and admirable.
Agreed. Joyce just got some points in my book. Not that he cares about my book in the slightest :)
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Just my opinion, but to me Morrissey is clearly racist.

He is making generalist statements about particular races. His support for Anne Marie Waters in the recent UKIP leadership election is just one example. She is anti-islam; Morrissey is anti-islam. That is racist.

Mike Joyce cannot say Morrissey isn't racist now-a-days - under his own admission, he hasn't spoken to him for years. It may well have been that Morrissey didn't used to be racist (or he hid it well?) when Mike knew him, but as times have changed he hasn't changed with them or that he feels somehow under threat. He reminds me a lot of Briggite Bardot....getting old, losing touch and happy to court controversy in order to stay in the consciousness.

Its interesting that Johnny Marr openly distances himself from Morrissey's recent political views.

I wonder what Tina Dehgani makes of it all....
So we all have to be pro Islam do we? Nobody can be against it or criticise it without being called racist. You do realise the word Islam translates as Submission right? You're doing a hell of a job at it. If you're so in the tank for Islam then join up. What are you waiting for?

Islam is not a race. No one is born muslim. There's no such thing as muslim DNA. It's a doctrine constructed by a creep who when people refused to join his gang decided to go on a murderous rampage killing six hundred plus people. This is your champion for the way people should be treated? Now not only does he have 1 billion plus people blowing his horn, he also has you morons on the extreme left dancing to his toxic tune.

The extreme left have become human shields for bullshit.
So we all have to be pro Islam do we? Nobody can be against it or criticise it without being called racist.

No, you can criticise it. The problem is people on the internet banging on about it and believing any bullshit they pick up about it. It would be one thing if they were doing it because of a deep-seated interest in the comparative study of religious practices. But that's generally not the reason, is it?
I judge him by his words, which are never nuanced. The entire Morrissey aesthetic is based on light, and dark, and broad edges. There's no middle ground. Everything is dramatized, and framed as extreme.

Seeing Morrissey in a nuanced way means automatically accepting his shallow reasoning.

Let's not pretend Morrissey has ever desired to be seen as "rational."

Animal Rights
Personal relationships

He's extreme about all of those things. He never grew up. He's stuck in the binary emotional world of an adolescent.

You are talking about someone with enough subjects and ideas to never be boring. Lyrical content is all.
And it starts and ends with it.

And the subjects he sang about are and were not entirely from his own private world. He has brought up many issues that were of a more sociological nature but was able to get it across lyrically and musically. To name just one instance (there are many more but I don’t wanna type much longer cause my fingers are starting to hurt) Something Is Squeezing My Skull, about the massive amounts of all kind of pills subscribed and people getting hooked on them and in pain and desperation and feeling very very bad.

I think this must be a very recognisable and insightful view and emotion for millions of people.

I hope nobody is going to ask for a link to provide evidence although there should be, I suppose.
No, you can criticise it. The problem is people on the internet banging on about it and believing any bullshit they pick up about it. It would be one thing if they were doing it because of a deep-seated interest in the comparative study of religious practices. But that's generally not the reason, is it?
Most people know by now what Islam stands for. It's not a difficult leap to be against it. The real problem is the people tripping over themselves standing up for Islam have wilfully turned a blind eye to what it actually is.
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