moz answered more questions on TTY..its official....

oh please please please come to scandinavia this summer!!! it would be a DREAM to finally see you moz in norway and stroll through the beloved park with you.

I devoured all those answers morrissey gave, and especially liked what he said about coming to see US when he tours <3

YES! That would be a dream come true (again :))
I get so emotional when I read Morrissey's responses, its like we are hearing it from HIM....not the press, or a groupie, ex-member, etc. Its our Mozzy :) and he writes so clearly and beautifully. SIGH
It makes me so happy to see how happy and satisfied he seems with this tour. He'd doing what he loves. What could be better? I just want to see the boy happy...

I have to post this again. It's the straight version. All this stuff about straight and cupped hands reminds me of Terry on Reno 911 for some reason.
Hey! I thought you didn't watch tv (?) that show is so funny :p

I used to watch that a lot. I have the season one DVD. The one with the mime, Terry talking about Mexican Werewolves, and Dangle's bike getting stolen are my favorites.
Passions needs to update their discography picture. I looked there first thing and they only had cupped hand (that I saw anyway).

Other than his hand being different I can not detect any other differences, not in his eyes, in the way the bow is angled, his face anything. Just his hand and cuff on that hand

Could just his hand have been "photoshopped" for the two versions? Could he take two photos with nothing else being different?

yeah the straight hand looks a lot more natural and more like a real picture, and the cupped hand looks photoshopped because the rest of the pic is the same...weird indeed
Still, it's strange to read, after all these years, that he sees it the same way.

Lots of moments like that in this Q&A for me.

His work as a singer starts to look like a shambolic series of beautiful accidents instead of a carefully planned trajectory, the only constant being the astonishing talent which found proper expression through some arrangements and not others....

Yeah. That also comes out in the answer about his artistic mindset at 23 vs. now - that sense of unsettled thoughtfulness. He didn't seem interested in passing judgment on whether the 23-year-old or 48-year-old mindset is superior, or in adding the illusion that there's been a constant, conscious philosophical sweep at work between them. He didn't make a point of not being interested, either; the issue just didn't come up.

I really liked this one - it just seems very gentle and honest, and not like it's trying to be something he isn't, or isn't anymore. Also the bit about the most recent few songs being showers of panic...
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OK... I must be an idiot. I just spent fifteen minutes of my precious life finding the images. First: flat hand:

And next, cupped hand:

I noticed the two different hands back when the album came out. I used to play the violin when i was younger and so i paid attention to the detail on the album cover online and thought it was interesting he held the bow correctly. then when i purchased my copy in the states, i noticed the wrong grip. the correct way to hold a bow is the European Version. why oh why did they change it for the US? did they think it will help sell the album to the US market?
Passions needs to update their discography picture. I looked there first thing and they only had cupped hand (that I saw anyway).

Other than his hand being different I can not detect any other differences, not in his eyes, in the way the bow is angled, his face anything. Just his hand and cuff on that hand

Could just his hand have been "photoshopped" for the two versions? Could he take two photos with nothing else being different?

back when we first saw the album cover, some here suspected morrissey's head was photoshopped on top of another man's body. those aren't his hands!!! perhaps??

i think the 'real' picture is the European version, and the US version was photoshopped...

or maybe the real version is the US version, because why would morrissey know how to correctly hold a bow? and someone in Europe thought it would be better to photoshop morrissey with a correct hand grip. afterall, you don't want the bad press ...!!!
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I figured out the album cover question...neither one is morrissey's hand. when they took the picture, morrissey had his right arm down on his side. they didn't want the arm and bow creating shadows so they decided they will photoshop the arm and bow in later. this is very easily done since there is pure black on the left side of the cover.

and some kind of way two versions surfaced.
I only have low res of the curved hand- I'm confused now, and I think I mislabeled the images I posted. And my CD cover isn't a very big picture either. But I do a lot of photo editing in photoshop- as long as his overall arm position was the same, it would be extremely simple to float a hand in from a different shot. So the two hands could be a few frames apart- someone stepped up, repositioned his hand, and they took a few more shots. I do a lot of portraits of children, and I am constantly swapping heads between a series of shots to get the best look on each child- it's really quite easy to do.

Why the different versions? Uh... maybe it's a kind of Morrissey Easter Egg... spot the differences, collect all the versions.
I get so emotional when I read Morrissey's responses, its like we are hearing it from HIM....not the press, or a groupie, ex-member, etc. Its our Mozzy :) and he writes so clearly and beautifully. SIGH

*sighs right along with you*:o
Honestly, the magazine interview (yes that one!) pales into insignifance compared to this...

Oh absolutely! This is so much better! I'd much rather just hear him talk (so to speak) as opposed to having to read his words through the spin of a journalist, and to hear him sounding defensive like he often does talking to journalists. On TTY he sounds like himself. He sounds relaxed. It's totally different than in interviews.
Oh absolutely! This is so much better! I'd much rather just hear him talk (so to speak) as opposed to having to read his words through the spin of a journalist, and to hear him sounding defensive like he often does talking to journalists. On TTY he sounds like himself. He sounds relaxed. It's totally different than in interviews.

That right. I agree with you. He's at ease here as appose to interviews. And that's a beautiful side of him that I love!! :)
The audience doesn't realize this but, I, in effect, come to see them, and my temperament depends on how they react and even how they look. I sing directly at the audience, and I look right into the audience - few singers do, I've noticed. I am addressing them with each line, and they react - one way or another - as if we are in conversation. Often, because of the light, I can't see people - this is usually at festivals or outdoor amphitheaters and is nobody's fault, but I tend to lose the thread when I'm singing to blackness. Also, if the security at the front are too stroppy and too controlling my anger rises. The shape of the hall, and how the audience are positioned - whether free to move, or shackled to their seats, or being slapped back by security, are all elements that can make or break a night. I'm just there-somewhere-in the gaps.


This is so beautiful...I agree 100% with you that this is!!! It's soo.....personal, this answer, sooo...ugh, I can't even explain it!!

So genuine, as mentioned so relaxed and at ease.

You can tell how, even though he knows none of us persnoally, he cares for those who care about him very very much!! That makes me smile.....sweet sweet words....:)
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