Morrissey accosted in Rome - police officer demands "papers" - Sam Esty Rayner Photography / FB

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Last night at 7.45 on Via del Corso in Rome, the Police Officer pictured below terrorized Morrissey for 35 minutes demanding "papers". Morrissey had no papers.
The Officer then said "I know who you are." Morrissey replied: "I know the law, I know my rights, and you have no reason to stop me." The Officer shouted very loudly and a crowd of over 100 people gathered. The Officer held his gun throughout the confrontation. After 35 minutes, Morrissey walked away, and the Officer did not follow.
Morrissey says: "This was a deliberate act of terror by this Officer, who had no personal identification, but whose Polizia 113 motor-bike had the plate G2458. I had not broken the law or acted suspiciously. The officer unlocked his gun and held it as he screamed into my face. Some people came to my rescue. This happened outside the Nike store, and many people filmed the obviously insane officer. I believe he recognized me and wanted to frighten me. I did not back down even though I believed he was about to shoot me. I urge people to beware of this dangerously aggressive Officer. He might kill you."



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but, more importantly, what did Morrissey buy from the Nike store? AND where are the videos of this incident, please?
Why hasn't Lil' Sammy released the video? If he can stand there taking snapshots, surely he filmed it as well?
Why hasn't Lil' Sammy released the video? If he can stand there taking snapshots, surely he filmed it as well?

"many people filmed the obviously insane officer". Given Morrissey's relationship with truth, this probably means there is no video.
Well, I for one am upset that his Mr. Raffaele would harass and threaten my hero! :(
Morrissey's detailed description of what happened makes the account very credible and frightening. MOZ IS NOT TO BE MESSED WITH. Moz stood his ground just like when he refused to alight from the bus. RIGHT ON MOZ.
Recently, a lady (Dawn Standke) posted on NextDoor that she received a "threatening message," but she didn't say what the threat was or how it was threatening. So, I didn't believe a word she said. (A bunch of gullible housewives believed her, though, and told her how "sorry" they were.) However, when the person tells you exactly what was said and how he was threatened, you know it's a scary reality.


Sam Esty Rayner Photography:

The police officer who attacked Morrissey at 7.45 pm on July 4th in Rome, Italy, is named Barone Raffaele.

You are wise and I am aware of all that but the scary thing is that this happened in real life and my reaction was to joke about it not to lose it. I mean, do I have time to become a christian and wear a cross and only be good and nice to everyone?

I will burn like a motherfooker.


You must know the meaning of "a self-fulfilling prophecy".
Reckon he's a fancy dress party goer dressed as one of the Village People judging by the shit costume outfit/uniform.
I guess whilst our man is " walking in Rome " this dude just wanted to check out Steve's exploding kegs.

Steven and his exploding kegs :rofl: ( sounds a bit like a VIZ character )

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Don't forget the long fuse.
That does not look like an Italian cop, certainly not an angry one, he'd have smashed the camera!
where is his motorbike helmet and his hair is to nice looking to have worn one?
If he has a gun, where is his body vest?
Looks more like a traffic warden to me.... something fishy about this.
Certainly he does look as a police officer. His shirt does have a "Polizia label", and Italian police officers do carry guns, but not armoured body vests (that's for sissies). But this is not an angry police officer at all. And he is not alone there is a 2nd police offcier in the background.
Another fact is that in continental Europe police officers have the power to stop car drivers and motorbike drivers and asked them for documents. Both car/motorbikes registration and insurance documents and personal documents as ID card and driving licenses. And it is compulsory to carry them with you when driving.

Morrissey is just another stupid tourist who thinks he does not need to know the law or even obey it.
You are wise and I am aware of all that but the scary thing is that this happened in real life and my reaction was to joke about it not to lose it. I mean, do I have time to become a christian and wear a cross and only be good and nice to everyone?

As long as there is life, there is hope :thumb:
Is this part two of Morrissey getting his balls fondled by law enforcement? Part 1 was at LAX of course.

Have a feeling it may be number 86 in his series of dubious excuses for shitting on his latest record label.
As long as there is life, there is hope :thumb:
I suppose so!

Thing is life has always proved me wrong about everything. As soon as I was dead certain about something things just had to happen that proved to me I was wrong all along. It just so happens that I recently cursed the very idea of there being a god and a devil.

Next a dinosaur will appear outside my house and devour me when I step outside.


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