New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portuguese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

Re: New Portugese Interview

Tells us that no tour is " just one more tour " and next week in Lisbon begins another tour in Europe
No one has yet sure which man even go onstage the Opera House on 6 October ( next Monday ) . But it is also this constant surprise that makes the phenomenon Morrissey . He debuted solo in 1988 with the album " Viva Hate " , and surprised all the skeptics who did not believe in the future of the singer after the end of the Smiths . Morrissey walked around the issue with mandatory albums and songs turned into classics. With that and a reasonable ego , feeding her comments against all odds ; that does not take away his sleep when the time comes to say " yes but only interviews by mail , and no questions about the Smiths ' ; and at the same time , gives you such an attitude that makes an ordinary mortal a pop star . Lisbon starts another European tour , now to present the songs of the recently published "World Peace Is None of Your Business " and is also out there that begins to answer our questions . If you answered all ? Of course not . But it could only be so .

" Tomorrow Read the full text in ionline and editing on paper "
Re: New Portugese Interview

This topic has always interested me, but I don't think it's as complex as it sounds.
Moz lived through a difficult time to be openly gay. He clearly indicates an affinity with the Kenneth Williams / Charlie Hawtree / Wilfred Bramble closeted types who loved men but wrestled with the guilt of being a 'queer' or 'poofta'. That quiet denial but being camp and hinting all the time through ambiguous lyrics is his way of dealing with it. I wouldn't expect a man in his 50's who lived through times where men were jailed for loving and 'queer bashing' was rife to suddenly start wearing rainbow scarves and proclaiming their sexual identity from the rooftops.
Especially not when they have a secretive lifestyle, isolate themselves and have bouts of depression etc. His whole mindset appears to be: never own up to it as it will ruin the mystique, hence he will never 'own it'. This reluctance appears, imho, to be related to his socialisation, the views of the day, his love of earlier times (when it was even more difficult to be open) and how he created an image for himself.
I would totally expect him to back track, double speak and minimise the Jake issue. In fact, doing the aforementioned in an interview is almost progress! That, however has taken many, many years so I wouldn't hold on for the coming out party. ;)
Kind regards,

In the 80s he did state in an interview he was a "practising bisexualist", so sometimes he's forthcoming.

I don't know why he mentioned Jake at all here. Perhaps to drum up some controversy before the tour?

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He knocked up a Morrissey fan? Plot twist.

Some cheap groupie. Who else would sleep with him?
Re: Article: New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portugese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

Since we're on the subject of wives...Funny how Johnny Marr says his wife makes him brave right when the topic of Morrissey's ex-boyfriend makes him more cowardly than ever...

Oh and yeah, when in doubt, blame the girlfriend. It's not as if Morrissey and Jake were two grown men unable to face thir past or anything...; it HAS to be the work of a nagging girlfriend. How feminist and mature of you all...

Next/ how Gelato was in Morrissey's mouth but it had nothing to do with being gay. (Did someone say "desperate"?)

Why still bother, Morissey. You're labelled good and proper now, but hey, you kept a few people guessing for a few years.
If you ever feel nostalgic, cherish the memory of the good old days when nobody knew for sure, and get drunk, or get laid. There's nothing else you can do now but live with it...
After all, you're not Jake Walters. You ain't going to "bounce back", I don't think.
Poor sod...
Re: New Portugese Interview

Yep. Has a "Because we Must" tattoo and went on and on how she had the album before it was released.

Well, her mom is a bitch. :D Just kidding...I'm just theorizing, I don't know shit. (I know gold muthaf***a. :cool:)
Re: New Portugese Interview

In the 80s he did state in an interview he was a "practising bisexualist", so sometimes he's forthcoming.

I don't know why he mentioned Jake at all here. Perhaps to drum up some controversy before the tour?

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Some cheap groupie. Who else would sleep with him?

Lol. Having a baby at 50 is either bold or stupid.
Re: New Portugese Interview

In the 80s he did state in an interview he was a "practising bisexualist", so sometimes he's forthcoming.

I don't know why he mentioned Jake at all here. Perhaps to drum up some controversy before the tour?

- - - Updated - - -

Some cheap groupie. Who else would sleep with him?
Totally take that point. I view that as the same as Bowie's use of 'gay' and the New York Doll's dress sense. Things people did to increase their image's mystique. It's only after time passes that we get to look at what someone said 30 years ago and index it to what we think we know now!
I just finished reading the Kenny Williams diaries again and it just seems to explain Morrissey's behaviour towards this issue so beautifully.
Re: New Portugese Interview

This topic has always interested me, but I don't think it's as complex as it sounds.
Moz lived through a difficult time to be openly gay. He clearly indicates an affinity with the Kenneth Williams / Charlie Hawtree / Wilfred Bramble closeted types who loved men but wrestled with the guilt of being a 'queer' or 'poofta'. That quiet denial but being camp and hinting all the time through ambiguous lyrics is his way of dealing with it. I wouldn't expect a man in his 50's who lived through times where men were jailed for loving and 'queer bashing' was rife to suddenly start wearing rainbow scarves and proclaiming their sexual identity from the rooftops.
Especially not when they have a secretive lifestyle, isolate themselves and have bouts of depression etc. His whole mindset appears to be: never own up to it as it will ruin the mystique, hence he will never 'own it'. This reluctance appears, imho, to be related to his socialisation, the views of the day, his love of earlier times (when it was even more difficult to be open) and how he created an image for himself.
I would totally expect him to back track, double speak and minimise the Jake issue. In fact, doing the aforementioned in an interview is almost progress! That, however has taken many, many years so I wouldn't hold on for the coming out party. ;)
Kind regards,

Very accurate analysis, I think, FWD;
(and to complicate things further, there are, you know...those things..."wimmin", I believe they're called. A mere detail in the Creation, but a very annoying one. )
Re: New Portugese Interview

Totally take that point. I view that as the same as Bowie's use of 'gay' and the New York Doll's dress sense. Things people did to increase their image's mystique. It's only after time passes that we get to look at what someone said 30 years ago and index it to what we think we know now!
I just finished reading the Kenny Williams diaries again and it just seems to explain Morrissey's behaviour towards this issue so beautifully.

At least he's not insisting in interviews now that he's straight. Then he would look insane.
Re: New Portugese Interview

Why can't he just own it? I don't get it.

Because he's not gay, you idiots. There are homosexual people, heterosexual people and people who are neither homosexual nor heterosexual.

I find it strange how difficult it is for people to understand this: Morrissey is exactly what he says he is. 'Humasexual', meaning that he's attracted to fascinating individuals. Gender is not important. What we know about his love life proves that this is the case. He said it in the 80's, and he's saying it now, and I think it's pretty obvious. What's so difficult about this?
Re: Article: New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portugese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

In the past I have been accused of being in love with my dearest friend. That wasn't the case, however. I just felt a wholeness that I could never find with other people. I am very selective in my life as to who I want to share time with, and I think I understand where Morrissey is coming from. It is possible to want to be with someone, yet never feel the need to have sex with them. When Morrissey says, "There will be no secrets of flesh or fantasy; he is me and I am he" (Autobiography, page 277, Penguin Editon), what he means is the two share such a bond that they can tell one another anything - without judgement. They both felt as if they had met their soul mate, and a soul mate doesn't have to be of the opposite sex, and one doesn't have to be homosexual to feel a deep love for soeone of the same sex. We live in a society where it is either this way or no way because there are set rules about life that we have to agree to, and if we venture into a dark zone, then we are labeled without an ounce of care or attempted understanding. I can completely identify with this passage from Autobiography:

"'Well,' said the woman in the British Airways lounge, 'You're either very close brothers or lovers.' "'Can't brothes be lovers?' I impudently reply - always ready with the pointlessly pert, whether sensible or not. 'Well,' She now talks very softly, 'I always envied that confidential friendship thing because...' and now her voice wobbles quietly, 'I just never had it in my life.'" (Autobiography, page 279, Penguin Edition)

I am not one of these female fans who think that Morrissey could never, ever be gay. I'm just saying that I do understand what he is implying. IF I had to label Morrissey, and I wish not to, but in this instance I feel that I must - because so many people view life through such a narrow scope - I would say he is bisexual - or has been experimental in life, thus his humasexual comment on TTY. I have said before and will say again, I don't think he his ashamed of the word homosexual. I do, however, feel that he is trying to live life free of tags and measure. In doing so, I think he tries to educate the ignorant. Sadly, society isn't ready to accept total freedom. So, we do as we do, and life goes on...down the same narrow road.
Re: Article: New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portugese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

It's not Portugese, it's PORTUGUESE.
/shrug maybe I'm one of the few who could give a shit about his personal opinions or his sexuality.
Re: New Portugese Interview

This topic has always interested me, but I don't think it's as complex as it sounds.
Moz lived through a difficult time to be openly gay. He clearly indicates an affinity with the Kenneth Williams / Charlie Hawtree / Wilfred Bramble closeted types who loved men but wrestled with the guilt of being a 'queer' or 'poofta'. That quiet denial but being camp and hinting all the time through ambiguous lyrics is his way of dealing with it. I wouldn't expect a man in his 50's who lived through times where men were jailed for loving and 'queer bashing' was rife to suddenly start wearing rainbow scarves and proclaiming their sexual identity from the rooftops.
Especially not when they have a secretive lifestyle, isolate themselves and have bouts of depression etc. His whole mindset appears to be: never own up to it as it will ruin the mystique, hence he will never 'own it'. This reluctance appears, imho, to be related to his socialisation, the views of the day, his love of earlier times (when it was even more difficult to be open) and how he created an image for himself.
I would totally expect him to back track, double speak and minimise the Jake issue. In fact, doing the aforementioned in an interview is almost progress! That, however has taken many, many years so I wouldn't hold on for the coming out party. ;)
Kind regards,

I think there is a lot of truth in that, particularly with Williams, who claimed celibacy to the grave while gallivanting off to Morocco amongst other places.

The difference is that Williams, Hawtrey and Brambell grew up in a time when they had little choice but to keep their sexuality secret. Morrissey does not. The argument that it is a private issue for him would be more compelling in he had not toyed with the subject in Autobiography.

He really should have taken a leaf out of the Queen's book on such things. Everyone can guess what she thinks about pretty much everything with some accuracy, but she never says a word.

This is a can of worms Morrissey chose to open, only a year later to try to put the lid back on. If he was really that shy he really should have kept his counsel to begin with.

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Because he's not gay, you idiots. There are homosexual people, heterosexual people and people who are neither homosexual nor heterosexual.

I find it strange how difficult it is for people to understand this: Morrissey is exactly what he says he is. 'Humasexual', meaning that he's attracted to fascinating individuals. Gender is not important. What we know about his love life proves that this is the case. He said it in the 80's, and he's saying it now, and I think it's pretty obvious. What's so difficult about this?

The made up word now has a made up definition.
Re: Article: New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portugese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

It's not Portugese, it's PORTUGUESE.

Did you know that Portuguese Water Dogs and Newfoundlands are the only two breeds that have webbed feet? They're like the ducks of the dog world.


To keep it on topic I had hummus for dinner last night and it reminded me of Morrissey's penis. I would've had it for dinner but it's in Portugal now and I am not. :cool:
Re: Article: New Morrissey interview at iOnline (Portugese, published Sep. 30, 2014)

Did you know that Portuguese Water Dogs and Newfoundlands are the only two breeds that have webbed feet? They're like the ducks of the dog world.


To keep it on topic I had hummus for dinner last night and it reminded me of Morrissey's penis. I would've had it for dinner but it's in Portugal now and I am not. :cool:

Golden retrievers have webbed paws, as they were bred to go in and retrieve ducks that fell in the water after being hunted.

Who says morrissey( or major-domo) would allow you to have him for dinner?
Re: New Portugese Interview

The fact he mentioned Jake in the first place shows Morrissey has no shame about it, he's proud. That "I became a we" line that mercilessly got hacked was tear-inducingly beautiful and romantic. Do you think for a second Jake didn't read a pre-print proof and think "Yeah, this is accurate." Of course he did. But his wife didn't. I'm going to take it a step further and say it's Jake's mother-in-law that's causing all the confusion, not his wife exactly. The mother-in-law nags the wife and the wife nags the husband then the husband nags Morrissey and he has to be the hero. My own mother is batshit insane half the time but if she says jump I say how high. Respect for elders. If anything we should all be praising Morrissey for his valor at his attempt to rectify this situation, not shaming him for being a gay coward, which he isn't.

Perhaps Morrissey & Jake are the Oprah & Gayle of the Indie world.
"I'm not a gay.
I'm something much bigger and better than
a gay."
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